973,396. Froth flotation apparatus; agitating apparatus; aerating liquids. BOLIDENS GRUVAKTIEBOLAG. July 5, 1963 [Aug. 3, 1962], No. 26768/63. Headings B1C and B2H. A froth flotation chamber has an impeller with blades 23 on a base plate 22, the gap between the ends of the blades 23 and a surrounding array of baffle plates 11 being fed with a curtain of air bubbles from an air supply ring 24. The supply ring comprises three sections supplied from a main 29 by feeders 27 and is preferably of rubber with a bonded soft iron stiffener. The rubber is slitted or slotted underneath, the slitted version allowing the ring to seal itself against backpressure. The ring may carry discharge nozzles. Coarse and fine fractions of pulp are admitted through ports 3 and 4 and leave through ports 6 and 7 to a chamber with an outlet weir 9, 10. Froth is paddled into a launder 16 by rotating blades 15.
699,045. Froth-flotation apparatus; impellers. BOLIDENS GRUVAKTIEBOLAG. Aug. 2, 1951 [Aug. 2, 1950], No. 18337/51. Classes 82(ii) and 86 A mixing impeller for a froth flotation machine comprises a disc 3, to the upper side of which radial blades s 4 are secured, and a guide baffle device surrounding t h e blades, there being a peripheral recess 5 in the disc between each blade which is deepest adjacent the blade trailing edge. Each baffle 9 of the baffle device is at a small angle "a" to the radius of the impeller. Smaller radial blades 10 are fitted beneath the disc 3.