Solar tracking and solar energy collection apparatus and method of using





    摘要: The invention is directed to a solar tracking apparatus containing a polar axis aligned shaft which rotates continuously or intermittently at a rate simulating the apparent approximate fifteen degree per hour movement of the sun across the sky. A Fresnel lens, photovoltaic panel, parabolic dish or other solar collection/concentration device is adjustably mounted to about twenty three degrees either side of perpendicular to the axis of the shaft and directly at the Sun, collecting, focusing or concentrating the solar radiation on a receiving device, which stores the solar energy in the form of heat, re-directs the light or converts the energy into electricity.

    Solar heating apparatus





    摘要: The solar heating apparatus includes driven and controllable reflectors for concentrating solar radiation on a solar tower or the like. Each of the reflectors provided in an array of reflectors is selectively driven to rotate about multiple axes of rotation. A plurality of groupings of optical reflectors, such as mirrors or the like, are mounted about a single, common longitudinally extending shaft, providing simultaneous rotation of the optical reflectors about a longitudinal axis. Through a two-axis bearing associated with each grouping of optical reflectors, the optical reflectors are also mounted on a laterally extending shaft associated with each individual reflector grouping. The laterally extending shafts are linked, each to the other, by a continuous belt or the like, providing selective simultaneous rotation of the optical reflectors about the lateral axis in addition to the simultaneous rotation about the longitudinal axis.