This invention relates to a new and distinct mint plant of Mentha arvensis ‘Saksham’, developed through tissue culture, possessing the following combination of characters namely producing higher amount of menthol with high essential oil yield as well as herbage yield; possessing better growth and vegetative growth with high regenerability; has distinct molecular profile by random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD); retains the characteristics of tolerance to leaf spot, rust and powdery mildew as in the parent variety ‘Himalaya’; has light greenish leaves, pinkish white flowers like the parent plant ‘Himalaya’, this new plant is able to produce higher herbage, oil and menthol yield per unit area as compared to other existing improved varieties.
The invention provides a rapid in vitro method for selection of menthol rich mint genotypes from a large population of independent clones, said method comprising the steps of (i) raising a heterogeneous population of Mentha arvensis clones in vitro or by vegetative methods, (ii) transferring the plantlets/shoots to a basal medium, containing cytotoxic compounds in an amount sufficient to cause toxic effect in more than 95% of the clones, (iii) selecting surviving clones, their hardening in the glasshouse, transfer to field, reconfirmation of menthol tolerance through repeated in vitro assays, and (iv) multiplying selected clones and confirming genetic uniformity through RAPD analysis.
An in vitro screening method for identifying insect tolerant genotypes or clones is described. The method comprises growing plantlets in an in vitro system, screening the plantlets for molecular variation of somaclones using RAPD analysis in vitro, selecting the somaclones having molecular variation, exposing the somaclones to insect larvae or nymphs and identifying the surviving somaclones.
The present invention was related to the development of a novel, distinct high yielding plant with rapid regeneration ability obtained through screening of the somaclones in a methodical way for fast regeneration in the tissue culture stage itself which was achieved by inventing the plant ‘Kushal’. The plant yield higher herbage with corresponding high essential oil when evaluated with available superior varieties of mint in late planting condition during April when the fields are vacated after the harvest of Rabi crop like wheat, chickpea, coriander etc. Further the suckers required for commercial vegetative planting can be produced even in low land condition as the plant is reasonably tolerant to water logging compared to the best check ‘Kosi’.
The present invention relates to the development of a novel multiutility vigorously growing robust mint plant ‘Ganga’ of Mentha spicata L. var. viridis producing essential oil exhibiting anti-insect and anti-microbial activities and useful for agrochemical and pharmaceutical purposes.
The present invention relates to a novel, insect tolerant, high yielding essential oil and menthol yielding mint plant named ‘Sambhav’, which is a cultivar of Mentha arvensis L.. The mint plant of the present invention has been developed as a result of planned experiments which devised a procedure for early selection of somaclonal variants at the in vitro stage of the variety of Mentha arvensis.
The present invention is related to a method of producing organogenetic tissues from a plant of the genus Mentha, said method comprising the steps of culturing an explant from a plant of genus Mentha on an initiation medium in the presence of 400 to 600 lux light at a temperature of 23-27° C., with 16 hours of photoperiod, to obtain calli, transferring the calli to a basal medium comprising minerals and vitamins to ensure development of shoots, and culturing the shoots in a medium substantially free of growth hormones and containing menthol in a concentration of about 80 &mgr;g ml−1 to ensure root formation.
A formulation useful in the treatment of drug resistant bacterial infections comprising an effective amount of thymol obtained from the plant Trachyspermum ammi, mint oil containing an appropriate amount of monoterpenes obtained from a hybrid of Mentha spicata and Mentha arvensis, and conventional additives. A method for producing the formulation by mixing the above ingredients and a method for the treatment of drug resistance in a patient by administration of a therapeutically effective amount of the formulation.
The present invention relates to the development of a novel multiutility vigorously growing robust mint plant ‘Ganga’ of Mentha spicata L. var. viridis producing essential oil exhibiting anti-insect and anti-microbial activities and useful for agrochemical and pharmaceutical purposes.
A formulation useful in the treatment of drug resistant bacterial infections comprising an effective amount of thymol obtained from the plant Trachyspermum ammi, mint oil containing an appropriate amount of monoterpenes obtained from a hybrid of Mentha spicata and Mentha arvensis, and conventional additives. A method for producing the formulation by mixing the above ingredients and a method for the treatment of drug resistance in a patient by administration of a therapeutically effective amount of the formulation.