The present invention relates to a lighting unit having low and high light levels and employing an efficient arc lamp as the source of light during the high level setting. The unit employs a filamentary light source for the production of light during low light level operation, the filament acting as a resistive ballast for the arc lamp during high level operation. Practical embodiments operate in a conventional three-way light socket with the sequences being off, low, high and low, and off, low, high, and high.
The present invention relates to an AM-FM receiver of the superheterodyne variety having a novel bias supply circuit wherein a common filter capacitor may be used for the bias supply, the AGC function in AM operation, and the AFC function in FM operation. The B+ bias is supplied through a controllable current source which adjusts the bias in accordance with the detector output. In the FM mode setting, automatic frequency control of the local oscillator is provided by bias adjustment. In the AM mode setting, automatic gain control of the IF amplifier and of the AM section of the tuner is provided by bias adjustment. The invention has preferred application to integrated circuit fabrication.
Abstract translation:本发明涉及一种具有新型偏置电源电路的超外差种类的AM-FM接收机,其中公共滤波电容器可用于偏置电源,AM操作中的AGC功能和FM操作中的AFC功能。 B +偏压通过可控电流源提供,可根据检测器输出调节偏置。 在FM模式设置中,通过偏置调整提供本地振荡器的自动频率控制。 在AM模式设置中,通过偏置调整提供了IF放大器和调谐器的AM部分的自动增益控制。 本发明优选应用于集成电路制造。
A lighting unit is described utilizing an energy efficient metal vapor arc lamp as the main source of light supplemented by a standby filamentary light source producing light when the arc lamp is being started, the filament thereof serving as a resistive ballast for the arc lamp under normal operation. The lighting unit is designed as a more efficient replacement for the incandescent lamp. The lighting unit includes a rectifier for conversion of 60 hertz ac to dc, and a dc energized operating network, including a ferrite transformer and a transistor switch. The operating network produces an output adapted to each operating state of the arc lamp, including the provision of a high ignition potential, a power boost for the lamp during the glow to arc transition, warm-up and ballasting provisions, and means for sustaining the arc during transients which reduce the line voltage. The filamentary light source provides useful standby illumination while the arc lamp is being started, the amount being reduced to a low value as the arc lamp approaches normal light output.
The present invention relates to an AM-FM receiver suitable for integrated circuit fabrication and having improved mode conversion means. The AM-FM receiver had a d.c. coupled IF broadband IF amplifier comprising a plurality of stages of emitter coupled transistor pairs. A d.c. feedback network is provided to balance the individual stages and to generate a control potential for further use in mode conversion. In the FM mode, the IF amplifier operates with a high, stable gain at the FM IF frequency with gain reduction for noise suppression purposes below the FM IF frequency. Frequency dependent noise suppression is provided by a capacitance associated with the degenerative network. In the AM mode, the IF amplifier operates at a controllable, medium gain with the degenerative effect on IF gain restored at the AM IF frequency by the addition of capacity to the degenerative network. A control bus, energized by the degenerative network, is used for gain control purposes in the AM tuner and for mode conversion in the AM tuner, the AM-FM detector, and separate portions of the AM and FM audio circuitry.
An FM tuner having an improved automatic frequency control circuit and designed for use in an AM-FM receiver is described. The tuner employs a mixer transistor and an oscillator transistor connected in circuit so that they form a single series path across the bias source. This feature permits one to control conduction in both transistors by control of one and thus simplifies both biasing and mode conversion. Preferably, the transistor bias source and the source of AFC control potential are consolidated to save decoupling components. When the base of the mixer transistor is connected to the source through a low d.c. impedance, the AFC potential is transferred (less the mixer junction drop) to the collector of the oscillator transistor, where it provides sensitive automatic frequency control action. The circuit design uses a minimum of components.
A novel transformer is described for use in a static inverter in association with one or two switching semiconductor devices. The transformer produces an output for control of the associated switching device(s) which changes in sense from conduction aiding to conduction inhibiting as a function of the flux level in the transformer core. The invention is applicable to single loop cores, such as are assembled from two "U" cores. Control is effected by a primary and secondary control winding wound through an aperture pair, the aperture pair being oriented for "neutrality" of the second control winding to the main flux. The aperture pair creates a five branch magnetic path which permits optimizing the control voltage applied to the associated semiconductor devices both to enhance the switching efficiency when the switching device is initially turned on and to reduce stresses on the switching device by precluding transformer saturation when the switching device is turned off. With two switching devices, two aperture pairs are normally provided.
A novel and economical transformer is described for use in a static inverter in association with one or two switching devices, typically transistors. The transformer produces an output for control of the associated switching device(s) which changes in sense as a function of the flux level in the transformer core. The arrangement is applicable to a figure "8" flux configuration such as is achieved from two "E" cores, and requires only a single aperture located at the base of the common branch. Control is effected by a single primary and single secondary winding wound through the aperture. With two switching devices, two apertures are normally provided. The core which supports a figure "8" flux configuration may take other more economical alternatives such as "I" core, "T" core or a single "E" core.
The present invention relates to a lighting unit utilizing an energy efficient arc lamp as the main source of light supplemented by a standby filamentary lamp, the filament serving as a resistive ballast for the arc lamp during normal operation. The lighting unit is designed for functional similarity to an incandescent lamp, the filament providing immediate illumination when the lighting unit is first energized and continuing illumination until the arc lamp itself produces light. In accordance with the invention, if the arc lamp does not start within a predetermined period, the application of starting potentials produced through operation of a solid state switch and a high frequency step-up transformer is discontinued and the lighting unit rendered inactive. Exemplary means includes a positive temperature coefficient thermistor responsive to the temperature rise of the solid state switch. The solid state switch is connected in a normally off, monostable configuration and requires a trigger oscillator to generate a separate pulse for each switch conduction interval. The resistance rise in the thermistor is used to prevent trigger oscillations by causing saturation of the trigger oscillator transistor at a current level sufficient for self-heating of the thermistor. The solid state switch is latched in an off state until power is removed.
A detector for AM or FM signals is described. The detector employs a differentially connected emitter follower pair to which an in-phase and a phase-shifted signal are respectively applied. The emitter follower pair produces an output waveform with controllably spaced zero crossings which is the "greater of" the applied waveforms. For FM operation, the phase shift is made linearly frequency dependent, being in quadrature at resonance. In FM operation, the zero crossings are sensed to produce a succession of variable width unidirectional pulses whose widths are proportional to the frequency deviation. Amplitude variations in the variable width pulses may then be removed and integration in a filter with an audio frequency time constant recovers the FM modulation information. For AM operation, a phase shift of 180.degree. is used, producing full wave rectification. The AM information is then recovered from the rectified signal using the same integrating filter used for FM. The invention has preferred application to integrated circuit fabrication.
A static inverter employing an inductor and an electrical gain element for intermittent assymetric energization of the inductor from a dc source is described. Reliable intermittent operation of the gain element, typically a power transistor, is achieved by use of three feedback windings which in response to saturation of a branch of the core of the inductor but before full core saturation, discontinue regenerative feedback and then apply degenerative feedback. This turn off mechanism protects the transistor from high current stresses. Passive means are provided such as a capacitor for momentarily storing the energy or diode means for coupling the energy back to the source or to the load to protect the transistor from the high voltage surge and the energy release when current flow in the inductor is interrupted. Energy stored in the capacitor may be used for transistor commutation.