A method of switching a power supply of at least one voltage domain of a semiconductor circuit uses at least one microswitch, which is designed in standard cell design, to switch the power supply, so that the standard cell design method can be automated. Multiple microswitches can be disposed, evenly distributed, over those areas of the semiconductor circuit in which there is a voltage domain of which the power supply is to be switched. The microswitches of a voltage domain are defined by being switched by the same control signal. A semiconductor circuit to switch the power supply of the voltage domain includes microswitches, which can be constructed as transistors.
The invention relates to a method for detecting progressive, chronic dementia diseases or a predisposition to such diseases or method for the prognosis of such diseases. For this purpose, the concentration of particular peptides in body fluids or other samples from the patient is measured in a method which can be carried out in a laboratory. The invention further relates to peptides which have been found for determining the presence and/or the grade of the progressive, chronic dementia disease. The invention additionally relates to detection reagents such as antibodies and nucleic acids and the like for detecting said peptides or the corresponding nucleic acids. The invention further relates to pharmaceutical products which comprise the peptides according to the present invention, antibodies directed to said peptides, nucleic acids corresponding to said peptides, peptide antagonists, or peptide agonists for the therapy, diagnosis, prognosis or prophylaxis of neurological diseases, in particular of Alzheimer's disease. The invention further relates to methods for stratifying patients or participants in clinical studies.