La présente invention concerne une composition combustible issue de la biomasse, notamment de la biomasse liquide, et un procédé de préparation de cette composition combustible. La composition combustible comprend : - de 10 à 50 % en masse de poix d'huile de tall, au moins un composé issu du traitement de bois, notamment de bois résineux, choisi parmi un composé dérivé d'un terpène et un ester de colophane. Cette composition combustible est particulièrement adaptée pour être brûlée dans des installations industrielles de combustion.
An organomodified silicone material is shown and described herein. The organomodified silicone provides a material that can be used as an additive in a fuel oil, e.g., diesel fuel. The organomodified silicone acts as both a defoamer and a dehazer in a fuel oil.
The present invention relates to an additive composition for scavenging hydrogen sulfide in hydrocarbons, wherein said additive composition comprises a combination of (a) glyoxal and (b) at least one aliphatic tertiary amine or oxide treated derivative thereof, or a mixture of the aliphatic tertiary amine and the oxide treated derivative thereof. In one embodiment it also relates to a method for scavenging hydrogen sulfide in hydrocarbons, and in another embodiment it relates to a method of using an additive composition of the present invention for scavenging hydrogen sulfide in hydrocarbons. In yet another embodiment it relates to a composition for scavenging hydrogen sulfide in hydrocarbons comprising (A) a hydrocarbon and (B) a hydrogen sulfide scavenging additive composition of the present invention.
La présente invention concerne une composition d'additifs pour carburant comprenant au moins un premier additif comprenant un dérivé d'ester partiel de polyols et un deuxième additif comprenant un sel d'ammonium quaternaire. Le premier additif comprend au moins 50% en masse d'un composé A choisi parmi les esters partiels de polyols et d'hydrocarbures aliphatiques monocarboxyliques en C 4 à C 36 , saturés ou insaturés, linaires ou ramifiés, cycliques ou acycliques, lesdits esters partiels pouvant être pris seuls ou en mélange. L'invention concerne également un carburant gazole comprenant une telle composition et l'utilisation dudit carburant pour limiter les dépôts dans un moteur Diesel. En particulier, l'invention vise l'utilisation du carburant contenant la composition d'additifs de la présente invention dans les moteur Diesel à injection directe.
The use as a valve deposit controlling additive in a fuel composition for a direct injection spark-ignition internal combustion engine of a combination of: a) at least one hydrocarbyl-substituted aromatic compound; and b) at least one polyalkylene amine.
Use of a tertiary hydrocarbyl amine with C1-to C20-hydrocarbyl residues, the overall number of carbon atoms not exceeding 30, as an additive in gasoline for reducing injector nozzle fouling and modifying friction in direct injection spark ignition engines. A fuel additive composition essentially comprising nitrogen-containing dispersants, carrier oils, the above tertiary hydrocarbyl amines and optionally further friction modifiers. A fuel composition comprising a major amount of gasoline and a minor amount of the above fuel additive composition.
The invention provides a fuel composition comprising: a base fuel; a copolymer of ethylene and an olefinically unsaturated compound; and a cloud point depressant additive which comprises a nitrogen-containing compound and a polysulphone; wherein the cloud point of the fuel composition is lower than it would have been in the absence of the cloud point depressant additive; and wherein the CFPP of the composition is no higher than it would have been in the absence of the cloud point depressant additive.
There is described a method of combating antagonism between a first component, namely a cold flow improver, and a second component, namely a drag reducing agent, in a liquid fuel composition, the antagonism being a reduction in the low temperature benefit achieved by the first component, by including in the fuel composition a third component, namely a compound selected from: a copolymer of one or more alkenes and sulphur dioxide; a copolymer of one or more alkenes with acrylonitrile; a copolymer of alkyl vinyl monomers and cationic monomers; a conductivity improver; and mixtures thereof. Related compositions and uses are also described.
Die vorliegende Erfindung betrifft neuartige quaternisierte Stickstoffverbindungen, deren Herstellung und Verwendung als Kraft- und Schmierstoffadditiv, wie insbesondere als Detergensadditiv; Additivpakete, welche diese Verbindungen enthalten; sowie damit additivierte Kraft- und Schmierstoffe. Weiterhin betrifft die vorliegende Erfindung die Verwendung dieser quaternisierten Stickstoffverbindungen als Kraftstoffzusatz zur Verringerung oder Verhinderung von Ablagerungen in den Einspritzsystemen von direkteinspritzenden Dieselmotoren, insbesondere in Common-Rail-Einspritzsystemen, zur Verringerung des Kraftstoffverbrauches von direkteinspritzenden Dieselmotoren, insbesondere von Dieselmotoren mit Common-Rail-Einspritzsystemen, und zur Minimierung des Leistungsverlustes (powerloss) in direkteinspritzenden Dieselmotoren, insbesondere in Dieselmotoren mit Common-Rail-Einspritzsystemen.
The present invention relates to an aqueous pour point depressant dispersion composition comprising a thermoplastic polymer, preferably ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA); a dispersing agent; water; optionally an aqueous freezing point depressant; and optionally a stabilizing agent wherein the volumn average particle size of the dispersed thermoplastic polymer is equal to or less than 1 micrometers and a method to make and use said composition.