Transitioning between video priority and graphics priority





    发明人: Robin Atkins

    摘要: A processor receives input video data of a video dynamic range and input dynamic metadata. It also receives: input graphics data of a graphics dynamic range and input static metadata, display identification data from a target display over a video interface, and a blending priority map characterizing a per-pixel priority of output pixels in an image generated by blending the input video data and the input graphics data. A video mapping function and a graphics mapping function which map data from the input video and graphics dynamic ranges to the target dynamic range are generated based on the dynamic and static metadata. Then, the input and graphics data are blended based on the blending priority map and a per-pixel decision to map pixels to the target dynamic range using either the video mapping function or the graphics mapping function.

    Systems and methods for controlling dual modulation displays





    摘要: In one embodiment, a dual modulator display systems and methods for rendering target image data upon the dual modulator display system are disclosed where the display system receives target image data, possible HDR image data and first calculates display control signals and then calculates backlight control signals from the display control signals. This order of calculating display signals and then backlight control signals later as a function of the display systems may tend to reduce clipping artifacts. In other embodiments, it is possible to split the input target HDR image data into a base layer and a detail layer, wherein the base layer is the low spatial resolution image data that may be utilized as for backlight illumination data. The detail layer is higher spatial resolution image data that may be utilized for display control data.

    Tone curve mapping for high dynamic range images





    IPC分类号: G06T5/00

    摘要: Methods for mapping an image from a first dynamic range to a second dynamic range are presented. The mapping is based on a function that includes two spline polynomials determined using three anchor points and three slopes. The first anchor N point is determined using the black point levels of the input and target output, the second anchor point is determined using the white point levels of the input and target output, and the third anchor point is determined using mid-tones information data for the input and target output. The mid-tones level of the target output is computed adaptively based on an ideal one-to-one mapping and by preserving input contrast in both the blacks and the highlights. An example tone-mapping transfer function based on third order (cubic) Hermite splines is presented.