Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zur physikalischen Bearbeitung und/oder Erwärmung von Medien, insbesondere von Flüssigkeiten. Der hohe Energieaufwand der bekannten Verfahren kann mit reduzierter Auswirkung auf die Umwelt dadurch beseitigt werden, dass das hydrodynamisch bearbeitete Medium polaren und/oder ionischen elektrochemischen Potentialen sowie elektrochemischen Signalen RC AC ausgesetzt wird.
Methods for preparing microparticles having reduced residual solvent levels, Microparticles are contacted with a non-aqueous washing system to reduce the level of residual solvent in the microparticles, Preferred non-aqueous washing systems include 100% ethanol and a blend of ethanol and heptane. A solvent blend of a hardening solvent and a washing solvent can be used to harden and wash microparticles in a single step, thereby eliminating the need for a post-hardening wash step.
Dazu besteht der erfindungsgemäss Photoreaktor aus gasgefüllten Glas- bzw. Quarzhohlkörpern, die sich in dem umzusetzenden Medium befinden. Das Gas in den Hohlkörpern wird durch ein äusseres elektromagnetisches Feld angeregt, so dass vorteilhaft das Licht direkt in dem Medium entsteht. Dadurch wird die Effektivität und die chemische Umsetzungsrate regelmäßig gesteigert.
The invention relates to a composition and process for improving the combustion of any kind of combustible. Also the invention relates to a process and device for obtaining such composition. The variant destined to the firing installations using common liquid/gaseous combustible as well as those ones using solid combustibles and, simultaneously liquid/gaseous combustibles for enhancing the combustion contain -20% of 6% watery solution of potassium dichromate, treated with monochromatic light having / =480-490. 10-9 m; 0.02 ammonia; 0.3% non-additivated mineral oil and-80% demineralized water. The variant destined to the firing installations using solid combustibles -10% of 5% watery solution of potassium permaganate, treated with monochromatic light having/=595-625.10-9 m; 0.05% urea 0.3% non-additivated mineral oil and -90% de-mineralized water. The process for improving the combustibles combustion by using these composition consists in their introduction into either the combustion air or the mass of the combustibles. The process of treating the active substance of these compositions with monochromatic light consists in that the active sustance draining with constant discharge along a collector trough (1") is allowed to freely drop along the superior generating line of quartz glass cylinder (2"), in uniform rotation with 10-12 rot/min, axially illuminated by a monochromatic light generator of 20w power and 40mVV/cm2 light density. A monochromatic light generator (4") with a colour filter (7") is placed at one end of the cylinder (2") so the light is emitted along the cylinder rotation axis, and at the other end a plane mirror (5") is placed so the light of generator (4") is reflected; a collecting vessel (6") is disposed under the glass cylinder (2") in order to collect the treated liquid flowing along the cylinder (2").
The invention relates to a photocatalytic exhaust gas cleaning system, especially for combustion engines, comprising a photocatalyst which has a catalytically active substance that is fixed on a support, and comprising at least one radiation source for subjecting the catalytically active substance to an electromagnetic radiation. The invention provides that the at least one radiation source (24) comprises a luminous substance which can be excited to luminescence.
A semiconductor catalyst is metalized in situ on a reaction support surface by illuminating at least a portion of the catalyst in the presence of a suitable source of metal to selectively deposit the metal on the illuminated portions. The source of metal can be applied to the reaction support surface either with the catalyst or separately, but is not attached to the catalyst until the structure is illuminated. This causes the metal to be deposited where the catalyst will be illuminated during use and therefore where photopromoted catalytic degradation can occur.
We have discovered a reactor system (10) that can safely use general purpose electrical devices (20) and unregulated surface temperature heat sources (20) even though a flammable and/or combustible substance is being processed in the reactor or is within the processing area. The reactor system (10) incudes a reaction vessel and at least one process control device (20) proximate the reaction vessel which is a possible ignition source for flammable and combustible materials. A shroud (30) encloses the ignition source (20) within a chamber (40) and the chamber (40) is provided with an inactive environment which is effective for preventing the ignition source (20) from igniting any flammable or combustion substance that may enter the chamber.