




    IPC分类号: G06T19/00 G06T11/60

    摘要: An improved augmented reality system utilizes locational awareness in accurately conveying equipment related information to users throughout the construction, occupation, and facilities management phases. In one embodiment the system may generate an image via a digital camera, retrieve positional information corresponding to the generated image from a positional information sensor, retrieve augmented data associated with an object depicted in the generated image based on the retrieved positional information, modify the generated image to represent the augmented data within the image, transmit the modified image, using a communication module, to at least one server, and cause the system to present one or more of the generated image and the modified image using the display. In one embodiment, augmented data is at least one of operational data, schematic data, training data, and maintenance data. The augmented data may correspond to a hazard or a snag.






    发明人: Martin MACRAE

    摘要: Existing methods and systems for recording of complex spatial information, which can be used to record, for example, the structure and plant and machine of oil rigs, generally require storage of large amounts of data. There is a need for systems and methods which can combine photographic images with 3D spatial locations and which can be operated using readily available computing equipment such as laptops and tablets. There is provided a method for recording spatial information, which comprises forming a point cloud representing objects within a given volume of space, obtaining at least one image from at least one given location within the given volume, determining those points in the point cloud which are visible from the given location and discarding points in the point cloud which are not visible from the given location, using the remaining point cloud data to determine the distance from the given location to locations on the surface of objects represented in the image and determining three dimensional coordinates of said surface locations.

    Method for generating a set of annotated images





    发明人: Florin OPREA

    摘要: A method for generating a set of annotated images comprises acquiring a set of images of a subject, each acquired from a different point of view; and generating a 3D model of at least a portion of the subject, the 3D model comprising a set of mesh nodes defined by respective locations in 3D model space and a set of edges connecting pairs of mesh nodes as well as texture information for the surface of the model. A set of 2D renderings is generated from the 3D model, each rendering generated from a different point of view in 3D model space including providing with each rendering a mapping of x,y locations within each rendering to a respective 3D mesh node. A legacy detector is applied to each rendering to identify locations for a set of detector model points in each rendering. The locations for the set of detector model points in each rendering and the mapping of x,y locations provided with each rendering are analysed to determine a candidate 3D mesh node corresponding to each model point. A set of annotated images from the 3D model is then generated by adding meta-data to the images identifying respective x,y locations within the annotated images of respective model points.






    摘要: The present invention relates to an illustration of an annotation (22) at a sample slide (14). It is the intention for the invention to copy the annotation (22) provided at a reference slide (12) to the sample slide (14). Typically, a reference image (26) of the reference slide (12) is provided, in particular by scanning the reference slide (12). The reference image (26) therefore has the information about a reference slice (16) which is carried by the reference slide (12). Furthermore, the reference slide (12) has been marked with a region of interest (20) and the annotation (22), which can be associated with the region of interest (20). If such reference slide (12) is scanned, the respective reference image (26) comprises the information about the marked region of interest (20) as well as the annotation (22), too. Furthermore, the sample slide (14) carrying a sample slice (18) can be scanned, in order to provide a sample image (28). The sample slice (18) and the reference slice (16) are cut from the same object (10) of a biological material. In particular, the sample slice (16) has been cut directly after a cut of a material block has been preformed to provide the reference slice (18). Since the reference slice (16) and the sample slice (18) are from the same object (10), their features are very likely that the reference image (26) and the sample image (28) are very similar. Due to this similarity, the annotation (22) of the reference slide (12) is copied on a basis of an image recognition between reference image (26) and the sample image (28) to the sample slide (14).