A postmix beverage dispensing valve for a beverage dispenser, including a volumetric ratio control device incorporated therein to provide positive ratio control. The device includes a syrup piston and a soda piston linked togeher, syrup and soda chambers, and flow control values for controlling the flow to and from the chambers. The soda pressure drives the pistons.
A postmix beverage dispenser valve including a fluidic oscillator flowmeter in conjunction with a master controller and a flow control valve such as a proportional solenoid. The frequency of the syrup oscillations in the fluidic oscillator is linearly related to the syrup velocity and thus to the volume flow rate. Various sensors can be used to detect the fluid oscillations with the preferred one being a piezo electric film transducer having a protective coating and used with a flex cavity in the conduit wall. A pressure compensation device can be used to isolate the solenoid armature from varying syrup pressures.
A modular water treatment apparatus is provided for soft drink postmix dispensers. The apparatus includes a basic filter unit and additional modules selected from booster pump, UV treatment, and ion exchange modules as needed to match situs water problems determined water testing. A control module has microcontroller based circuitry which provides apparatus monitoring and control. Disabling and warning alarms are generated for predetermined apparatus conditions on a priority basis. A hand-held controller can be coupled to the control module to provide an operator interface for entry and readout of data on the basis of key entries.
A method and apparatus for treating water in which water from a local supply is mixed with measured quantities of a chlorine disinfectant and introduced into a holding vessel maintained at ambient pressure. CO.sub.2 added to the holding tank enhances the potency of the disinfectant with a resultant effective destruction of micro-organisms in the water. From the holding vessel, the disinfected water is conducted to a point of use, which may be a pressurized carbonator incorporated into a post-mix beverage dispenser. A treating module governed by a microprocessor effects the mixing of disinfectant and water and controls the introduction of water with entrained disinfectant into the holding vessel.