VEX - Virtual Extension Framework
    VEX - Virtual Extension Framework 有权
    VEX - 虚拟扩展框架





    CPC分类号: G06F9/4411 G06F9/4401

    摘要: Extensions to operating systems or software applications can be hosted in virtual environments to fault isolate the extension. A generic proxy extension invoked by a host process can coordinate the invocation of an appropriate extension in a virtual process that can provide the same support APIs as the host process. Furthermore, a user mode context can be provided to the extension in the virtual process through memory copying or page table modifications. In addition, the virtual process, especially a virtual operating system process running on a virtual machine, can be efficiently started by cloning a coherent state. A coherent state can be created when a virtual machine starts up, or when the computing device starts up and the appropriate parameters are observed and saved. Alternatively, the operating system can create a coherent state by believing there is an additional CPU during the boot process.

    摘要翻译: 操作系统或软件应用程序的扩展可以托管在虚拟环境中,以隔离扩展。 由主机进程调用的通用代理扩展可以协调在虚拟进程中调用适当的扩展,该虚拟进程可以提供与主机进程相同的支持API。 此外,可以通过存储器复制或页表修改在虚拟过程中向用户模式上下文提供。 此外,可以通过克隆一致的状态来有效地启动虚拟进程,特别是在虚拟机上运行的虚拟操作系统进程。 当虚拟机启动时,或者计算设备启动并且观察并保存适当的参数时,可以创建一致的状态。 或者,操作系统可以通过相信在引导过程中有额外的CPU来创建一致的状态。

    VEX-virtual extension framework
    VEX-virtual extension framework 有权





    CPC分类号: G06F9/4411 G06F9/4401

    摘要: Extensions to operating systems or software applications can be hosted in virtual environments to fault isolate the extension. The virtual environment in which extensions designed to control hardware devices can safely execute can be efficiently created during an initial startup sequence of a host environment by indicating to the host environment that a second processing unit is present in the computing system allowing the host environment to create a coherent state. A virtual process, especially a virtual operating system process running on a virtual machine, can be efficiently started by the created coherent state. A coherent state can be created when an operating system starts up and the appropriate parameters are observed and saved. Alternatively, an operating system of the host environment can create the coherent state by receiving indication of the second processing unit during the boot process.

    摘要翻译: 操作系统或软件应用程序的扩展可以托管在虚拟环境中,以隔离扩展。 通过向主机环境指示在计算系统中存在允许主机环境创建的第二处理单元,可以在主机环境的初始启动顺序期间有效地创建用于控制硬件设备的扩展的安全执行的虚拟环境 一个连贯的状态。 可以通过创建的相干状态有效地启动虚拟进程,特别是在虚拟机上运行的虚拟操作系统进程。 当操作系统启动并且观察并保存适当的参数时,可以创建相干状态。 或者,主机环境的操作系统可以通过在引导过程期间接收第二处理单元的指示来创建相干状态。

    VEX—virtual extension framework
    VEX—virtual extension framework 有权





    IPC分类号: G06F3/00

    CPC分类号: G06F9/4411 G06F9/4401

    摘要: Extensions to operating systems or software applications can be hosted in virtual environments to fault isolate the extension. A generic proxy extension invoked by a host process can coordinate the invocation of an appropriate extension in a virtual process that can provide the same support APIs as the host process. Furthermore, a user mode context can be provided to the extension in the virtual process through memory copying or page table modifications. In addition, the virtual process, especially a virtual operating system process running on a virtual machine, can be efficiently started by cloning a coherent state. A coherent state can be created when a virtual machine starts up, or when the computing device starts up and the appropriate parameters are observed and saved. Alternatively, the operating system can create a coherent state by believing there is an additional CPU during the boot process.

