Steam iron having a cartridge for treating water or cloth to be ironed
    Steam iron having a cartridge for treating water or cloth to be ironed 失效





    CPC classification number: D06F75/14

    Abstract: A steam iron has a reservoir from which water is supplied to a vaporization chamber. A plurality of cartridges are placed within a housing of the iron and at least one cartridge contains a product other than a demineralizing product for the purpose of treating water or cloth to be ironed. A ramp is provided for bringing the water of the reservoir into contact with the treatment product. A duct beneath the cartridge conveys the water charged with the treatment product to a vaporization chamber. A plurality of steam discharge orifices in communication with the vaporization chamber distributes the treated water on the cloth to be ironed. The plurality of cartridges are arranged such that at least one is arranged in parallel or in series, or a combination of these, along a path in which water flows as it travels from the reservoir to the vaporization chamber.

    Abstract translation: 蒸汽熨斗具有储存器,水从其供应到蒸发室。 多个墨盒被放置在熨斗的壳体内,并且至少一个墨盒包含除了软化产品之外的产品,以便处理待熨烫的水或布。 提供了用于使储存器的水与处理产品接触的斜坡。 筒下方的管道将装有处理产品的水输送到蒸发室。 与蒸发室连通的多个蒸汽排出孔将处理过的水分散在要熨烫的布上。 多个筒被布置为使得至少一个筒沿着从储存器行进到蒸发室的水流动的路径平行或串联布置或者它们的组合布置。

    Household appliance and cassette with disincrustant means, and disincrustant method in a household appliance
    Household appliance and cassette with disincrustant means, and disincrustant method in a household appliance 有权





    Abstract: Household appliance, in contact with an aqueous medium, having a water circuit at least partially traversing a compartment containing a disincrustant agent. The disincrustant agent is obtained by cross-linking or hardening of an organosilicic system having a disincrustant action. The system includes: an ingredient consisting of a polyorganosiloxane composition, hardenable into a siicone elastomer at room temperature or under the effect of a temperature greater than room temperature, at least partially cross-linked or not, permeable to water vapor, and an ingredient, which is hydrophilic and osmotically active, consisting of an active disincrustant material taken alone or in association with a hydrophilic auxiliary agent, dispersed in a homogenous manner within the silicone ingredient, the active disincrustant material being liberated over time, in an aqueous medium, out of the silicone ingredient hardened into elastomer, at a substantially constant rate when the temperature in the compartment is substantially constant.

    Abstract translation: 家用电器与水性介质接触,具有至少部分地穿过含有不连续剂的隔室的水回路。 通过交联或硬化具有不相关作用的有机硅系统获得不连续剂。 该系统包括:由聚有机硅氧烷组合物组成的成分,其在室温下或在大于室温的温度下可硬化至硅酮弹性体,至少部分交联或不可渗透水蒸气,以及成分, 由亲水性和渗透性活性的,由单独或与亲水性助剂相结合的活性不连带材料组成,其以均匀的方式分散在硅氧烷成分内,活性不连续物质随时间流逝在水性介质中,从 当隔室中的温度基本上恒定时,硅氧烷成分以大体上恒定的速率硬化成弹性体。

    Steam iron with internal and external fluid supply
    Steam iron with internal and external fluid supply 失效





    CPC classification number: D06F75/12 D06F75/18

    Abstract: A steam iron including a vaporization chamber (2) connected by a water/steam supply device (8,11) to a flexible hose (9) extending from an external large-capacity reservoir(13). A device (5) regulates the water discharge that is also connected to the vaporization chamber (2), this discharge regulating device (5) being connected to an internal reservoir (4) incorporated in the iron (1).

    Abstract translation: 一种蒸汽熨斗,包括通过水/蒸汽供应装置(8,11)连接到从外部大容量容器(13)延伸的柔性软管(9)的蒸发室(2)。 设备(5)调节也连接到蒸发室(2)的排水,该排放调节装置(5)连接到结合在熨斗(1)中的内部容器(4)。

    Steam generator with automatic supply and a process for measuring the
level of liquid in such a generator
    Steam generator with automatic supply and a process for measuring the level of liquid in such a generator 失效





    CPC classification number: F22B1/285 F22B37/78 G01F23/247

    Abstract: A steam generator with automatic supply having a level sensor arranged in a zone of a vessel located at a set threshold level, the sensor measuring the temperature and comparing it with a reference temperature, in order to establish whether a liquid reaches the threshold level, and an adjustment means acting in relation to the steam tapping operations so that the sensor temperature varies in relation to the level of liquid over a variation range, wherein the reference temperature remains within the variation range.

