Vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers ("VCSELs") and VCSEL arrays are disclosed. In one aspect, a surface-emitting laser includes a grating layer having to form a resonant cavity with a reflective layer for a wavelength of light to be emitted from a light-emitting layer and an aperture layer disposed within the resonant cavity. The VCSEL includes a charge carrier transport layer disposed between the grating layer and the light-emitting layer. The transport layer has a gap adjacent to the sub-wavelength grating and a spacer region between the gap and the light-emitting layer. The spacer region and gap are dimensioned to be substantially transparent to the wavelength. The aperture layer directs charge carriers to enter a region of the light-emitting layer adjacent to an aperture in the aperture layer and the aperture confines optical modes to be emitted from the light-emitting layer.
Bei einer optischen Dünnschichtstruktur (2) mit einer periodischen Variation des Brechungsindex längs einer optischen Achse (1), wobei die Variation eine Vielzahl von Perioden umfasst und wobei eine optische Länge der Perioden längs der optischen Achse (1) innerhalb der Dünnschichtstruktur (2) erhöht ist, um eine optische Kavität zwischen Distributed-Bragg-Reflektoren auszubilden, ist die Erhöhung der optischen Länge zur Ausbildung der optischen Kavität über mehrere Perioden der Variation des Brechungsindex verteilt.
A vertically integrated optoelectronic device allows high- speed data transfer by direct or indirect modulation of the intensity of the emitted light. The device comprises at least one multilayer interference reflector and at least one cavity. In one embodiment the reflector operates as a modulator element controlled by an applied voltage. The stopband edge of the reflector is electrooptically tuned using the quantum confined Stark effect in the vicinity of the cavity mode, resulting in a modulated transmittance of the reflector and, thus, in indirect modulation of light intensity. In another embodiment, the optical field profile in the cavity is affected by the shift of the stopband wavelength, and the device operates as a wavelength- tunable light emitter. In yet another embodiment, two or more refractive index periodicities are integrated in the reflector, suppressing parasitic optical modes and enabling a high-speed direct modulation of the intensity of light emitted by the device.
A Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting Laser has a resonant cavity (3,5) and an external cavity (6,15) formed as a monolithic structure, the external cavity being arranged to provide loss differences for different linearly polarised modes, the loss differences being arranged to provide an output with a stable polarisation state. Compared to the known polarisation stability techniques, this enables a stable polarisation output without the complexity of modification of the VCSEL structure, less sensitivity to small changes of injected current and temperature, and less need for the complex, non monolithic optical parts. Active polarisation control and stabilisation in the same device can be achieved by growing a polarisation dependent mirror on top of the VCSEL and by applying an external field to alter an optical length of the external cavity.
A single mode high power laser device such as a VCSEL is formed with two oxide apertures, one on each side of the active region or cavity. The sizes of the apertures and the distances from the apertures to the cavity center are chosen or optimum, near-Gaussian current density distribution. The high power of a VCSEL thus formed is improved still more by good heat removal by either formation of a via through the substrate and gold plating on top and bottom of the VCSEL (including the via) or by lifting the VCSEL structure from the substrate and locating it on a heat sink.
A vertical cavity having a tunnel junction surface emitting laser (VCSEL) for emitting long wavelength light (i.e., 1200 to 1800 nanometers, though it is contemplated that the structures and techniques are applicable to other wavelength VCSELs). The tunnel junction may be isolated with an implant down into the top mirror through the tunnel junction and p-layer and a trench around the VCSEL down to at least past the tunnel junction. The trench may result in reduced capacitance and D.C. isolation of the tunnel junction. The implant is performed after the trench is made. Some of the implant may enter the bottom of the trench into the bottom mirror for some further isolation for the tunnel junction of the VCSEL. Further isolation and some current confinement may be provided with lateral oxidation of a layer below the tunnel junction. Internal trenches may be made from the top of the VCSEL vertically down to the oxidizable layer below the tunneljunction. Oxidation of that layer via these trenches may provide further isolation of the tunnel junction. Also, a bonding pad connected to a contact on the VCSEL with a bridge may have an open trench about their periphery for their isolation. Internal trenches may be placed on the pad and its bridge that go down vertically to the oxidizable layer. Oxidation via these trenches may provide further isolation for the pad and bridge if the latter is present.
A VCSEL having a metallic heat spreading layer adjacent a semiconductor buffer layer containing an insulating structure. The heat spreading layer includes an opening that enables light emitted by an active region to reflect from a distributed Bragg reflector (DBR) top mirror located above the heat spreading layer. A substrate is below the active region. A lower contact provides electrical current to that substrate. The lower contact includes an opening that enables light emitted from the active region to reflect from a distributed Bragg reflector (DBR) lower mirror. Beneficially, the substrate includes a slot that enables light to pass through an opening in the lower contact. That slot acts as an alignment structure that enables optical alignment of an external feature to the VCSEL.
A photonic circuit includes a tunable drop filter arrangement that includes a plurality of resonators. The drop filter arrangement is tuned to remove a selected frequency from an input data stream from a waveguide. A wavelength sensor coupled to the drop filter to monitor the selected frequency to which the drop filter arrangement has been tuned. A tunable laser presents a new signal of a defined frequency indicative of a signal to be added to the input data stream. A modulator coupled to the tunable laser for receiving the new signal and forming a modulated signal. An add filter arrangement coupled to the modulator for receiving the modulated signal and adding the modulated signal to the data stream.
A light emmitting device having a first mirror (58), an active layer (64), a second mirror (68), and a beryllium implantation (82) resulting in a peripheral boundary of a waveguide (86) through the first and second mirrors (58, 68), the active layer (64) and the trapping layer (62). A P-N junction is situated within the implantation and the guide. The turn on voltage is lower for the junction within the waveguide than that within the implantation, resulting in confinement of current within the guide at a voltage applied to the device that is greater than the lower junction voltage and less than the higher junction voltage. The device also has an electron trapping layer (62) between said first mirror (58) and said active layer (64), and a conduction layer (72), situated on said second mirror (68).
A vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser (VCSEL) has an active region (20), first and second mirror stacks (14, 26) forming a resonant cavity with a radial variation in index forming a transverse optical mode (32), and a thin insulating slot (27) within the cavity to constrict the current to a diameter less than the beam waist of the optical mode thereby improving device efficiency and preferentially supporting single mode operation. In one embodiment, an insulating slot is formed by etching or selectively oxidizing a thin aluminium-containing semiconductor layer in towards the center of a cylindrical mesa. The slot thickness is sufficiently thin that the large index discontinuity has little effect on the transverse optical-mode pattern. The slot may be placed near an axial standing-wave null to minimize the perturbation of the index discontinuity and allow the use of thicker slots. In a preferred embodiment, the current constriction, formed by the insulating slot, is located on the p-type side of the active region and has a diameter significantly less than the beam waist of the optical mode, thus minimizing outward diffusion of carriers and ensuring single transverse-mode operation of the laser by suppressing spatial hole burning.