A power supply interlock technique for an electronic system which uses metal oxide semiconductor (MOS) logic circuits require two or more different supply voltages, and where each circuit board module contains its own power supplies. An open-collector enable signal is both controlled and sensed by each of the modules. The enable signal is set true when all of the supplies in the system are operating properly. However, the enable signal is set false by any one of the modules if one of the higher voltage supplies on that module is malfunctioning. The enable line also controls the lower voltage power supplies in each module. None of the lower voltage power supplies is thus permitted to operate until the enable line is set true, which occurs only when all of the modules indicate they have an operating high voltage supply available. As a result, latch-up of parasitic transistors in the circuits which drive logic signals on a system bus is avoided.
A system for communicating between a plurality of nodes in a computer, each node including logic circuitry for transmitting and receiving data. The subject system includes (1) a backplane bus for carrying the data between the nodes, (2) a driver in each node and a current source circuit coupled to the bus which drive the bus in parallel to decrease the transition time of the data transmitted onto the bus, and (3) coupling resistors individually coupling the bus to the driver in each node and providing impedance matching between the bus and nodes and permitting driver overlap at the bus so that the higher speed and lower power dissipation occurs. In the preferred embodiment, CMOS logic circuitry is utilized and resistors are used to terminate the ends of the bus to the supply voltages.
A node includes logic circitry for transmitting and receiving data on a backplane bus. The driver in the transmitting logic in the node acts with the current source provided by the bus to decrease the transition time of the data transmitted onto the bus. A coupling resistor is included in the node for individually coupling the driver in the node to the bus for limiting voltage excursions on the bus and providing impedance matching between the node and bus and permitting driver overlap at the bus so that higher speed and lower power dissipation occurs. In the preferred embodiment, CMOS logic circuitry is utilized.
A system for communicating between a plurality of nodes in a computer, each node including logic circuitry or transmitting and receiving data at first and second logic levels. The system includes an arbiter coupled to the nodes for detecting a lack of request activity from the nodes. A default generator is connected to the arbiter and responds to a lack of request activity and the absence of a multi-cycle data transfer being performed on the bus and causes the bus to be driven to one of the first and second logic levels.
Bus interface apparatus is provided to drive a high speed bus with two nonoverlapping clock signals. The apparatus takes advantage of the inherent bus capacitance which will temporarily hold data signals placed on the bus by using bus interface circuitry having high input and output impedances. That circuitry can thus be activated by coincident signals.
A node for communicating with a plurality of other nodes in a computer, the node including logic circuitry for transmitting and receiving data at first and second logic levels. A default generator is connected to an arbiter and responds to a lack of request activity and the absence of a multi-cycle data transfer being performed on the bus and causes the bus to be driven to one of the first and second logic levels.
A node for obtaining access to a bus. In this arbitration method, the node receives a conditional grant. The node determines whether access to the bus will actually transfer to it. The node contains distributed logic that examines an extend bus cycle signal to determine whether it can become a transmitter to transfer messages on the bus. When the node becomes a transmitter, it generates an extend bus cycle signal to maintain access to the bus when executing a multi-cycle transfer, even though other nodes, perhaps with higher priorities, require access to the bus.
An interface system between a high speed user bus and a system bus is provided to present to the user bus a picture of the data transferred on the system bus every clock cycle of that system bus. The interface system also allows the user bus to transfer data back to the system bus during selected bus cycles. By using a single pin connection to the system bus, the user bus can send communications back to itself by way of the system bus.
A node for obtaining access to a bus. In this arbitration method, the node receives a conditional grant. The node determines whether access to the bus will actually transfer to it. The node contains distributed logic that examines an extend bus cycle signal to determine whether it can become a transmitter to transfer messages on the bus. When the node becomes a transmitter, it generates an extend bus cycle signal to maintain access to the bus when executing a multi-cycle transfer, even though other nodes, perhaps with higher priorites, require access to the bus.
A node for obtaining access to a bus. In this arbitration method, the node receives a conditional grant. The node determines whether access to the bus will actually transfer to it. The node contains distributed logic that examines an extend bus cycle signal to determine whether it can become a transmitter to transfer messages on the bus. When the node becomes a transmitter, it generates an extend bus cycle signal to maintain access to the bus when executing a multi-cycle transfer, even though other nodes, perhaps with higher priorities, require access to the bus.