    摘要翻译: 操作系统或软件应用程序的扩展可以托管在虚拟环境中,以隔离扩展。 由主机进程调用的通用代理扩展可以协调在虚拟进程中调用适当的扩展,该虚拟进程可以提供与主机进程相同的支持API。 此外,可以通过存储器复制或页表修改在虚拟过程中向用户模式上下文提供。 此外,可以通过克隆一致的状态来有效地启动虚拟进程,特别是在虚拟机上运行的虚拟操作系统进程。 当虚拟机启动时,或者计算设备启动并且观察并保存适当的参数时,可以创建一致的状态。 或者,操作系统可以通过相信在引导过程中有额外的CPU来创建一致的状态。

    System and methods for an overlay disk and cache using portable flash memory
    System and methods for an overlay disk and cache using portable flash memory 有权





    IPC分类号: G06F12/08

    摘要: A lifting and shaping system for a bra is disclosed. The system uses lift platforms shaped to fit into the cups of the bra and formed from thin material such as plastic. The lift platforms are attached to the bra toward the center of the bra. Connectors having one end attached to the lift platform and the other end attached to a slide on the shoulder strap adjust the lift of the lift platform when the slide is moved. Flexible shaping members distribute the lift of the lift platforms and maintain the natural shape of the breasts as they are lifted. Smoothing shields ease the movement of the lift platforms and connectors within the cloth confines of the breast cups. The flexible shaping members may also perform some of the functions of a smoothing shield.

    摘要翻译: 提供了用于读取和写入可以被实现为本地操作系统的磁盘设备或作为虚拟机的虚拟磁盘设备的扇区的系统。 例如,用户的计算环境以磁盘映像的形式存储在网络中,其可以是虚拟磁盘映像。 虚拟磁盘通过主机驻留的虚拟机监视器(如MICROSOFT VIRTUAL PC R)在主机上实现。便携式存储设备(如闪存设备,缓冲区虚拟磁盘写入和高速缓存读取)大大降低了与远程磁盘访问相关的性能下降。 缓存是移动的,以便它可以与用户一起旅行。 闪存设备会记住常用的虚拟磁盘内容指纹,以便当涉及到无处不在的静态内容时,可以使用主机的本地磁盘来满足许多常见的磁盘读取。 标准的,经常使用的软件映像可能预先分发到主机。 Flash磁盘内容会流回联网的父磁盘映像,以提供自动备份功能,增加了确保闪存驱动器不会溢出的优势。

    System and methods for an overlay disk and cache using portable flash memory
    System and methods for an overlay disk and cache using portable flash memory 有权





    IPC分类号: G06F12/08 G06F13/20

    摘要: A system is provided for reading and writing sectors which may be realized as either a disk device to the local operating system, or as a virtual disk device to a virtual machine. A user's computing environment is stored in the network in the form of a disk image, which may be a virtual disk image, for example. The virtual disk is realized on host computers through host-resident virtual machine monitors such as MICROSOFT VIRTUAL PC®. Portable memory devices, such as flash devices, buffer virtual disk writes and cache reads, greatly reducing the performance degradation associated with remote disk access. The cache is mobile so that it can be travel with the user. The flash device remembers commonly used virtual disk content fingerprints so that the host machine's local disk can be used to satisfy many common disk reads when ubiquitous static content is involved. Standard, frequently used software images might be distributed in advance to host machines. Flash disk contents are trickled back into the networked parent disk image in order to provide an automatic backup facility, adding the benefit of ensuring that the flash drive doesn't overflow.

    摘要翻译: 提供了用于读取和写入可以被实现为本地操作系统的磁盘设备或作为虚拟机的虚拟磁盘设备的扇区的系统。 例如,用户的计算环境以磁盘映像的形式存储在网络中,其可以是虚拟磁盘映像。 虚拟磁盘通过主机驻留的虚拟机监视器(如MICROSOFT VIRTUAL PC(R))在主机上实现。 便携式存储设备,如闪存设备,缓冲区虚拟磁盘写入和高速缓存读取,大大降低了与远程磁盘访问相关的性能下降。 缓存是移动的,以便它可以与用户一起旅行。 闪存设备会记住常用的虚拟磁盘内容指纹,以便当涉及到无处不在的静态内容时,可以使用主机的本地磁盘来满足许多常见的磁盘读取。 标准的,经常使用的软件映像可能预先分发到主机。 Flash磁盘内容会流回联网的父磁盘映像,以提供自动备份功能,增加了确保闪存驱动器不会溢出的优势。

    System and methods for an overlay disk and cache using portable flash memory
    System and methods for an overlay disk and cache using portable flash memory 有权





