高記録密度及び低消費電力の不揮発性の情報記録再生装置を提供する。 本発明の情報記録再生装置は、異なる電気抵抗率の2以上の状態が記録される記録層と、記録層に電圧又は電流を与えて記録層の状態を変化させるときに陽極側となる記録層の一端に配置される導電性酸化物層とを備える。導電性酸化物層の電気抵抗率は、記録層の電気抵抗率の最小値よりも小さい。導電性酸化物層は、(i) ZnO、SnO 2 、CoO、TiO s (1≦s≦2)、In 2 O 3 、IrO 2 、RuO 2 のグループから選択される主成分としての第1材料と、(ii) Ga 2 O 3 、Al 2 O 3 、Nb 2 O 5 、SnO 2 、Ta 2 O 5 、Sb 2 O 3 、ZnO、TiO s (1≦s≦2)のグループから選択されるドーパントとしての第2材料との混合体から構成される。
Abstract translation:本发明提供一种能够实现高记录密度和低功耗的非易失性信息记录/再现装置。 信息记录/再现装置包括其上记录有两个或多个不同电阻状态的记录层和设置在记录层一端的导电氧化物层,当将电压或电流施加到记录层时, 改变记录层的状态,在阳极一侧。 导电氧化物层的电阻小于记录层的电阻的最小值。 导电氧化物层由(i)第一材料作为主要成分的混合物形成,所述第一材料选自ZnO,SnO 2,CoO,TiO(其中1 = s = 2),In 2 O 3,IrO 2和RuO 2, 和(ii)选自由Ga 2 O 3,Al 2 O 3,Nb 2 O 5,SnO 2,Ta 2 O 5,Sb 2 O 3,ZnO和TiO(其中1 = s = 2)组成的组中的掺杂剂的第二材料。
A system for storing information comprises a media including a ferroelectric layer, a tip arrangeable in electrically communicative proximity to the media, and circuitry to detect a polarization signal having a radio frequency. The polarization signal corresponds to changes in polarization of domains of the ferroelectric layer at a relative velocity of movement between the tip and the media, wherein a domain of polarization of the ferroelectric layer is information.
A memory device, including a plurality of nanoscale memory cells (1510, 1512) created by applying pressure to and removing pressure from one or more regions (1510, 1512) of a substance (1502) to change the electrical conductivity of those regions (1510, 1512). An electrically conductive read probe (1514) determines the conductivities of the regions and thereby the information stored in the cells. A write probe (1508) applies pressure to and removes pressure from selected cells to change the electrical conductivity of those cells and thereby store or erase information.
Un dispositif d'enregistrement de données (1) comporte des micro-pointes (3) et un support d'enregistrement (2). Le support d'enregistrement (2) comporte un substrat (4) sur lequel est disposée une couche résistive (5), de préférence en carbone, ladite couche résistive (5) étant recouverte par une couche active (6). La couche active (6) est capable de passer d'une première valeur de résistivité électrique à une seconde valeur de résistivité électrique sous l'action d'une tension appliquée entre les micro-pointes (3) et une contre-électrode. Le dispositif d'enregistrement de données (1) comporte également au moins un élément résistif (7) en carbone disposé entre la couche active (6) et les micro-pointes (3).
A membrane memory system comprises a substrate of a selected metal, anodized to provide a surface layer of a microporous ceramic matrix membrane having substantially regular vertical pores. The microporous ceramic matrix membrane may be separated from the metal substrate by a barrier layer at the bottom of each pore. Data is recorded on the membrane memory system by ablating the barrier layer at the bottom of selected pores so a pattern of ablated and nonablated pores denote positive and negative binary information bits. A method using a modified electron microscope having a rapid, precision swinging electron beam or a laser beam to insert information into or extract information from the membrane memory system is also disclosed.
The electrostatic data recording medium (110) of the invention comprises an electrode layer (113) and a charge-holding layer (111). The method of laminating the charge-holding layer (111) and the structure of the layer are improved. Further, the electrostatic data are converted into visible or positional data. Thereby, the medium has excellent characteristics of data holding, and the electrostatic data can be stored for a longer period of time. According to the electrostatic data recording method of the invention, the electrostatic data recording medium (110) is so disposed as to face a photosensitive member (1) having a photoconductive layer (9) on an electrode (7), image exposure is carried out while a voltage is applied across the electrodes (113) and (7), and electrostatic data corresponding to the image exposure are recorded in the electrostatic data recording medium (110). The electrostatic data recorded in the charge-holding layer (111) can be easily reproduced by reading the surface potentials, to amplify and output the signals, or by an electro-optical method, or by developing with toner. The electrostatic data recording medium (110) of the invention has storage capacity with a high data density of 8 x 10 bits/cm . The electrostatic data recording method which uses a photosensitive member makes it possible to accomplish two-dimensional data-recording, and to record analog, digital, picture, voice and (0, 1) data, and to realize the application electrostatic data recording cards, etc.
A record carrier (40) of a removable type has an information plane that is provided with a pattern of an electro-magnetic material constituting an array of bit locations (11). The presence or absence of said material at the information plane represents the value of a bit location. The device has an interface surface (32) for cooperating with the information plane. The interface surface is provided with an array of electro-magnetic sensor elements (54,56) that are sensitive to the presence of said electro-magnetic material within a near-field working distance. The record carrier and device system have alignment means (38,41) for positioning the bit locations near the sensor elements within the near-field working distance between a bit location and the corresponding sensor when the record carrier is mounted in the device.