The singlet delta energy levels of molecular oxygen (SDO) are generated to enhance the performance of internal-combustion engines, diesel engines in particular. In the preferred embodiments, this control takes place just prior to, and in the initial stages of, fuel injection. The SDO can be generated using different methods according to the invention, including thermal means, optical/laser energy, electrical/electromagnetic excitation, or a combination of these approaches. SDO may also be generated through reactions of a chemical fuel additive or a laser-excited chemical additive. A system for improving the performance of an internal combustion engine according to the invention includes a source or energy operative to generate singlet delta oxygen (SDO) from molecular oxygen, and apparatus for mixing the SDO with fuel prior to, or during, combustion. In the preferred embodiment, the SDO is delivered with air through an air-intake port, and a laser is used in a multi-pass absorption cell.
The present invention is an integrated, diode laser-pumped, solid state lr which can be fabricated entirely with semiconductor fabrication techniques. The laser includes a substrate, a semiconductor light source grown over the substrate to provide pump light and a solid state laser grown over the substrate. The semiconductor light source produces pump light at a wavelength useful for pumping the solid state laser. The solid state laser includes a pump mirror transparent to the pump light, an output mirror, and a doped semiconductor layer deposited between the pump and output mirrors, the semiconductor, dielectric or polymer layer being doped with active metal ions. The pump light from the semiconductor light source is closely coupled to the solid state laser and passes through the pump mirror to pump the active metal ions.