    IPC分类号: G06F12/14 G06F12/16 H04L9/32

    摘要: A system is provided for reading and writing sectors which may be realized as either a disk device to the local operating system, or as a virtual disk device to a virtual machine. A user's computing environment is stored in the network in the form of a disk image, which may be a virtual disk image, for example. The virtual disk is realized on host computers through host-resident virtual machine monitors such as MICROSOFT VIRTUAL PC®. Portable memory devices, such as flash devices, buffer virtual disk writes and cache reads, greatly reducing the performance degradation associated with remote disk access. The cache is mobile so that it can be travel with the user. The flash device remembers commonly used virtual disk content fingerprints so that the host machine's local disk can be used to satisfy many common disk reads when ubiquitous static content is involved. Standard, frequently used software images might be distributed in advance to host machines. Flash disk contents are trickled back into the networked parent disk image in order to provide an automatic backup facility, adding the benefit of ensuring that the flash drive doesn't overflow.

    摘要翻译: 提供了用于读取和写入可以被实现为本地操作系统的磁盘设备或作为虚拟机的虚拟磁盘设备的扇区的系统。 例如,用户的计算环境以磁盘映像的形式存储在网络中,其可以是虚拟磁盘映像。 虚拟磁盘通过主机驻留的虚拟机监视器(如MICROSOFT VIRTUAL PC(R))在主机上实现。 便携式存储设备,如闪存设备,缓冲区虚拟磁盘写入和高速缓存读取,大大降低了与远程磁盘访问相关的性能下降。 缓存是移动的,以便它可以与用户一起旅行。 闪存设备会记住常用的虚拟磁盘内容指纹,以便当涉及到无处不在的静态内容时,可以使用主机的本地磁盘来满足许多常见的磁盘读取。 标准的,经常使用的软件映像可能预先分发到主机。 Flash磁盘内容会流回联网的父磁盘映像,以提供自动备份功能,增加了确保闪存驱动器不会溢出的优势。

    Access-control permissions with inter-process message-based communications
    Access-control permissions with inter-process message-based communications 有权





    IPC分类号: H04L29/00

    CPC分类号: G06F21/6281

    摘要: Described herein are one or more implementations that facilitate message-passing over a communication conduit between software processes in a computing environment. More particularly, the implementations described restrict access of one process to another via messages passed over a particular conduit connecting the processes and the access-control restrictions are defined by a contract associated with that particular conduit.

    摘要翻译: 这里描述了一种或多种实现,其便于在计算环境中的软件进程之间通过通信导线进行消息传递。 更具体地,所描述的实施方式通过在连接过程的特定管道上传递的消息来限制一个进程的访问,并且访问控制限制由与该特定管道相关联的合同定义。

    Access-Control Permissions with Inter-Process Message-Based Communications
    Access-Control Permissions with Inter-Process Message-Based Communications 有权





    IPC分类号: H04L9/32

    CPC分类号: G06F21/6281

    摘要: Described herein are one or more implementations that facilitate message-passing over a communication conduit between software processes in a computing environment. More particularly, the implementations described restrict access of one process to another via messages passed over a particular conduit connecting the processes and the access-control restrictions are defined by a contract associated with that particular conduit.

    摘要翻译: 这里描述了一种或多种实现,其便于在计算环境中的软件进程之间通过通信导线进行消息传递。 更具体地,所描述的实施方式通过在连接过程的特定管道上传递的消息来限制一个进程的访问,并且访问控制限制由与该特定管道相关联的合同定义。

    Secure web tunnel
    Secure web tunnel 失效





    IPC分类号: H04L29/06 G06F13/14

    摘要: In a computer implemented method, a client computer connected to a public network such as the Internet makes a request for an intranet resource to a tunnel of a firewall isolating the intranet from the Internet. The request is made in a public message. The tunnel sends a message to the client computer to redirect to a proxy server of the tunnel. The client computer send a token and the request for the resource the proxy server. If the token is valid, the request is forwarded to the intranet, otherwise, the user of the client computer must first be authenticated.

    摘要翻译: 在计算机实现的方法中,连接到公共网络(例如因特网)的客户端计算机向内部网络与因特网隔离的防火墙的隧道请求内部网资源。 请求是在公开消息中发出的。 隧道向客户端计算机发送消息以重定向到隧道的代理服务器。 客户端计算机向代理服务器发送令牌和资源请求。 如果令牌有效,请求将转发到内部网,否则客户端计算机的用户必须首先被认证。