Spectacles with combined sliding and pivoting rear vision elements
    Spectacles with combined sliding and pivoting rear vision elements 失效





    CPC classification number: G02C7/14

    Abstract: A fashionable pair of spectacles with combined sliding and pivoting elements for viewing objects behind a forward facing user. The spectacles have temples at opposite ends of the eyepiece with longitudinal apertures for receiving closely fitting shafts. A pair of slender round shafts engage the apertures and have orthogonal forward end portions which project out of the apertures and receive reflective elements for viewing objects behind the user. In the first aspect of the invention, each reflective element is rotatably mounted to the orthogonal end of one shaft and is selectively adjustable by translating and rotating the shaft along and about the longitudinal axis of the corresponding temple aperture and by rotating the element about the axis of the orthogonal foward portion of the shaft. At the operative positions of the elements, the elements are in confronting relationship to the user and in front of the eyepiece and in the non-operative positions of the elements, the elements are in side facing relationship to the user and the eyepiece. In the second aspect of the invention each element is further adjustable by separating and rotatably attaching the forward end of the shaft to the other part of the shaft.

    Abstract translation: 一种时尚的眼镜,具有组合的滑动和枢转元件,用于观察面向前面的用户后面的物体。 眼镜具有目镜两端的镜腿,具有用于接收紧密配合的轴的纵向孔。 一对细长的圆形轴接合孔,并且具有从孔中伸出的正交的前端部分,并且接收用于观察使用者后面的物体的反射元件。 在本发明的第一方面中,每个反射元件可旋转地安装在一个轴的正交端上,并且可以通过沿着并围绕相应的镜腿孔的纵轴平移和旋转轴并且通过围绕轴线旋转元件来选择性地调节 的轴的正交部分。 在元件的操作位置处,元件与用户面对面并且在目镜前方以及元件的非操作位置处,元件与使用者和目镜呈侧向关系。 在本发明的第二方面中,通过将轴的前端分离并可旋转地附接到轴的另一部分,每个元件进一步可调节。

    Spectacles with single pivot folded rear vision elements
    Spectacles with single pivot folded rear vision elements 失效





    CPC classification number: G02C7/14

    Abstract: A fashionable pair of spectacles with single pivot folded rear vision elements for viewing objects behind a forward facing user. The spectacles are comprised of a binocular eyepiece of the kind having a conventional frame without side shields, a pair of spaced apart slender temples mounted to opposite ends of the eyepiece for rotation about a first pair of vertical axes and a pair of spaced apart folded elements mounted to the eyepiece for rotation about a second pair of vertical axes which are positioned inside of the first pair of axes. Each rear vision element has a reflective portion and a mounting portion at a fixed angular relationship to the reflective portion. The elements are independently selectively adjustable about the second set of axes to operative positions for viewing objects behind the wearer whereat the reflective portions are forward of the eyepiece in plain view without restriction to the side vision of the user and to non-operative stored positions whereat the reflective portions are in side facing relationship to the user. When the elements are at their non-operative stored positions the appearance of the spectacles is conventional and the folded elements are not readily discernible as separate elements of the spectacles.

    Abstract translation: 一种时尚的眼镜,具有单个枢轴折叠的后视元件,用于观看面向前面的使用者后面的物品。 眼镜由具有不具有侧面屏蔽的常规框架的双目目镜组成,一对间隔开的细长的镜腿安装在目镜的相对两端,用于围绕第一对垂直轴线旋转并且一对间隔开的折叠元件 安装到目镜上以围绕位于第一对轴线内侧的第二对垂直轴旋转。 每个后视元件具有反射部分和与反射部分成固定角度关系的安装部分。 这些元件可以围绕第二组轴独立地选择性地调节到用于观察佩戴者后面的物体的操作位置,其中反射部分在平面图中在目镜的前方,而不受用户的侧视和非操作性存储位置的限制 反射部分与用户面对面。 当元件处于其非操作存储位置时,眼镜的外观是常规的,并且折叠的元件不容易被识别为眼镜的单独元件。

    Eye wash station
    Eye wash station 失效





    CPC classification number: A61H35/02

    Abstract: An eye wash station for administering an eye wash fluid to an eye which has been exposed to a noxious gas, or solid or liquid which can irritate or injure said eye. In a first aspect of the invention, a flexible bag, filled with an eye wash fluid is suspended from a hook or a stand. The flexible bag is operatively connected with a flexible tube to an applicator which is fed by gravity from the bag. The applicator includes a retractor for opening and holding open the eyelids of the eye which is being treated and a valve for controlling the amount of eye wash fluid which is applied to the eye. In second and third aspects of the invention, the applicator is connected with a pressurized water supply. One benefit if the invention is that it is disposable. Another benefit of the first and second aspects is that they are portable.

