Cold fusion concrete





    摘要: A cold fusion concrete formulation including a mixture of water, silicon based mineral aggregates acting as a filler material; sodium or potassium metasilicate/pentahydrate acting as an activator; waste from steel production including Granulated Ground Blast Slag acting as a cementitious ingredient; high calcium or low calcium waste from coal combustion (fly ash or bottom ash) acting as a cementitious ingredient; sodium tetraborate, sodium citrate dihydrate, citric acid, or boric acid acting as set-time retarders; strengthening agents including calcium, potassium, magnesium, sodium, or aluminium hydroxides; attapulgite, kaolin, red, or other fine grained, high alumino silicate containing clay, for increasing the silicon and alumino-silicate concentration and associated strength; a protein or synthetic protein material to form a weak covalent bond with the hydroxides and silicates, for the purpose of maintaining a consistent volume during the curing process; and a pollinated fern oil to reduce water content of the mixture and decrease viscosity.