Railcars are provided, the railcars comprising: a bed; and at least one frame containing at least one solar panel that is moveably attached to the bed such that, in an opened position, cargo can be loaded onto the bed, and such that, in a closed position, the at least one frame at least partially covers the cargo. In some of these railcars, a first frame of the at least one frame has a first top portion that is parallel to the bed and two first side portions that are on opposite long sides of the bed, that are parallel to each other, and that support the first top portion.
Das beschriebene System kann Sonnenenergie zur simultanen Gewinnung sowohl thermischer als auch elektrischer Energie auf wirtschaftliche Weise nutzen. Erfindungsgemäß wird dazu zum einen im Energiesammeigerät eine Kombination aufeinander abgestimmter Verbesserungen eingesetzt, um auf der Entwicklungslinie von Photovoltaisch-Thermischen Hybrid-Solarkollektoren ("PVT-Geräte") mit elastischer Wasserführung eine funktionsfähige, sicherheitstechnisch unbedenkliche, mit hohem Wirkungsgrad arbeitende und doch wirtschaftlich herstellbare Anordnung zu schaffen, die auch einen verbesserten Schutz gegen Korrosion und Bruch bietet. Das Sammelgerät ist mit einem nutzerspezifisch programmierbaren Mess- und Regelsystem ausgestattet und in ein geeignetes Gesamtsystem eingebunden, das durch hohe Kühlkapazität, Wasser als Medium und die Verwendung von zwei Speichern auf verschiedenen Temperaturniveaus charakterisiert ist.
Um eine zum Konzentrieren von einfallendem Licht (L), insbesondere des Lichts der Sonne, vorgesehene Vorrichtung, aufweisend mindestens einen, insbesondere im Querschnitt sphärischen und/oder insbesondere rinnen- oder wannenförmig ausgebildeten, Kalotten- oder Spiegelkörper (10), mittels dessen das einfallende Licht (L) auf mindestens ein photovoltaisches Absorbermittel (20), insbesondere auf mindestens eine Solarzellenanordnung, zum Beispiel auf mindestens eine Solarzellenplatte oder auf mindestens einen Solarzellenriegel, richtbar oder umlenkbar oder umleitbar ist, sowie ein entsprechendes Verfahren so weiterzubilden, dass Abschattungseffekte einen möglichst geringen oder gar keinen Einfluss auf die Größe des Anteils des einfallenden Lichts haben, der in elektrische Energie umgewandelt wird, wird vorgeschlagen, dass das Absorbermittel (20) asymmetrisch bezüglich des Kalotten- oder Spiegelkörpers (10), insbesondere bezüglich der Symmetrieachse des Kalotten- oder Spiegelkörpers (10), zum Beispiel bezüglich der Mittelachse des Kalotten- oder Spiegelkörpers (10), angeordnet ist, insbesondere dass das Absorbermittel (20) im dezentralen oder lateralen oder seitlichen Bereich des Kalotten- oder Spiegelkörpers (10) angeordnet ist.
A hybrid solar module for the simultaneous production of electric and thermic energy comprising a photovoltaic laminate (2) adhering to an extruded support profile (4), with which at least one conduit (7, 110) is associated for passage of a thermovector fluid for heat exchange with said photovoltaic laminate (2), characterised by comprising at the two ends of said extruded profile (4), two headpiece elements (8) acting in the sense of locking said photovoltaic laminate (2) to said extruded support profile (4) and of locking the combined said photovoltaic laminate (2) and said extruded support profile (4) to fixing profiles (10).
The invention relates to a thermoelectric element (1), comprising an electrically conductive substrate layer (3), an active element (2), an electrically conductive top layer (4), wherein the substrate layer (3) and the top layer (4) form the outgoing electrodes, wherein, in addition, the active element (2) has a p-n junction (7) from an n-type semiconductor (5) to a p-type semiconductor (6), and wherein the active element (2) is arranged between the substrate layer (3) and the top layer (4) and is electrically conductively connected thereto, and wherein the n-type semiconductor (5) is formed from the group of cyanoferrates. The invention also relates to an energy conversion element (22) comprising a photovoltaic element (18) and a thermoelectric element (1), wherein the photovoltaic element (18) has an entry side (19) for optical energy (20) and a base surface (21) opposite said entry side, wherein the thermoelectric element (1) is arranged with its substrate layer (3) in thermal contact on the base surface (21).
The present invention refers to the solar collector with photovoltaic batteries, which operates as a transducer of solar radiation energy into electric and thermal energy. The solar collector is enclosed in a housing, inside of which the photovoltaic module (1) is embedded. This module is glued to the absorber (3) with thermally conductive paste (2). There is a tubular structure (4) with the collecting pipe (5) and the stiffening support (9) soldered to the bottom surface of the absorber (3). The collector interior from the upper internal surface (7) of the collector housing to the lower bottom surface of the absorber (3) is filled with insulation (6).
A solar energy device has an electrical generator for converting at least a portion of solar energy into electrical energy. Furthermore, a thermal transfer element is providing for transferring at least a portion of heat energy from the sun to a body. The thermal transfer element is thermally connected to the electric generator.
The invention provides a system for solar concentration of the type solar dish characterized by the integration and combination of several sources of renewable energy to convert solar energy and wind energy to produce electricity and heat. The invention provides a system that tracks the sun on two axes and consists of a parabolic body covered with reflective material that concentrates the solar rays on a heat exchanger, allowing the production of thermal energy. The invention also allows to produce electrical energy by means of a photovoltaic panel and a wind turbine. The electrical energy produced by the turbine and by the photovoltaic panel is used to power the motors of the moving system and makes the system electrically autonomous. The invention allows to adjust the power to the heat exchanger without defocus the system, while the same is in operation, by means of an actuator. The invention allows to ensure the system to tipping due to the action of wind, to protect the reflective elements from atmospheric agents, to clean the reflective elements and to work on the exchanger and on the photovoltaic panel, assuming a security configuration, thanks to a C-shaped or S-shaped bust.
The present invention generally relates to articles, systems, and methods relating to the thermal stability of nanostructured and/or microstructured materials. The present invention relates to an article comprising a substrate material comprising at least one nanostructure formed in at least one surface of the substrate material and a filler material formed in the at least one nanostructure; and to a method of forming said article.
The invention relates to a combined photovoltaic and solar thermal system (10) having at least one solar module (12) which comprises photovoltaic solar cells (14) and a solar module heat exchanger (22), wherein the solar module heat exchanger (22) comprises a fluid line (24) for conducting a solar module fluid (26) therethrough, and the solar module heat exchanger (22) is suitable to transfer heat from the photovoltaic solar cells (14) to the solar module fluid (26), a heat store (32) for storing a heat storage fluid, and means (30, 42) for transferring heat from the solar module fluid (26) to the heat storage fluid, wherein the means for transferring heat from the solar module fluid (26) to the heat storage fluid comprise a heat pump (42), having a first heat exchanger (40) for receiving heat from the solar module fluid (26) via an working medium, and a second heat exchanger (44) for giving up heat from the working medium to the heat storage fluid, wherein the first and/or the second heat exchanger (40, 44) has a double pipe structure, which is composed of an outer pipe or hose (72) and a thermally conductive inner pipe or hose (74) arranged therein.