Two-dimensional position encoder






    摘要: A position encoder for monitoring relative movement between a first object and a second object includes a grating that is coupled to the first object, and an image sensor assembly that is coupled to the second object. The image sensor includes a first image sensor; a second image sensor that is spaced apart from the first image sensor; an optical element that includes a first optical surface and a second optical surface that is spaced apart from the first optical surface; and an illumination system. The illumination system directs an illumination beam at the optical element to create (i) a first reference beam that is reflected by the first optical surface and directed at the first image sensor, (ii) a second reference beam that is reflected by the second optical surface and directed at the second image sensor, and (iii) a transmitted beam that is transmitted through the optical element and is directed at and impinges on the grating to create a first measurement beam that is diffracted by the grating and directed at the first image sensor, and a second measurement beam that is diffracted by the grating and directed at the second image sensor.

    Optical rotary encoder





    发明人: Hsi-Fu Shih

    IPC分类号: G01D5/347 G01D5/38

    摘要: An optical rotary encoder includes a code disk, a laser source unit, a focusing unit and a photodetector array. The focusing unit converts the laser beam emitted by the laser source unit into incident laser beams that have a plurality of light points respectively on code tracks of the code disk, such that the code disk modulates the incident laser beams to form optical code signals. The photodetector array receives and converts the optical code signals into electric code signals.

    Detection device





    发明人: Masayuki Niiya

    摘要: In order to provide a small detection device capable of detecting an accurate absolute position with a single head, there is provided a detection device including a head including a light source and a detecting unit configured to receive multiplexed light (interference light) of diffracted light obtained by causing light from the light source to enter first two points residing on ax diffraction grating and being separated from each other by a known distance and diffracted light obtained by causing the light from the light source to enter second two points residing on the diffraction grating, being separated from each other by a known distance, and including at least one point being different from the first two points, wherein the diffraction grating includes a first region between the first two points separated from each other by the known distance and a second region between the second two points separated from each other by the known distance, the first and second regions having at least partially different grating interval lengths, and an absolute position on the diffraction grating is detected based on the multiplexed light (interference light) received by the detecting unit.






    发明人: Karsten SÄNDIG

    IPC分类号: G01S17/06 G01D5/245 G01D5/38

    摘要: An optical position-measurement device includes a reflection measuring standard and a scanning unit, which is movable in relation thereto in at least one measurement direction. The reflection measuring standard has an incremental measuring graduation and a reference marking in at least one reference position. In addition to scanning device(s) for the incremental signal generation, the scanning unit includes for the reference signal generation at least one light source, imaging optics, a diaphragm structure arranged in a diaphragm plane, and a plurality of detector elements. Via the imaging optics, imaging of the reference marking onto the diaphragm structure is implemented. The reference marking is provided on the reflection measuring standard and is integrated into the incremental measuring graduation. In addition, the imaging optics has a variable, object-side focal length along a transversal direction oriented perpendicular to the measurement direction.

    Measurement system and grating pattern array





    摘要: Embodiments of the present disclosure include measurement systems and grating pattern arrays. The measurement systems include multiple subsystems for creating diffraction patterns or magnified real images of grating regions on a substrate. The measurements systems are configured to reflect and transmit light, and the reflected and transmitted beams create diffraction patterns and enlarged images. The diffraction patterns and images provide information on grating pitch and angles of grating regions. Grating pattern arrays disposed on a substrate include main regions and reference regions. The reference regions are used to locate corresponding main regions. The measurement systems do not include a rotating stage, and thus precise control of rotation of a stage is not needed.

    Optical angle sensor





    发明人: Akihide Kimura

    摘要: The present invention provides an optical angle sensor capable of detecting a wide range of angles with high resolution, having no scale, and specifying a reference angle. The optical angle sensor includes a light source for irradiating light, a reflection means for rotating around a predetermined axis as a measurement axis and reflecting the light irradiated from the light source, a light receiving means for receiving the light irradiated from the light source, and a calculation means for calculating the light received by the light receiving means as a signal. The light receiving means receives the light irradiated from the light source through the reflection means. The calculation means includes a specifying means for specifying the reference angle based on the light received by the light receiving means, and an angle calculating unit for calculating an absolute angle based on the light received by the light receiving means and the reference angle specified by the specifying means.

    Optical encoder





    发明人: Akihide Kimura

    摘要: An optical encoder 10 comprising: a light source 11; a splitter 12 splits a light from the light source 11, a light receiving unit 16; a scale 13 is arranged on a light path and movable in a measurement direction, a grating being arranged on a main surface of the scale; and an offset diffraction grating 14 includes a plurality of diffraction gratings arranged in the optical path from the splitter 12 to the light receiving unit 16, the plurality of diffraction gratings diffracting the split lights with different phases, wherein, the plurality of diffraction gratings 13 in the offset diffraction grating 14 are arranged in one plane parallel to the main surface of the scale and are offset each other in an offset direction orthogonal to the measurement direction, the light receiving unit 16 includes a plurality of light-receiving elements 16-11 to 16-23 arranged in the offset direction.