La présente invention porte sur un procédé de purification de silicium par exposition de silicium liquide (3) à un plasma (20), dans lequel le silicium (3) s'écoule de manière continue dans un canal (4) de telle sorte que sa surface libre soit exposée au plasma (20). L'invention porte également sur un dispositif permettant de mettre en œuvre ledit procédé.
A method of manufacturing polycrystalline silicon for solar cell by means of combining silicon monoxide dismutation reaction, sour-dipping separation and vacuum smelting, comprising the following six steps of (1) using chemical purity industrial silicon and high-purity silica to produce silicon monoxide; (2) producing high-purity silicon by means of silicon monoxide dismutation; (3) removing the impurities of B and P in silicon by dipping into strong nitric acid; (4) smelting by vacuum electron beam furnace to further purify high-purity silicon, and then cut away the part of cast ingot rich in impurity; (5) smelting in plasma furnace by introduction of nitrogen gas or nitrogen gas combined with hydrogen gas to further remove remaining B, P and other impurities, and then oriented solidifying; (6)lathing the outer skin of cast ingot and the part rich in impurity thereon to finally obtain high-purity silicon used for solar cell with purity up to more than 6N.The method may abandon the technical solution of Siemens method, avoid environmental pollution and enhance the safety degree of production and as well be beneficial to put into practice broadly in our country.
A process for purifying low-purity metallurgical grade silicon, containing at least one contaminant and obtaining a higher-purity solid polycrystalline silicon is provided. The process includes containing a melt of low-purity metallurgical grade silicon in a mould having insulated bottom and side walls, and an open top; solidifying the melt by unidirectional solidification from the open top towards the bottom wall while electromagnetically stirring the melt; controlling a rate of the unidirectional solidification; stopping the unidirectional solidification when the melt has partially solidified to produce an ingot having an exterior shell including the higher-purity solid polycrystalline silicon and a center including an impurity-enriched liquid silicon; and creating an opening in the exterior shell of the ingot to outflow the impurity-enriched liquid silicon and leave the exterior shell which has the higher-purity solid polycrystalline silicon.
The invention relates to an equipment (10) for producing blocks of a semiconducting material, comprising at least one housing (12) containing a neutral gas atmosphere, said housing including a fusion system (27, 32, 40) adapted for melting the semiconducting material in a crucible (24); a purification system (50) for removing the impurity of the molten semiconducting material in the crucible; a thermal transfer system (32) for cooling the base of the crucible and a heating system (40) for heating the free surface (63) of the molten semi-conducting material purified in the crucible in order to enhance the solidification of the semiconducting material; and a displacement system (18) for displacing the crucible (24) containing the molten and purified semiconducting material up to a heating system and/or a system for displacing the heating system up to the crucible containing the molten and purified semiconducting material.
The invention relates to the manufacture of high purity silicon as a base material for the production of e.g. crystalline silicon solar cells. SiCU is converted to Si metal by contacting gaseous SiCU with liquid Zn, thereby obtaining a Si-bearing alloy and Zn-chloride, which is separated. The Si-bearing alloy is then purified at a temperature above the boiling point of Zn. This process does not require complicated technologies and preserves the high purity of the SiCU towards the end product, as the only reactant is Zn, which can be obtained in very high purity grades and continuously recycled.
L'invention concerne une installation (10) de fabrication de blocs d'un matériau semiconducteur, comprenant au moins une première enceinte (12, 14) contenant une atmosphère d'au moins un gaz neutre et comprenant un système de fusion (42) adapté à faire fondre le matériau semiconducteur, un système de purification (46) adapté à éliminer des impuretés du matériau semiconducteur fondu, et un système de déplacement (20) d'un creuset de cristallisation (32) contenant du matériau semiconducteur fondu et purifié; et au moins une seconde enceinte (14) reliée à la première enceinte par une ouverture, une porte mobile (18) étant adaptée à fermer hermétiquement ladite ouverture, le système de déplacement étant adapté à déplacer le creuset de cristallisation dans la seconde enceinte avant que le matériau semiconducteur fondu et purifié ne commence à se solidifier, la seconde enceinte contenant un système de refroidissement adapté à favoriser la solidification du matériau semiconducteur fondu et purifié.