A variable capacity rotary screw compressor has a pair of helical rotors mounted within a housing for compressing fluid and an axially movable slide valve in the housing to control the capacity of the compressor. Control means are provided for moving the slide valve to regulate or adjust compressor capacity and comprise an hydraulic actuator including a movable piston connected to the slide valve and a pair of solenoid valves for controlling hydraulic fluid flow between a pump and the actuator to effect piston and slide valve movement. The control means also comprises a bridge balancing relay which receives input control signals from either an automatic control unit or a manually operable control unit and compares the control signals with feedback signals indicative of valve spool position and provides output signals for operating the solenoid valves accordingly. The automatic control unit provides a control signal indicative, for example, of a system condition to operate the compressor at a capacity necessary to maintain the system condition constant. The manual control unit provides a control signal to move the slide valve to a desired fixed position and to maintain the slide valve in that position. The feedback signal is indicative of slide valve position and is compared in the bridge balancing relay with the control signal from either the automatic or manual control units, whichever is operating, to effect proper positioning of the slide valve.
A two-stage refrigeration system including a condensor, a receiver, an evaporator, a low-stage dry-wall compressor and a high-stage dry-wall compressor, the low-stage compressor including an oil-draining assembly for automatically draining oil from the suction chamber to the crankcase chamber, and a pressure-equalizing connection between the suction chamber and the crankcase chamber, the high-stage compressor having an oildraining assembly for automatically draining oil from the highstage suction chamber to the high-stage crankcase chamber, and a pressure connection between the high-stage crankcase chamber and the low-stage crankcase chamber; and a pressure-responsive regulating valve interposed in the connection between the highstage crankcase chamber and the low-stage crankcase chamber, the pressure-responsive valve being connected to respond to the highstage suction chamber pressure to maintain a predetermined pressure differential of one pound per square inch between the high-stage suction chamber and the high-stage crankcase chamber.
A mounting for a pressure indicating gauge in which gas pressure pulsations from a source of gas pressure are absorbed by a helical tubular spring conveying the pressurized gas serially to a chamber at one side of a diffusion plate through which the gases are delivered to break up into separate pressure waves. The gases enter a cavity at the opposite side of the diffusion plate and pass to the gauge which mechanically moves an indicator which is further dampened to avoid residual pressure pulsations. The mounting serves also to absorb vibrations which cause erratic oscillation of the gauge indicating pointer and also serves to isolate the gauge from shocks. The mounting further includes a soft, rubber-like sleeve which engages the outer surfaces of the tubular spring to dampen its vertical movement and prevent swaying of the gauge relative to the structure on which it is mounted. The gauge mounting further includes a ballast member to lower the center of gravity of the suspended mass and may employ an auxiliary spring to support heavier gauges.
A variable capacity multiple inlet rotary screw compressor having a pair of helical rotors mounted within a housing for compressing fluid drawn from a low pressure suction fluid chamber and a high pressure suction fluid chamber and discharging to a discharge chamber. A slide valve is provided in the housing to control the capacity of the compressor by changing the point of low pressure suction fluid cut off to the rotors. The point of high pressure suction fluid admission being changed in synchronism with the movement of the slide valve to connect the working chambers of the rotors to the high pressure fluid suction fluid chamber simultaneously with or just after low pressure suction fluid cut off.
A refrigeration system including a positive displacement rotary screw compressor, a condenser, an evaporator, an oil cooler and an oil separator including a sump connected in the compressor discharge line. A pump for circulating oil from the sump through the oil cooler to the compressor and a liquid refrigerant bypass circuit including a pump for supplying liquid refrigerant under pressure in heat exchange relation with the lubricating oil in the oil cooler. The refrigerant discharged from the oil cooler is directed through a desuperheating coil in the oil separator.