Surface plasmon generation on a metal or semiconductor layer at an outer surface of an optical waveguide, using light reflected or scattered from inside the optical waveguide. One aspect provides a main optical waveguide (11) (e.g. optical fibre) having a second optical waveguide (18) adhered thereto, the second optical waveguide including an optically transparent material (610) separating two surface plasmon supporting layers (600, 620). Another aspect provides a surface plasmon supporting layer of material(s) adhered to the main optical waveguide, the layer having photo-induced regions of material compaction. The regions of compaction may cause un-inscribed refractive index modulations in the main optical waveguide. The surface plasmons are coupled to the guided mode(s) in the main optical waveguide. Surface plasmon resonance depends on sample material in contact with an outermost surface plasmon supporting layer. Properties of the sample material can thus be detected in output guided mode(s) because of the coupling with the generated surface plasmons.
The generation of surface plasmons on a metal layer arranged upon an outer surface of an optical waveguide, using light reflected from inside the optical waveguide. The reflected light may be a reflected part of guided light travelling along the optical waveguide and may be a back-reflected (e.g. obliquely back-reflected) part of the guided light. The reflected part of guided light may form a radiative optical mode(s) which is used to excite surface plasmons and which is also coupled to the remaining guided mode(s) of the light from which it derives. This coupling of the radiation mode(s) and the guided mode(s) enables changes in the radiation mode(s) to cause consequential changes in the guided mode(s) of light. Such changes in the radiation mode(s) may occur due to the coupling of the reflected mode(s) to the surface plasmons they excite at the metal layer.
Surface profiling apparatus (10) according to one embodiment comprises three long period gratings (LPGs) (12, 14, 16) fabricated in progressive three layered (PTL) fibre (18) and embedded within a deformable carrier member (40) comprising a skeleton (42) provided between two sheets of flexible rubber skin (44, 46). The LPGs (12, 14, 16) are illuminated by three wavelength modulated, narrow bandwidth optical signals, each having a different wavelength and modulation frequency. A photodetector (26) connected to three lock-in amplifiers (28, 30, 32) measures the amplitudes of the first and second harmonic frequency components of the photodetector output signal corresponding to each LPG (12, 14, 16). Similar surface profiling apparatus (10) forms the basis for respiratory function monitoring apparatus (100) in which five LPGs are provided within each of four PTL fibres (104, 106, 108, 110) and embedded in four carrier members (40a–d) attached to a garment (114) to be worn by a subject.