Metal-insulator-metal planar electron emitters (PEES) have potential for use in advanced lithography for future generations of semiconductor devices. The PEE has, however, a limited lifetime, which restricts its commercial applicability. It is believed that the limited lifetime of the PEE is limited by in-diffusion of metal ions from the anode. The in-diffusion may be countered in a number of different ways. One way is to cool the PEE to temperatures below room temperature. This lowers the metal ion mobility, and so the metal ions are less likely to diffuse into the insulator layer. Another way is to occasionally reverse the electrical potential across the PEE from the polarity used to generate the electron beam. This counteracts the electrical driving force that drives the positively charged metal ions from the PEE anode to the PEE cathode.
A planar electron emitter, based on the existence of quasi-ballistic transport of electrons is disclosed. In its preferred embodiment the planar electron emitter structure consists of a body of finite gap pure semiconductor or insulator, the said body of macroscopic thickness (˜1 mm) being terminated by two parallel surfaces and of a set of two electrodes deposited/grown on the said two free surfaces such that when a low external electrical field (˜100 V/cm) is applied to this structure, consisting of two electrodes and the said semiconductor or insulating body sandwiched between them, a large fraction of electrons injected into the said semiconductor or insulator body from the negatively charged electrode (cathode) is quasi-ballistic in nature, that is this fraction of injected electrons is accelerated within the said semiconductor or insulator body without suffering any appreciable inelastic energy losses, thereby achieving sufficient energy and appropriate momentum at the positively charged electrode (anode) to be able to traverse through the said anode and to escape from the said structure into empty space (vacuum), said semiconductor or insulator body comprises a material or material system having a predetermined crystal orientation.
The present invention relates to a method for determining characteristic electrical properties of semi-conducting materials wherein the time/frequency dependent electrical impedance or admittance of the material is measured. The invention also relates to an apparatus for carrying out the method. A number of bulb and surface parameters characterize the electrical properties of a given piece of material. These parameters include the dielectric constant .epsilon. of the material, the difference .DELTA..mu..sub.ch in the chemical potential of the bulk of a material and the chemical potential of its surface and/or metal electrode--material surface interface, the density of the majority and minority electrical mobile charge carriers N and N.sub.min, respectively, in the bulk of the material, the electrical mobility .mu. of the majority electrical mobile charges in the bulk of the material and the electrical mobility .mu..sub.min of minority mobile charge carriers, the surface and bulk emission and capture rates E.R. and C.R., respectively, for mobile positive and negative charge carriers characterizing the effect of surface and bulk localized states within the band gap, when they are present, on the electrical transport.