The present system and method provides a mechanism for monitoring the level of fullness of a cryopump by measuring the cryopump adsorption capacity. An ion gauge or other total pressure gauge is in contact with the condensing or adsorbing panels of the pump. The gauge sensor, for example, can be connected to a tube or duct leading to the central core of the pump where the adsorbing charcoal is located. At this location in the pump, the gauge is exposed to low-boiling-point gases, such as hydrogen, neon and helium, while being substantially shielded from other gases such as nitrogen, argon, oxygen, or water vapor. By connecting a gauge to this location of the pump, the gauge can be used to monitor the absorption capacity of the pump.
A helium management control system for controlling the helium refrigerant supply from a common manifold supplies a plurality of cryogenic refrigerators with an appropriate helium supply. The system employs a plurality of sensors to monitor and regulate the overall refrigerant supply to deliver an appropriate refrigerant supply to each of the cryogenic refrigerators depending on the computed aggregate cooling demand of all of the cryogenic refrigerators. An appropriate supply of helium is distributed to each cryopump by sensing excess and sparse helium refrigerant and redistributing refrigerant accordingly. If the total refrigeration supply exceeds the total refrigerant demand, or consumption, excess refrigerant is directed to cryogenic refrigerators which can utilize the excess helium to complete a current cooling function more quickly. Similarly, if the total refrigeration demand exceeds the total refrigeration supply, the refrigerant supply to some or all of the cryogenic refrigerators will be reduced accordingly so that detrimental or slowing effects are minimized based upon the current cooling function.
A single ducted valve assembly provides an integrated cryopump valve having a purge valve port connecting the assembly to a cryopump with a coaxial connection having an inner duct and an outer duct. A pressurized gas interface connects a pressurized gas source to the cryopump through the inner duct. A rough valve port can connect the outer duct of the assembly to a rough vacuum pump; and a relief valve port can connect the outer duct of the assembly to an exhaust stack.
A piston includes a circumferential groove having a dynamic split seal ring having a flat axially facing surface, a static seal ring having a flat axially facing surface abutting the flat surface of the dynamic seal ring, and a spring mounted within the groove. The spring exerts an axial force on the static seal ring that serves to distribute the axial load with a static seal over the dynamic split seal, thereby preventing shuttling of the split seal within the groove and restricting the leak path of the seal. Preferably, the static seal ring is a polymer and can be an L-ring, a load ring with a flange that abuts the piston body, or flanged designs. In addition, a load ring can be fitted between the L-ring and the spring. The split seal ring has at least one radial spring mounted within the seal ring to create a radial force on the split seal ring. The piston can also include a sleeve that mounts to the piston body, the sleeve forming a wall of the groove. The piston can be a displacer mounted within a cylinder of a refrigerator.
A cryopump provides for high pumping speed of Type III gases. An open configuration of a frontal array provides high conductance of gases into a radiation shield which is shaped to focus gases toward a second stage array. The second stage array has an open configuration of baffles coated with adsorbent. Substantially all of the adsorbent has a direct line of sight to the radiation shield or to the opening in the radiation shield, and substantially all of the baffles are coated with adsorbent. In one form, the second stage cryopump array comprises an array of discs fanned to define a generally ball shaped envelope.