    Abstract translation: 一种具有自动供应的蒸汽发生器,其具有布置在位于设定阈值水平的容器区域中的液位传感器,所述传感器测量温度并将其与参考温度进行比较,以便确定液体是否达到阈值水平,以及 相对于蒸汽攻丝操作起作用的调节装置,使得传感器温度相对于在变化范围内的液面水平变化,其中参考温度保持在变化范围内。

    Household steam appliance having a scale-preventing device
    Household steam appliance having a scale-preventing device 失效





    CPC classification number: C02F5/025 D06F75/12 D06F75/18

    Abstract: A method and device for preventing the formation of scale in an electric appliance for producing steam, which appliance includes a reservoir for holding a quantity of water and a steam generation member for effecting a substantially instantaneous generation of steam; and a scale preventing device. Scale formation is prevented by heating water upstream of the reservoir to a temperature and for a time sufficient to precipitate minerals present in the water into a form which allows the precipitated minerals to be expelled from the appliance with steam generated by said steam generation member.

    Abstract translation: 一种用于防止在用于制造蒸汽的电器中形成规模的方法和装置,该器具包括用于保持一定量的水的储存器和用于实现基本上瞬时产生蒸汽的蒸汽发生构件; 防垢装置。 通过将储存器上游的水加热至足以将存在于水中的矿物质沉淀成使得沉淀的矿物质能够利用所述蒸汽产生元件产生的蒸汽从该器具中排出的形式来防止垢形成。

    System comprising fluid treatment module and a support structure
    System comprising fluid treatment module and a support structure 有权





    Abstract: A system comprising a fluid treatment assembly and means for feeding the assembly with fluid to be treated and receiving treated fluid, comprising a structure (12) on which the assembly is adapted to be removably mounted, to interengage complementary connectors thereof with each other, is characterized in that it includes cooperating functional surfaces (25) formed on the assembly and the structure (12) so that they can enter into mutual contact to immobilize the assembly against movement in translation and keep the connectors interengaged with each other when the assembly is mounted on the structure (12) and to allow the assembly to be released in order to remove it from the structure (12) by exerting on the assembly an action limited to tilting it relative to the structure (12) and guided by the correctors interengaged with h other.

    Abstract translation: 一种包括流体处理组件的系统和用于向组件供给待处理流体并接收处理过的流体的装置,该装置包括其上组装件可移除地安装在其上的互连的互连连接器的结构(12) 其特征在于,它包括形成在组件上的配合的功能表面(25)和结构(12),使得它们可以进入相互接触以固定组件以防止平移运动,并且当安装组件时保持连接器相互接合 在所述结构(12)上并且允许所述组件被释放以通过在所述组件上施加限制为相对于所述结构(12)倾斜的作用并且由与所述结构(12)相互接合的校正器引导的作用将其从所述结构(12)移除 h其他。

    Module for purifying a fluid, in particular water
    Module for purifying a fluid, in particular water 有权





    Abstract: A fluid purifying module including a monolithic container, a pretreatment filter, and a selectively permeable membrane treatment cartridge, respectively housed in an external cylindrical space and an internal cylindrical space of the container, communicating with each other via one or more passages in the vicinity of one axial end of the container. The external space communicates at the same end as the opposite axial end with a first connector orifice for feeding fluid to be purified to the pretreatment filter, and the internal space communicates separately, at the same end as the aforementioned axial end, with a second connector orifice for evacuating from the module a flow of permeate (purified fluid) and with a third connector orifice for evacuating from the module a flow of retentate (residual fluid).

    Abstract translation: 一种流体净化模块,包括分别容纳在容器的外部圆柱形空间和内部圆柱形空间中的整体式容器,预处理过滤器和选择性渗透膜处理盒,所述容器的内部圆柱形空间通过一个或多个通道 容器的一个轴向端。 外部空间在与相对的轴向端部相同的端部处与第一连接器孔连通,用于将要净化的流体供给到预处理过滤器,并且内部空间在与上述轴向端部相同的端部处与第二连接器 用于从模块排出渗透物流(净化流体)并具有第三连接器孔口的孔,用于从模块排出滞留物流(残余流体)。

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