A VLSI chip debug and production test apparatus that allows an engineer to view the state of hundreds of signals internal to a chip in real-time without probing, which greatly simplifies the isolation of circuit, speed, logic, and microcode bugs. For production testing, it also provides the ability to check the state of these internal signals on a clock-by-clock basis. The mechanism uses a gated XOR-input serial shift-register cell (10), which is stepped out underneath major buses in otherwise unpopulated areas of the chip. Several of these cell groups are linked together to form a scanout path of the desired length, the operation of which is controlled with a single input pin (40). Output data is channeled through a shared output pin (19) to a VLSI tester (16). In the tester (16) the data (19) is checked and accumulated by back-end software over multiple test-loop iterations, and formatted into a readable form.
An aliasing logic (100) in an instruction decoder. If a complex microinstruction flow is in progress, it operands can be accessed through alias registers (116). This allows indirect access to a source or destination register specified by the operands of the macrocode instruction or the opcode of the macroinstruction while executing a sequence of microinstructions. These aliased operands are maintained by the macroinstruction aliasing logic (100) in the register (116). The instruction decoder issues new instructions by driving a machine bus (110) with the correct information during each clock cycle. Mousetrap multiplexer (104) chooses between several sources of opcode and operand fields and routes the them to the machine bus (110) through several translation stages and multiplexers.
An instruction decoder that issues new instructions by driving a machine bus (110) with the correct information during each clock cycle. This information is either extracted from the current instruction to be executed, or is recycled from the previous contents (106) of the machine bus when a scoreboarding operation has been performed. Mousetrap multiplexer (104) chooses between several sources of opcode and operand fields and routes them to the machine bus (110) through several translation stages and multiplexers. The decision of which source to use is based on what kind of instruction is currently being looked at by the instruction queue in the instruction fetch unit. The instruction queue notifies the instruction decoder that the next instruction is to be either a RISC operation (including register, memory, and/or branch instructions) or an instruction which is part of a microcode flow. If a complex macroinstruction flow is in progress, its operands can be accessed through alias registers. This allows indirect access to a source or destination register specified by the operands of the macrocode instruction or the opcode of the macroinstruction while executing a sequence of microinstructions. These aliased operands are maintained by the macroinstruction aliasing logic (100).
A scheme for accessing a control register bus and control registers of a microprocessor through a test access port which is configured to an established testing standard. A test access port (TAP) of a microprocessor is configured to communicate serially based on a technique specified in the IEEE 1149.1 standard. External serial instructions are converted for parallel transfer to provide control signals for accessing the internal structures. Serial address and data signals are also converted for parallel transfer to access internal structures on a control register bus and parallel outputs are converted to serial format for external output. By permitting external access to low level internal bus architecture, system testing and debug can be performed by utilizing external programming.