This invention relates to a vertically aligned mesoporous silicate film with site-selective metal deposition from a single polymeric precursor and to diverse catalytic applications thereof. There is an innovative approach of a single precursor to manufacture a vertically aligned mesoporous silicate thin film having high thermal and chemical resistance on a large-area silicon wafer (2 cm×3 cm). A precisely designed organic-inorganic block copolymer (BCP) polyethyleneoxide-ss-polyvinylcyclicsilazane (PEO-ss-PVCSZ) with a disulfide bridge that is chemically cleavable is newly synthesized as the single precursor for an oriented silicate nanoporous film, and using such a precursor, solvent annealing, self-assembling, block cleaving treatment, and then hydrolysis conversion of a polymer into a siliceous phase at room temperature are carried out, thus directly forming a mesostructure on the substrate.