Method for processing telephone signals supplied by an analog telephone terminal and data supplied by a data terminal
    Method for processing telephone signals supplied by an analog telephone terminal and data supplied by a data terminal 失效





    CPC classification number: H04B3/18 H04M11/062

    Abstract: A method of handling telephone signals supplied by an analog telephone set and data supplied by a data terminal in a subscriber line circuit of a digital telephone switching system used at least in subregions for data transmission includes directly connecting a telephone set and a data terminal with a modem to the digital telephone switching system through a common analog subscriber line, at least one of subjecting data supplied by the data terminal to a sampling operation at a sampling rate above a sampling rate required for telephone information during analog/digital conversion and coding sampling values representing data supplied by the data terminal according to a linear characteristic during analog/digital conversion, and feeding data originating from and handled by the data terminal directly to a data transmission network. A subscriber line circuit for handling telephone signals supplied by an analog telephone set and data supplied by a data terminal is also provided.

    Abstract translation: 一种处理由模拟电话机提供的电话信号的方法和数据终端在数字电话交换系统的用户线路电路中提供的数据的方法,至少在子数据区中用于数据传输,包括直接连接电话机和数据终端 通过公共模拟用户线对数字电话交换系统进行调制解调,将数据终端提供的数据以模拟/数字转换和编码采样值之前的电话信息所需采样率的采样速率进行采样操作中的至少一个 表示在模拟/数字转换期间根据线性特性由数据终端提供的数据,以及将由数据终端发起和处理的数据直接馈送到数据传输网络。 还提供了一种用于处理由模拟电话机提供的电话信号和由数据终端提供的数据的用户线电路。

    Protective circuit for the overvoltage protection of a subscriber line
interconnect circuit
    Protective circuit for the overvoltage protection of a subscriber line interconnect circuit 失效





    CPC classification number: H04M3/18

    Abstract: The invention describes a protective circuit for the protection of the electronic interconnect circuit (SLIC) and the electronic switches for test access, by means of a threshold setting element which is provided for each conductor (a,b) of a core pair for the shunting of overvoltages to ground, as well as a current path of higher breakover voltage for each conductor of the core pair, which permits checking the subscriber line circuit for line interruption during a malfunction of the threshold setting element.

    Abstract translation: 本发明描述了一种用于保护电子互连电路(SLIC)和用于测试接入的电子开关的保护电路,借助于阈值设置元件,该阈值设置元件被提供给用于分流的芯对的每个导体(a,b) 过电压到地,以及对于芯对的每个导体的较高的突破电压的电流路径,这允许在阈值设置元件的故障期间检查用户线电路的线路中断。

    Protective circuit for the overvoltage protection of a subscriber line
interconnect circuit
    Protective circuit for the overvoltage protection of a subscriber line interconnect circuit 失效





    CPC classification number: H04M3/18

    Abstract: A protective circuit for the electronic interface circuit (SLIC) as well as the electronic switches for test access is described, in which a first threshold setting element for each conductor of the core pair is connected between the line side and a test access and/or isolation switch and the test access switch for the related first conductor of the core pair, for conducting overvoltages to ground, as well as a second threshold setting element bridging access switch which is connected to ground via a third threshold setting element.

    Abstract translation: 描述了用于电子接口电路(SLIC)的保护电路以及用于测试接入的电子开关,其中用于芯线对的每个导体的第一阈值设置元件连接在线路侧和测试接入和/或 隔离开关和用于芯线对的相关第一导体的测试访问开关,用于对地进行过电压,以及通过第三阈值设置元件连接到地的桥接接入开关的第二阈值设置元件。

    Line terminator unit for a subscriber line
    Line terminator unit for a subscriber line 有权





    Abstract: The invention relates to a line terminating device for a subscriber line which transmits and receives broadband signals via a single subscriber line, a broadband signal being composed of a broadband or narrowband audio-frequency data signal and a broadband higher-frequency data signal and the frequency bands of the voice signal and of the data signal essentially not overlapping. The line terminating device according to the invention has a digital frequency separating filter in the digital section of the line terminating device, which is arranged in the digital section of the line terminating device so that the audio-frequency voice signal is separated from the higher-frequency data signal. In particular, the line terminating device is suitable for separating an ISDN or POTS voice signal from an ADSL data signal.

    Abstract translation: 本发明涉及一种用户线的线路终端设备,用于通过单个用户线路发送和接收宽带信号,宽带信号由宽带或窄带音频数据信号和宽带高频数据信号组成,频率 语音信号和数据信号的频带基本上不重叠。 根据本发明的线路终端设备在线路终端设备的数字部分中具有数字频率分离滤波器,其布置在线路终端设备的数字部分中,使得音频语音信号与较高分辨率的分离滤波器分离, 频率数据信号。 特别地,线路终端设备适合于将ISDN或POTS语音信号与ADSL数据信号分离。

    Method for the operation of an interface circuit between a central
portion and local portions of a subscriber termination module of a
digital time multiplex telecommunications network
    Method for the operation of an interface circuit between a central portion and local portions of a subscriber termination module of a digital time multiplex telecommunications network 失效





    CPC classification number: H04Q11/04

    Abstract: In a subscriber termination module for coupling a plurality of subscriber termination lines of a digital time multiplex telecommunications network, lines coupling a central portion and local portions individually allocated to at least one subscriber termination line are selectably utilized for the transmission of status setting information to the local portions for setting different operating conditions and for serial transmission, that is, successive transmission of information to be supplied to the individual local portions as well as for simultaneous information transmission from the local portions to the central portion, that is, parallel information transmission.

    Abstract translation: 在用于耦合数字时间多路复用电信网络的多个用户终端线路的用户终端模块中,耦合中心部分和单独分配给至少一个用户终端线路的本地部分的线路可选地用于将状态设置信息传输到 用于设置不同操作条件和串行传输的本地部分,即,将要提供给各个本地部分的信息的连续传输以及从本地部分到中心部分的信息传输,即并行信息传输。

    Method for checking transmission properties of a subscriber line circuit
    Method for checking transmission properties of a subscriber line circuit 失效





    CPC classification number: H04B3/46 H04M3/303 H04M3/005

    Abstract: Given the prerequisite of a division of a subscriber line circuit into a high-voltage portion and a signal processor that defines the transmission-oriented properties, voltages arising at significant locations of the receiving branch and of the transmitting branch of the signal processor as a result of supplied and reflected sine signals are taken via a digital interface and specific transmission properties such as reflection attenuation and hybrid transfer attenuation are calculated therefrom on the basis of a correlation.

    Abstract translation: 鉴于将用户线路电路划分为高压部分和定义面向传输特性的信号处理器的先决条件,因此在接收分支和信号处理器的发射分支的重要位置处产生的电压作为结果 通过数字接口进行提供和反射的正弦信号,并且基于相关性来计算诸如反射衰减和混合传输衰减的特定传输特性。

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