A safe, reduced pressure apparatus for generating water vapor from hydrogen and oxygen and feeding high purity moisture to processes such as semiconductor production. The apparatus eliminates the possibility of the gas igniting by maintaining the internal pressure of the catalytic reactor for generating moisture at a high level while supplying moisture gas from the reactor under reduced pressure. A heat dissipation reactor improvement substantially increases moisture generation without being an enlargement in size by efficient cooling of the reactor alumite-treated fins.
A fluid control device comprises a first passageway, and a second passageway communicating therewith and having a terminating end closed with a fluid control unit or instrument. The first passageway is adapted to pass a fluid therethrough with a different fluid remaining in the second passageway. The first passageway comprises an upstream portion and a downstream portion communicating with the upstream portion at an approximate right angle therewith. The second passageway extends from a terminating end of the upstream portion of the first passageway in alignment with the upstream portion.
A reactor (2) for generating moisture in which the starting material gases are caused to undergo turbulence so as to increase the efficiency of the moisture-generating reaction. The reactor (2) for generating moisture comprises a first inlet-side reactor structural component (4) which is adapted to supply the starting material gases from a starting material gas feed port into the inlet side of an interior space; a second outlet-side reactor structural component (2) which is adapted to transfer generated gas to a moisture gas take-out port (30a) from a moisture gas feed passage (28); a reflector (12) clamped air-tightly between the first and second structural components (4, 20 ) and having a plurality of blowing holes (16) at predetermined locations for communicating with the inlet-side interior space (8); a reactor chamber (18) formed with a narrow gap d provided between the reflector (12) and the second structural component (20); a nozzle hole (24) formed in the second structural component (20) for communicating with the moisture gas feed passage (28); and a coating catalyst layer (21) formed on a wall surface (20a) of the reaction chamber opposing the reflector (12); wherein when hydrogen and oxygen gas fed from the starting material gas feed port flow into the reaction chamber (18) through the blowing holes (16) in the reflector (12), they react and generate moisture gas by a non-combustive pathway by the catalytic effect of the coating catalyst layer (21)
A reactor for generating moisture wherein ignition of hydrogen gas, backfire to the gas supply source side, the peeling off of the platinum coat catalyst layer inside are prevented more completely to further increase the safety of the reactor for generating moisture and wherein the dead space in the interior space is reduced to further reduce the size of the reactor shell. The reactor comprises: a reactor shell A with an interior space formed with a reactor structural component on the inlet side and a reactor structural component on the outlet side opposed to and united with each other by welding, the reactor structural component 1 on the inlet side provided with a gas feed port 1a and the reactor, structural component 2 on the outlet side provided with a moisture gas take-out port 2a; a reflector on the inlet side facing the gas feed port in the interior space of the reactor; a reflector on the outlet side facing the moisture gas take-out port in the interior space; and a platinum coat catalyst layer 8 formed on the inside wall of the reactor structural component on the outlet side, wherein hydrogen and oxygen fed into the interior space of the reactor through the gas feed port are brought into contact with the platinum coat 8b to activate the reactivity, thereby reacting hydrogen and oxygen into water in a non-combustion state.
An unreacted gas detector including a reactor unit for producing a target gas by way of reacting material gases in its reaction chamber, a sensor body connected to the reactor unit, a measurement space provided in the sensor body for allowing the target gas to flow, an unreacted gas sensor having a temperature measurement section covered by a catalyst layer and disposed inside the measurement space, and a target gas sensor with its temperature measurement section disposed in the sensor body. Any unreacted gas remaining in the target gas is reacted by the catalyst layer so that a resulted temperature change is detected by the unreacted gas sensor, and a target gas temperature is measured by target gas temperature sensor, thus finding a unreacted gas concentration from a temperature difference between the temperatures obtained by the unreacted gas sensor and the target gas temperature sensor.
A fluid supply apparatus with a plurality of flow lines branching out from one regulator for adjustment of pressure, the flow lines being arranged in parallel, wherein a measure is taken that the operation, that is, opening or closing of one flow passage will have no transient effect on the steady flow of the other flow passages. For this purpose, each flow passage is provided with a time delay-type mass flow controller MFC so that when one closed fluid passage is opened, the mass flow controller on that flow passage reaches a set flow rate Qs in a specific delay time nullt from the starting point. Also provided are a method and an apparatus for the above in which a plurality of gas types can be controlled in flow rate with high precision by one pressure-type flow control system. To that end, a formula for calculating the flow rate of a gas is theoretically derived that flows with a pressure ratio not higher than the critical pressure ratio. From that formula, the flow factor is defined, so that the formula may be applied to a number of gas types using flow factors. The method includes calculating the flow rate Qc of a gas passing through an orifice according to formula QcnullKP1 (Knullconstant) with a pressure P1 on an upstream side of the orifice set at twice or more higher than pressure P2 on a downstream side, wherein the flow factor FF for each kind of gas is calculated as follows:FFnull(k/nulls)null2/(nullnull1)null1/(nullnull1)nullnull/null(nullnull1)Rnullnull1/2and wherein, if the calculated flow rate of gas type A is QA, and, when gas type B is allowed to flow through the same orifice under the same pressure on the upstream side and at the same temperature on the upstream side, the flow rate QB is calculated as follows:QBnull(FFB/FFA)QAwhere nullsnullconcentration of gas in standard state; nullnullratio of specific heat of gas; Rnullconstant of gas; Knullproportional constant not depending on the type of gas; FFAnullflow factor of gas type A; and FFBnullflow factor of gas type B.
A reactor for generating moisture wherein ignition of hydrogen gas, backfire to the gas supply source side, the peeling off of the platinum coat catalyst layer inside are prevented more completely to further increase the safety of the reactor for generating moisture and wherein the dead space in the interior space is reduced to further reduce the size of the reactor shell. The reactor comprises: a reactor shell A with an interior space formed with a reactor structural component on the inlet side and a reactor structural component on the outlet side opposed to and united with each other by welding, the reactor structural component 1 on the inlet side provided with a gas feed port 1a and the reactor structural component 2 on the outlet side provided with a moisture gas take-out port 2a; a reflector on the inlet side facing the gas feed port in the interior space of the reactor; a reflector on the outlet side facing the moisture gas take-out port in the interior space; and a platinum coat catalyst layer 8 formed on the inside wall of the reactor structural component on the outlet side, wherein hydrogen and oxygen fed into the interior space of the reactor through the gas feed port are brought into contact with the platinum coat 8b to activate the reactivity, thereby reacting hydrogen and oxygen into water in a non-combustion state.