A novel steam reformer unit design, a novel hydrogen PSA unit design, a novel hydrogen/nitrogen enrichment unit design, and novel processing scheme application are presented.
A novel steam reformer unit design, a novel hydrogen PSA unit design, a novel hydrogen/nitrogen enrichment unit design, and novel processing scheme application are presented.
An energy efficient process for the direct reduction of iron ore is disclosed. The process utilizes a combination of primary steam methane reforming and secondary (autothermal) reforming, along with the use of oxygen for soot generation to achieve a greater than 11 percent reduction in the energy requirement to produce sponge iron from iron ore.
A method for generating CO using an off-gas as a source is provided. This method includes providing an off-gas feed stream, wherein said off-gas feed stream comprises CO2 and H2. This method also includes introducing said off-gas feed stream into a reactor, thereby producing an intermediate gas stream comprising CO and H2O. And this method includes separating said intermediate gas stream in a first separation device, thereby producing a product gas stream comprising CO.
A process for the production of cellulose based biofuels is provided. This process includes pyrolysing a cellulose-containing feedstock to form a slurry of bioliquids and char; hydrocracking the slurry to produce a hydrocarbon gas stream, a hydrocarbon liquid stream, an impurities stream, and a residue stream; distilling the liquid hydrocarbon stream to produce at least a naphtha stream, and a diesel stream; and gasifying the residue stream to produce at least a hydrogen and a carbon monoxide stream.
A novel steam reformer unit design, a novel hydrogen PSA unit design, a novel hydrogen/nitrogen enrichment unit design, and novel processing scheme application are presented. The result of these innovations results in re-allocating most of the total hydrogen plant CO2 emissions load to high pressure syngas stream exiting the water gas shift reactor while minimizing the CO2 emissions load from the reformer furnace flue gas. As compared to the conventional 60/40 split of total CO2 emissions in syngas/flue gas streams for steam reformer based conventional hydrogen plant designs, the present invention results in 85/15 or better CO2 split. This will permit about 85% or better of the total CO2 emissions load to be captured from the syngas stream, using the conventional, well proven and cost effective amine scrubbing technology. Such 85% or better CO2 capture is much greater than the 55% to 60% maximum possible using conventional steam reformer based hydrogen plant technology. As CO2 recovery from high pressure syngas stream is much easier and cost effective as compared to that from low pressure reformer furnace flue gases, a major cost benefit for equivalent CO2 recovery results with the present invention.