A bearing blank is cast or machined of iron to a configuration near a final shape of a desired bearing element (10). A first surface (12) of the bearing blank, corresponding to a sliding surface of the desired bearing element, is remelted while other portions of the bearing blank remain in a solid state. The remelted first surface (18) is quenched such that fine particles of iron carbide precipitate in a remelted zone having an increased hardness and a decreased presence of graphite particles. A bearing element having a core portion composed of iron and an integral first surface portion including a precipitate of fin iron carbide particles, and having greater hardness and lesser incidence of graphite particles than the core portion, is also described.
A process for producing an annular part excellent in abrasion resistance and mechanical strength, wherein the surface layer of which an abrasion resistance is required has a hardness of HRC (58 to 63) and the inside has a hardness of HRC (25 to 40), said process comprising subjecting a powdery raw material composed of 0.4 to 0.9 wt.% of carbon, 1.5 to 4.0 wt.% of nickel, 0.2 to 0.6 wt.% of molybdenum, and the balance of iron and inevitable impurities to compression molding, sintering, forging, hardening at a temperature ranging from 800 to 950 °C, high-temperature tempering at a temperature ranging from 570 to 700 °C for 20 to 60 min, hardening of the surface layer(s) of the inner and/or outer periphery of the sinter, and if necessary low-temperature tempering at a temperature ranging from 160 to 220 °C.
A method for correction shape deviations in hard, hardened objects in which the objects are heated to a temperature which lies beneath the temperature at which the structure imparted to the objects during a preceding heating process (e.g. a temperature of ca 200 DEG C) is markedly affected, and then shape corrected. The invention also relates to an arrangement of apparatus, including an object conveyor and an object shape rectifying means, for carrying out the method.
Spanlos hergestelltes Wälzlager mit einem Außenring und/oder Innenring, der eine durch wenigstens eine Maßnahme zur Eindiffusion eines Elements in oberflächennahe Bereiche des Wälzlagers gebildete Randschicht aufweist, wobei die Randschicht des Außenrings und/oder Innenrings Stickstoff umfasst. Ferner betrifft die Erfindung Verfahren zur Herstellung eines spanlos hergestellten Wälzlagers und/oder zur Steigerung der Verschleißfestigkeit eines spanlos hergestellten Wälzlagers mit einer Stickstoff enthaltenden Randschicht.
Die Erfindung betrifft eine Verwendung eines induktiv gehärteten Wälzlagers (1, 610a, 610b, 620a, 620b) zur Lagerung eines Planetenträgers (17, 616, 626) in einem Hauptgetriebe (10, 60) einer Windkraftanlage.
Sistema y método para el temple de anillos metálicos por inducción tal que comprende: dos cabezales,unido cada cabezal a un medio inductor; un sistema de aproximación vertical de los dos medio sin ductores al anillo metálico; un sistema de aproximación horizontal de los dos medios inductores aunas paredes de una superficie interior del anillo metálico y un circuito oscilante,donde el sistema está configurado para que: el sistema de aproximación vertical desplace simultáneamente en sentido vertical los dos medios inductores hasta introducirlos dentro del anillo metálico; el sistema de aproximación horizontal separe entre sí en sentido horizontal los dos medios inductores para aproximar cada medio inductora las paredes de la superficie interior del anillo metálico para calentarlo durante un tiempo preestablecido, y para desplazar verticalmente a los dos medios inductores de forma simultánea hasta llevarlos a una posición de ducha para obtener el temple del anillo metálico.
The present invention ('PISTON RINGS OF CAST NITRIDABLE STEELS AND PROCESS OF PRODUCTION') describes an alloy and the process for the obtainment of cast parts suitable for piston rings of nitridable steels having a relatively high content of N and having low contents of Si. In this invention the fraction of M 7 C 3 eutectic carbides is reduced to fractions of less than 2.0% by weight through the substitution of part of C by N and, in addition thereto, these eutectic carbides are transformed into M 23 C 6 carbides during the stage of heat treatment. This transformation is accompanied by an alteration in the morphology of the carbides, reducing the maximum size thereof and the continuity thereof in the microstructure of the material. This microstructural alteration of the material of the present invention is due to the chemical composition (low contents of Si and relatively high contents of N) and appropriate heat treatments. The rings of cast nitridable steels having low contents of Si and high contents of nitrogen obtained in the present invention have overcome the limitations imposed by the processes and/or materials belonging to the present state of the art, these being: limit of loading whereunto the rings of cast iron may be subjected, dimensional limits of the process of shaping wires of stainless steels, and formation of coarse carbides in the alloys proposed in the document US 20120090462. The following table shows the limits of composition for the material.