A soft magnetic composite comprising an iron or iron alloy ferromagnetic material coated with an oxide material. An interface between the ferromagnetic material and the layer of oxide contains antiphase domain boundaries. Two processes for producing a soft magnetic composite are also provided. One process includes depositing an oxide layer onto an iron or iron alloy ferromagnetic material by molecular beam epitaxy at a partial oxygen pressure of from 1 x 10 -5 Torr to 1 x 10 -7 Torr to form a coated composite. The other process includes milling an iron or iron alloy ferromagnetic material powder and an oxide powder by high-energy milling to form a mixture; compacting the mixture and curing in an inert gas atmosphere at a temperature from 500°C to 1200°C to form a soft magnetic composite.
Método para la fabricación pulvimetalúrgica de núcleos magnéticos que se caracteriza porque comprende (i) una primera etapa de amorfización de una mezcla de polvos magnéticamente blandos mediante molienda mecánica; y (ii) una segunda etapa de consolidación eléctrica FAST (Field Assisted Sintering Techniques) del polvo amorfizado en la primera etapa.
The present invention discloses a dendrite reinforced metal in which a coarse dendrite structure is entangled with a fine, preferably nano-scaled, dendrite structure, and a method for making such material. The method for making the entangled dendrite structure reinforced metal consists of the triggered and controlled growth of a first coarse dendrite structure of one or more alloying element(s) in a metal melt, and a subsequent rapid solidification processing of the coarse dendrites containing melt, in which a second, fine, preferably nano-scaled, three-dimensional dendrite structure is created in the solidified metal, which is entangled with the first coarse dendrite structure, so that the combined scaffold of coarse and fine, entangled dendrite structures acts as a mechanical reinforcement of the metal.
Described herein are nanofibers and methods for making nanofibers that have a plurality of pores. The pores have of any suitable size or shape. In some embodiments the pores are "mesopores", having a diameter between 2 and 50 nm. In some embodiments, the pores are "ordered", meaning that they have a substantially uniform shape, a substantially uniform size and/or are distributed substantially uniformly through the nanofiber. Ordering of the pores results in a high surface area and/or high specific surface area. Ordered pores, without limitation, result in a nanofiber that is substantially flexible and/or non-brittle. The nanofibers and methods for making nanofibers may be used, without limitation, in batteries, capacitors, electrodes, solar cells, catalysts, adsorbers, filters, membranes, sensors, fabrics and/or tissue regeneration matrixes.
Die Erfindung betrifft Hartstoffpulver, umfassend zumindest eine Fraktion von Körnern, wobei die Körner Kristallite aus einem Hartstoff umfassen, und wobei die Kristallite in einem der Körner jeweils miteinander versintert sind, wobei für eine Mehrzahl der Körner ein mittlerer Durchmesser der Körner wenigstens dem Fünffachen einer mittleren Sehnenlänge der Kristallite des jeweiligen Korns beträgt, wobei die Körner im Wesentlichen kugelförmig ausgebildet sind.