Method for multicasting a message on a computer network
    Method for multicasting a message on a computer network 有权





    IPC分类号: G06F15/173

    CPC分类号: G06F9/542 H04L12/18 H04L69/40

    摘要: A method for multicasting a message in a computer network is described, in which at least some nodes of a multicast group transmit fault recovery information to other nodes of the group in addition to, or as part of, the message itself. The fault recovery information allows nodes to determine what dissemination responsibility should be assigned to successor nodes in the event that one or more nodes of the multicast group fail.

    摘要翻译: 描述了在计算机网络中组播消息的方法,其中组播组的至少一些节点除了消息本身之外或作为消息本身的一部分,还将故障恢复信息发送到该组的其他节点。 故障恢复信息允许节点确定在多播组的一个或多个节点出现故障的情况下,哪些传播责任应分配给后继节点。

    Method for providing guaranteed distributed failure notification
    Method for providing guaranteed distributed failure notification 有权





    IPC分类号: H04J1/16

    摘要: A guaranteed distributed failure notification method is described, wherein a failure notification (FN) facility allows applications using the facility to create FN groups to which the application associates an application state. The application registers failure handlers with the FN facility on nodes in the FN group; each failure handler is associated with a specific FN group. When, on a given node, the FN facility learns of a failure in the FN group, the facility executes the associated failure handler on that node. System failures detected by the application are signaled to other FN group members using the facility. The facility detects system failures that occur in an overlay network on which the facility is implemented, and signals a failure notification to the other FN group members.

    摘要翻译: 描述了有保证的分布式故障通知方法,其中故障通知(FN)设施允许使用该设施的应用创建应用程序将应用程序状态与应用程序状态相关联的FN组。 应用程序在FN组中的节点上注册FN设备的故障处理程序; 每个故障处理程序与特定的FN组相关联。 当FN给定节点在FN组中发现故障时,设备将在该节点上执行关联的故障处理程序。 使用该设施向应用程序检测到的系统故障发信号通知其他FN组成员。 该设施检测在实施设施的覆盖网络中发生的系统故障,并向其他FN组成员发出故障通知。

    Managing use of software components





    IPC分类号: G06Q30/06

    摘要: Techniques are described for facilitating use of software components by software applications in a configurable manner. In some situations, the software components are fee-based components that are made available by providers of the components for use by others in exchange for fees defined by the components providers, and in at least some situations, the software components may have various associated restrictions or other non-price conditions related to their use. The described techniques facilitate use of such software components by software applications in a configured manner. Furthermore, in at least some situation, the execution of such software applications is managed by an application deployment system that controls and tracks the execution of the software application on one or more computing nodes, including to manage the execution of any software components that are part of the software application.

    Virtual resource cost tracking with dedicated implementation resources





    摘要: Virtual resources may be provisioned in a manner that is aware of, and respects, underlying implementation resource boundaries. A customer of the virtual resource provider may specify that particular virtual resources are to be implemented with implementation resources that are dedicated to the customer. Dedicating an implementation resource to a particular customer of a virtual resource provider may establish one or more information barriers between the particular customer and other customers of the virtual resource provider. Implementation resources may require transition procedures, including custom transition procedures, to enter and exit dedicated implementation resource pools. Costs corresponding to active and inactive implementation resources in a dedicated pools associated with a particular customer may be accounted for, and presented to, the customer in a variety of ways including explicit, adjusted per customer and adjusted per type of virtual resource and/or implementation resource.

    Reputation-based mediation of virtual control planes
    Reputation-based mediation of virtual control planes 有权





    IPC分类号: G06F9/46 G06F15/173

    摘要: Control planes of virtual resource providers may be customized in a secure, stable and efficient manner with virtual control planes. Control planes may be modularized. Control plane modules may be supplied with data from standardized sensors, and required to generate standardized resource configuration requests responsive to solicitations with specified response latencies. Custom control plane modules may be selected to replace or complement default control plane modules. Financial and computational costs associated with control plane modules may be tracked. Competing resource configurations may be mediated by a control plane supervisor. Such mediation may be based on control plane module reputation scores. Reputation scores may be based on customer feedback ratings and/or measured performance with respect to module goals. Mediated configuration parameter values may be based on a combination of competing configuration parameter values weighted according to reputation. Contribution of individual modules to goal achievement may be tracked and rewarded accordingly.

    摘要翻译: 可以使用虚拟控制平面以安全,稳定和有效的方式定制虚拟资源提供商的控制平面。 控制平面可以模块化。 控制平面模块可以从标准化传感器提供数据,并且需要响应于具有指定响应延迟的请求来生成标准化的资源配置请求。 可以选择自定义控制平面模块来替换或补充默认控制平面模块。 可跟踪与控制平面模块相关的财务和计算成本。 竞争资源配置可能由控制平面主管介导。 这种调解可以基于控制平面模块的信誉评分。 信誉分数可以基于客户反馈评级和/或与模块目标相关的测量性能。 介入的配置参数值可以基于根据声誉加权的竞争配置参数值的组合。 个别模块对目标实现的贡献可以相应地跟踪和奖励。

    Deploying updates to an application during periods of off-peak demand
    Deploying updates to an application during periods of off-peak demand 有权





    IPC分类号: G06F9/44

    摘要: Update preferences might be utilized to specify that an update to an application should not be applied until the demand for the application falls below a certain threshold. Demand for the application is monitored. The update to the application is applied when the actual demand for the application falls below the specified threshold. The threshold might be set such that updates are deployed during the off-peak periods of demand encountered during a regular demand cycle, such as a diurnal, monthly, or yearly cycle.

    摘要翻译: 可以使用更新偏好来指定在应用程序的需求下降到特定阈值之前不应用应用程序的更新。 对应用程序的需求进行监控。 当应用程序的实际需求低于指定阈值时,应用对应用程序的更新。 可以设置阈值,使得在正常需求周期(例如昼夜,每月或每年周期)遇到的需求的非高峰期期间部署更新。