The upper electrode of a capacitor is constituted of laminated films which act to prevent hydrogen atoms from reaching the capacitor electrodes and degrading performance. In one example, a four layer upper electrode respectively acts as a Schottky barrier layer, a hydrogen diffusion preventing layer, a reaction preventing layer, and an adsorption inhibiting layer. Therefore, the occurrence of a capacitance drop, imperfect insulation, and electrode peeling in the semiconductor device due to a reducing atmosphere can be prevented. In addition, the long-term reliability of the device can be improved.
The present invention relates to a tape recorder utilizing a cassette with a built-in endless micro tape.In the tape recorder of the present invention, a cassette retainer is provided in one half of the case, and cassette retaining side walls are provided in the other half of the case in such a manner as to become flush with the side walls of the cassette retainer, and a dust cover is formed in such a manner as to become flush with the bottom wall of the cassette retainer when the cassette is inserted.In addition, an ejecting lever is slidably mounted on one of the sides of the case, and the cassette retained in the cassette retainer is ejected from the case by the ejecting lever.Furthermore, a changeover switch is provided in such a manner as to be electrically connected with a head for reading recorded signals on the tracks, and reading of the recorded signals on a desired track can be achieved by changing over the changeover switch.
The upper electrode of a capacitor is constituted of laminated films which act to prevent hydrogen atoms from reaching the capacitor electrodes and degrading performance. In one example, a four layer upper electrode respectively acts as a Schottky barrier layer, a hydrogen diffusion preventing layer, a reaction preventing layer, and an adsorption inhibiting layer. Therefore, the occurrence of a capacitance drop, imperfect insulation, and electrode peeling in the semiconductor device due to a reducing atmosphere can be prevented. In addition, the long-term reliability of the device can be improved.
A microcassette tape comprising a tape housing including top and bottom case halves, a reel, a tape mounted on said reel, a rotating shaft for the tape reel, a pinch roller provided at the front of the tape housing, and a capstan between which the tape passes during endless revolutions of the tape. A guide is provided for preventing the tape from being misdirected and caught around the pinch roller and a wall is provided as a part of the tape housing for preventing the tape from slackening as it passes between the pinch roller and the capstan on a tangential path to the guide member which prevents the tape from being caught by the pinch roller. A further guide element is provided which prevents the tape from falling off the tape reel. A hole is provided in one of the halves of the tape housing which permits insertion of a shaft member for taking up any tape slack which develops in the passage of the tape from the tape reel to the pinch roller.
A method for forming a semiconductor storage device includes steps of forming a memory cell transistor, forming a first plug connected to the memory cell transistor, forming a second plug of a hydrogen diffusion inhibiting layer, forming capacitor electrodes and a capacitor insulator between the capacitor electrodes and forming a hydrogen adsorption inhibiting layer.
The upper electrode of a capacitor is constituted of laminated films which act to prevent hydrogen atoms from reaching the capacitor electrodes and degrading performance. In one example, a four layer upper electrode respectively act as a Schottky barrier layer, a hydrogen diffusion preventing layer, a reaction preventing layer, and an adsorption inhibiting layer. Therefore, the occurrence of a capacitance drop, imperfect insulation, and electrode peeling in the semiconductor device due to a reducing atmosphere can be prevented. In addition, the long-term reliability of the device can be improved.
The upper electrode of a capacitor is constituted of laminated films which act to prevent hydrogen atoms from reaching the capacitor electrodes and degrading performance. In one example, a four layer upper electrode respectively act as a Schottky barrier layer, a hydrogen diffusion preventing layer, a reaction preventing layer, and an adsorption inhibiting layer. Therefore, the occurrence of a capacitance drop, imperfect insulation, and electrode peeling in the semiconductor device due to a reducing atmosphere can be prevented. In addition, the long-term reliability of the device can be improved.