Verfahren zur kontinuierlichen Herstellung von Rollwaffeln mit mürber Textur, das folgende Schritte umfasst: eine mürbbare Backmasse wird zur Bildung eines endlosen Gebäckbandes auf eine sich bewegende, beheizte Backfläche aufgetragen, das Gebäckband wird während der Bewegung im Wesentlichen trocken ausgebacken, anschließend wird das Gebäckband in heißem, plastischem Zustand zumindest teilweise von der Backfläche abgezogen und einer Rollvorrichtung zugeführt, wobei das Gebäckband in der Rollvorrichtung um einen Rolldorn gewickelt und zu einem endlosen Hohlrohr geformt wird und wobei das Gebäckband und/oder das Hohlrohr dabei, davor oder danach zur Mürbung mit einem Mürbungsmittel befüllt, bestrichen, beschichtet, besprüht und/oder in Kontakt gebracht wird.
The dough-based vase-shaped snack comprises a cone- or cylinder-shaped outer layer (11 ) made of dough having a closed lower portion (11a) and a rim upper portion (11b) around an open top, and a savoury or sweet filling (12) located within said outer layer (11 ) and having a top surface (12a) exposed at said open top of the outer layer (11 ). The filling (12) comprises a hollow core (12b) open at said top surface (12a) thereof, said hollow core (12b) being sufficiently wide to allow for the microwaves to propagate through it and provide for the irradiation with microwaves of the filling (12) from surfaces of the hollow core (12b).
A method for cooking a product in an electromagnetic oven. In one embodiment product is conveyed to a convection oven. The product is then cooked to a moisture content of between about 3% and about 20%. The product is then conveyed to an electromagnetic oven where the moisture content is reduced to below 2.5%. The combination of the convection oven and the electromagnetic oven reduces the moisture gradient within the product which results in decreased post packaging stress cracks.
The disclosure concerns a method for producing a ready-to-eat biscuit comprising at least 29 wt% wholegrain cereal flour, 5 wt% to 22 wt% fat, and at most 30 wt% sugar relative to the total weight of the biscuit, wherein the slowly-digestible-starch-over-total-available-starch ratio of the biscuit is at least 31 wt%, the method comprising: mixing a cereal flour comprising the wholegrain cereal flour with fat and sugar and at most 8 wt% added water relative to the total weight of the dough, to form a dough; moulding the dough into the shape of a biscuit; baking the biscuit; wherein the cereal flour comprises refined cereal flour in an amount of at least 14.5 wt% of the dough and wherein the refined cereal flour has a water absorption under 55 % as measured by Brabender® Farinograph® according to NF-ISO-5530-1 norm.
A method of processing an object is disclosed. The method comprises heating the object by applying radio frequency (RF) energy, monitoring a value related to a rate of absorption of RF energy by the object during the heating, and adjusting the RF energy in accordance with changes in a time derivative of the monitored value.
La présente invention concerne Procédé de fabrication d'un produit de boulangerie du type pain de mie ou analogue sans croûte, dans lequel on fait cuire une pâte préparée contenue dans au moins un moule (32), caractérisé en ce que la cuisson comprend au moins une étape de cuisson par chauffage par microondes. L'invention concerne également une installation pour la mise en œuvre du procédé.
Envase y método de obtención de un producto alimenticio instantáneo que, permite obtener los productos cocinados tras un tiempo de cocinado corto, el envase presenta como tapa el molde para cocinar el producto y fácil desmoldeo.
A convection oven having a vapor collection system; water injection system; easily accessible electrical components; and a variable-speed, reversible blower is disclosed. The vapor collection system collects vapor from the cooking chamber during a cooking event, condenses the vapor, and drains the condensed vapor. The water injection system injects water for impact against a blower wheel for dispersion into the air circulating through the cooking chamber. The electrical components are housed within a housing that in a closed position conceals the components and in a closed position exposes the components for easy access. The rotational speed and direction of the variable-speed, reversible blower is controlled during a cooking event according to predetermined speed curves which may include one or more reversal events to achieve more uniform cooking of food. A main controller is programmable via an operator input (e.g., liquid crystal display touch screen) to control operating parameters of the oven.
La presente invención hace referencia a un procedimiento de fabricación de un pan de molde cuya corteza posee propiedades prácticamente análogas a la miga en cuanto a color, grado de humedad y propiedades organolépticas, y la materia prima utilizada posee bajos niveles de azúcar y lactosuero, que comprende al menos un ciclo de cocción realizado en un horno de vapor a una temperatura comprendida entre 85°C y 155°C y utilizando vapor como única fuente de calor. Dicho ciclo de cocción tiene una duración comprendida entre 25 y 70 minutos. El proceso de cocción objeto de la presente invención puede también estar integrado por dos ciclos de cocción: el primero, a una temperatura comprendida entre 85°C y 110°C durante un tiempo comprendido entre 5 y 25 minutos y utilizando vapor como única fuente de calor, y el segundo, a una temperatura comprendida entre 95°C y 155°C durante un tiempo comprendido entre 10 a 40 minutos y utilizando vapor y aire como fuente de calor.