Circuit topologies that provide extended bandwidth of operation are disclosed. The circuits have two stages that share inductors, in which in-phase current components sum at a summing node and flow together, increasing the magnitude of the current in the inductors. The inductive peaking exhibited by the circuits is increased without using excessively large inductors.
A circuit topology for high speed low voltage logic circuits is disclosed that reduces the number of levels of stacked active circuit elements from 3 to 2. Circuits providing a variety of logic functions are presented, including a latch, an exclusive OR gate, a combination XOR and latch, a multiplexer and a demultiplexer. Circuits built according to the principles of the invention have been operated at speeds of 40 GHz. The circuit topology can operate at supply voltages as low as 2V (for silicon or silicon-germanium based devices) and provide power saving of 25%–50% or more, depending on the logic function. In some embodiments, circuits comprising single ended or differential inputs can be provided.
Circuit topologies that provide extended bandwidth of operation are disclosed. The circuits have two stages that share inductors, in which in-phase current components sum at a summing node and flow together, increasing the magnitude of the current in the inductors. The inductive peaking exhibited by the circuits is increased without using excessively large inductors.
A circuit topology for high speed low voltage logic circuits is disclosed that reduces the number of levels of stacked active circuit elements from 3 to 2. Circuits providing a variety of logic functions are presented, including a latch, an exclusive OR gate, a combination XOR and latch, a multiplexer and a demultiplexer. Circuits built according to the principles of the invention have been operated at speeds of 40 GHz. The circuit topology can operate at supply voltages as low as 2V (for silicon or silicon-germanium based devices) and provide power saving of 25%-50% or more, depending on the logic function. In some embodiments, circuits comprising single ended or differential inputs can be provided.
A device and method of forming electronics and microelectromechanical on a silicon carbide substrate having a slow etch rate is performed by forming circuitry on the substrate. A protective layer is formed over the circuitry having a slower etch rate than the etch rate of the silicon carbide substrate. Microelectromechanical structures supported by the substrate are then formed. The circuitry comprises a field effect transistor in one embodiment, and the protective layer comprises a heavy metal layer.
Circuits for converting an input current to an output voltage that employs a uniquely biased common-gate or common-base stage as a current buffer and a direct drive of the current buffer output into an impedance to convert the current signal to a voltage signal.
A device and method of forming electronics and microelectromechanical on a silicon carbide substrate having a slow etch rate is performed by forming circuitry on the substrate. A protective layer is formed over the circuitry having a slower etch rate than the etch rate of the silicon carbide substrate. Microelectromechanical structures supported by the substrate are then formed. The circuitry comprises a field effect transistor in one embodiment, and the protective layer comprises a heavy metal layer.
A method of forming electronics and microelectromechanical on a silicon carbide substrate having a slow etch rate is performed by forming circuitry on the substrate. A protective layer is formed over the circuitry having a slower etch rate than the etch rate of the silicon carbide substrate. Microelectromechanical structures supported by the substrate are then formed. The circuitry comprises a field effect transistor in one embodiment, and the protective layer comprises a heavy metal layer.