An apparatus provides optimal on-off contrast ratio in a liquid crystal display panel. The apparatus includes a capacitive temperature sensing device for sensing the temperature of liquid crystal display pixels and having an output voltage according to an applied input voltage and a sensed temperature; a monitoring device including differentiator and sample and hold circuit for obtaining a peak voltage corresponding to a maximum change of the voltage output from the temperature sensing device; and a device for measuring a difference between the peak voltage with a predetermined reference voltage and outputting a signal representing the difference. Heat is consequently applied to the liquid crystal display panel in accordance with a measured temperature difference. Advantageously, the capacitive temperature sensing device is formed as part of the liquid crystal display element.
We invent a self-compensated twist nematic (SCTN) mode for reflective light valves with high optical efficiency nearly 100% and it has a saturation voltage below about 3 V and a relatively large tolerance in cell-gap non-uniformity compared to other prior arts. The invented SCTN mode is especially suitable for reflective light valves driven by active matrices fabricated on Si-wafers.
A structural principle is described for control of the gap and the area around the periphery of a liquid crystal display by the formation of an insulating layer out of which, gap dimension maintaining posts and contaminant diffusion inhibiting segmented walls, remain after the display area is etched back out of the layer.
A two-electrode nematic liquid crystal display (LCD) device with inherent storage effect is described. The described storage effect LCD device, which can properly operate without refresh circuitry, can be of either the homogeneous or twisted nematic type. In accordance with the invention, the liquid crystal material-to-substrate anisotropic surface anchoring force is set sufficiently weak by surface treatment techniques, to prevent the restoration of the device to its quiescent state once the device has been driven temporarily to its active state by a temporary increase in an applied electric field.
Improved apparatus for photocontrolled ion-flow electron radiography utilizes a selectively movable bonded phosphor plaque to allow removal of corona discharge means, utilized to precharge the selenium mesh before X-ray exposure, while increasing the quantum efficiency of the photoconductor.
Apparatus for X-ray radiography includes a conductive cathode, receiving X-radiation differentially attenuated by passage through an object to be studied, and a conductive anode spaced from the cathode and bearing a sheet of insulative material upon which a charge image of the object is to be formed; and a structured photocathode extending from the cathode towards the anode. The photocathode, formed of cesium iodide and the like, is of relative great thickness and surface area to have large X-ray quantum absorption and photoelectron emission, whereby a lower exposure dosage of X-radiation is required for a radiographic exposure. A plurality of different photocathode structures are disclosed.
A method and apparatus for photocontrolled ion-flow electron radiography utilizes a selectably movable phosphor plaque for controlling the selective discharge of a precharged photoconductive layer responsive to differential x-ray absorption in an object to be analyzed, to generate a charge image differentially controlling the deposition of ions upon a film for xerographic recording.
An electrostatic X-ray image recording device having a pair of spaced electrodes with a gas-filled gap therebetween, and including discrimination means, having a conductive mesh supporting a photocathodic material, positioned in the gas-filled gap between a first electrode having a layer of ultraviolet-emitting fluorescent material and a second electrode having a plastic sheet adjacent thereto for receiving photoelectrons emitted by the photocathodic material and accelerated to the second electrode by an applied field. The photoconductor-mesh element discriminates against fast electrons, produced by direct impingement of X-rays upon the photocathode to substantially reduce secondary electron production and amplification, thereby increasing both the signal-to-noise and contrast ratios. The electrostatic image formed on the plastic sheet is developed by zerographic techniques after exposure.
A fabricating method of a liquid crystal display panel provides a first substrate and a second substrate in a chamber. Liquid crystal with a predetermined weight is dropped on the first substrate at a predetermined temperature higher than room temperature. The first substrate and the second substrate are assembled at the predetermined temperature to seal the liquid crystal with the predetermined weight within a liquid crystal cavity formed between the first substrate and the second substrate.
A display device detects a touched position by making use of an inducing element and a counter electrode. The voltage produced by the counter electrode is able to affect a conductivity of the channel of the inducing element corresponding to the touched position. The inducing element and a readout circuit are disposed on a substrate of the display device. The counter electrode and a shielding element are both corresponded to the inducing element. The channel of the inducing element corresponding to the touched position changes the conductivity due to the voltage produced by the corresponding counter electrode, and an inducing signal is then generated. The inducing signal is furnished to the readout circuit for signal processing, and a readout signal is generated for analyzing the touched position.