    Abstract translation: 一种眼睛清洗站,用于向已经暴露于有毒气体的眼睛,或可能刺激或损伤所述眼睛的固体或液体的眼睛施用洗眼液。 在本发明的第一方面中,填充有洗眼液的柔性袋从挂钩或支架悬挂。 柔性袋与柔性管可操作地连接到通过重力从袋进料的施用器。 施放器包括用于打开和保持打开眼睛被处理的眼皮的牵开器和用于控制施加到眼睛上的洗眼液的量的阀。 在本发明的第二和第三方面中,施加器与加压水源连接。 如果发明是一次性的,则有一个好处。 第一和第二方面的另一个好处是它们是便携式的。

    Ocular inspection and eye mist apparatus and method
    Ocular inspection and eye mist apparatus and method 失效





    Abstract: An ocular inspection and treatment apparatus includes an adjustable outer housing including a peripheral edge for contacting the bony orbit surrounding the eye and an inner housing including a peripheral edge, the inner housing being concentrically disposed within the outer housing, for contacting and retracting the eyelids to expose the eye for inspection and treatment. One end of the inner housing is adapted to receive a dispenser for administering a metered spray of medicine or a lavage to the eye as it is held open by the ocular treatment apparatus. A method of using the ocular apparatus for inspecting the eye or administering the medicine or lavage to the eye include adjusting the inner and outer housings, positioning the apparatus on the eye to have the inner housing contact the eyelids peri-ocularly to retract the eyelids and to have the outer housing contact the bony orbit peri-orbitally.

    Abstract translation: 眼睛检查和治疗装置包括可调外壳,其包括用于接触围绕眼睛的骨轨道的外围边缘和包括周边边缘的内壳体,所述内壳体同心地设置在外壳体内,用于使眼睑接触和收回 暴露眼睛进行检查和治疗。 内壳体的一端适于接收用于在被眼部治疗设备保持打开时向眼睛施用计量喷药或灌洗液的分配器。 使用眼睛装置来检查眼睛或向眼睛施用药物或灌洗的方法包括调整内壳体和外壳体,将装置定位在眼睛上以使内壳体眼睛周围接触眼睑以缩回眼睑, 使外壳与轨道上的骨轨道接触。

    Method for applying health and beauty products to difficult and hard to reach body areas
    Method for applying health and beauty products to difficult and hard to reach body areas 失效





    Abstract: A method for applying health or beauty products to selected difficult and hard to reach portions of a person's body. The method is suitable for general use but provides on major benefits to physically disadvantaged persons, such as elderly, arthritic, amputee, paralytic and bedridden persons who are unable to care for their hygienic, health and grooming needs. The method is suitable for use in residences, hospitals, nursing homes, at the beach and while traveling. A suitable apparatus for use with the method is generally comprised of a replaceable aerosol cartridge, a slender elongated tubular member having an inlet portion operatively connected to the cartridge, and an applicator attached to an outlet portion of the tubular member. The applicator can be rotatable about three mutually perpendicular axes for applying health and beauty products to difficult to reach body areas. The elongated tube may be extensible to provide further utility.

    Abstract translation: 将健康或美容产品应用于选定的难以达到身体部位的方法。 该方法适用于一般用途,但对身体不利者如老年人,关节炎,截肢者,麻痹者和卧床不起者无法照顾其卫生,健康和护理需求的主要益处。 该方法适用于住宅,医院,养老院,海滩和旅行中。 用于该方法的合适装置通常包括可更换的气溶胶盒,细长的细长管状构件,其具有可操作地连接到盒的入口部分和附接到管状构件的出口部分的施用器。 施放器可绕三个相互垂直的轴线旋转,用于将健康和美容产品应用于难以到达的身体区域。 细长管可以是可扩展的以提供进一步的效用。

    Fishing line exchanger, structure and method
    Fishing line exchanger, structure and method 失效





    Inventor: Joseph J. Berke

    Abstract: A tool and a method for the rapid and easy exchange of fishing line of a fishing reel includes a spool having two flanges. A first flange of the spool is preferably detachable for easy and efficient removal of used or damaged line from the spool. The tool further includes the ability to be used with a manual means for turning the spool. The manual version can be operated using brace and bit. In the preferred embodiment a motor is provided for driving the reel for rapid uptake and storage of a fishing line, the driving means preferably includes pair of spaced apart openings located on one of the flanges of the spool and the openings are preferably aligned to receive first and second handle portions of a handle of the fishing reel. A storage rack holds several exchangeable spools for different varieties (i.e., weight, color or length) of usable fishing lines. A method of using the exchanger and the storage rack is also described in detail.

    Abstract translation: 用于快速和容易地更换钓鱼卷轴钓线的工具和方法包括具有两个凸缘的卷轴。 线轴的第一凸缘优选是可拆卸的,用于容易且有效地从线轴中除去使用或损坏的线。 该工具还包括与用于转动阀芯的手动装置一起使用的能力。 手动版可以使用大括号和位操作。 在优选实施例中,提供电动机用于驱动卷轴以快速吸收和存储钓鱼线,驱动装置优选地包括位于卷轴的一个凸缘上的一对间隔开的开口,并且开口优选地对准以接收第一 和钓鱼卷轴的把手的第二把手部分。 存储架可容纳用于可用钓线的不同品种(即重量,颜色或长度)的多个可更换线轴。 还详细描述了使用交换器和存储架的方法。

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