Evaluation of complex mass spectrometry data from biological samples





    发明人: Tobias Boskamp

    摘要: The disclosure relates to a method which is suitable for the quality control and signal correction of mass spectrometry data of biological tissue samples and is based on the analysis of the chemical background signal observed in a spectrum. It exploits the fact that the chemical background signal contains components from a plurality of polymer molecules, whose chemical structure has strong regularities. These regularities mean that the observed masses are subject to certain statistical distributions, which are each characteristic of the class of molecule. By analyzing these statistical properties, it is possible to detect and correct any mass shifts which may be present.

    Microbial test standard for use in infrared spectrometry





    摘要: The invention relates to a microbial test standard for use in infrared spectrometry which has at least two resealable vessels which are liquid-tight when closed, each of which contains a predefined amount of dried biomass of a microorganism. The microorganisms in the different vessels differ in at least one characteristic, which is selected in particular from the group comprising species, subspecies, strain, serovar, pathovar, toxivar and variety, and the difference manifests itself in a predefined intermicrobial spectral distance. The disclosure furthermore comprises a method of using the microbial test standard.

    Microbe identification by mass spectrometry and infrared spectrometry





    发明人: Markus Kostrzewa

    IPC分类号: C12Q1/04 C12Q1/10 G01N33/68

    摘要: The invention relates to a method for identifying unknown microbes in a sample, wherein a mass spectrometric determination down to the taxonomic level of the genus or species is supplemented by a detailed determination of a lower taxonomic level or variety by means of infrared spectrometry, using restricted reference libraries of infrared spectra. These libraries can be genus-specific, containing only infrared spectra of microbes of one genus, or species-specific, containing only infrared spectra of microbes of one species. In so doing, a robust mass spectrometric identification of the species of unknown microbes is advantageously supplemented with a detailed analysis of the subspecies and varieties by means of infrared spectrometry, primarily in order to identify medically important varieties such as pathovars like EHEC and EPEC, and antibiotic-resistant microbes like MRSA.






    IPC分类号: H01J49/16 H01J49/40 H01J49/04

    摘要: The invention relates to the operation of an energy-focusing and solid-angle-focusing reflector for time-of-flight mass spectrometers with pulsed ion acceleration into a flight tube, e.g. from an ion source with ionization by matrix-assisted laser desorption (MALDI). The objective of the invention is to generate high mass resolution in wide mass ranges up to high masses above eight kilodaltons by varying at least one operating voltage on one of the diaphragms of the reflector which can be varied according to a suitable time function during the spectrum acquisition. It may also be advantageous to adapt the operation of the accelerating voltages in the starting region of the ions accordingly. These measures make it possible to achieve a mass resolution much higher than R=100,000 in a wide mass range extending up to and above eight kilodaltons.

    Mass spectrometric determination of microbial resistances





    IPC分类号: C12Q1/04

    摘要: The invention relates to a mass spectrometric method for determining microbial resistances to antibiotics. The invention provides specific methods comprising cultivation in synthetic media, in which several amino acids, preferably only a single amino acid, are isotopically labeled by incorporating 13C, 15N, 18O or 34S. If several amino acids are isotopically labeled, they are labeled in such a way that they are each heavier than the corresponding unlabeled amino acids by the same integer mass difference Δm. This ensures that the mass shifts of the peaks always amount to an integer multiple of the mass difference Δm. The total mass difference can be kept relatively small by selecting suitable amino acids. A mass shift of the protein peaks in media with antibiotics indicates that the microbes are resistant. A second embodiment first produces isotopically labeled microbes, which are then tested for their resistance by cultivating them in normal media.






    IPC分类号: H01J49/02 H01J49/00 H01J49/40

    摘要: The disclosure relates to a method of operating a secondary-electron multiplier in the ion detector of a mass spectrometer so as to prolong the service life, wherein the secondary-electron multiplier is supplied with an operating voltage in such a way that an amplification of less than 106 secondary electrons per impinging ion results, while the output current of the secondary-electron multiplier is amplified using an electronic preamplifier mounted close to the secondary-electron multiplier with such a low noise level that the current pulses of individual ions impinging on the ion detector are detected above the noise at the input of a digitizing unit. Further disclosed are the use of the methods for imaging mass spectrometric analysis of a thin tissue section or mass spectrometric high-throughput analysis/massive-parallel analysis, and a time-of-flight mass spectrometer whose control unit is programmed to execute such methods.

    Method for computer-assisted analysis of one or more tissue sections of the human or animal body





    摘要: A method for computer-assisted analysis of one or more tissue sections of the human or animal body for preparing a digital stain test is provided. During the digital stain test, tissue zones in a tested tissue section with a predetermined clinical picture are detected. Spatially resolved hyperspectral data, particularly mass spectrometry data, is processed for a plurality of measurement positions. Multiple base spectra are determined from the hyperspectral data by obtaining base vectors. The base spectra are correlated with the hyperspectral data such that a plurality of correlation values for the base spectra is obtained for each measurement position. Subsequently, a regression model is calculated using a regression method, the regression model describing a mask of the one or more tissue sections, in which mask diseased tissue zones are marked based on the calculated correlation values. The regression model and the base spectra can then be used to conduct the digital stain test.