Image display device which staggers the serial input data onto multiple
drive lines and extends the time per data point





    摘要: An image display device incorporating a specialized phase expansion circuit, a rotation circuit, a sampling device and unique controlling circuitry. The phase expansion circuit includes a plurality of trail buffers or sample holder circuits for receiving a serially applied train of pixel image signals, expanding or extending the assertion cycle time and generating a corresponding plurality of expanded image signal trains in parallel. Preferably, one combination of expanded pixel image signals corresponding to specific position of pixels arranged in matrix in one train is different from another combination of expanded pixel image signals. The rotational circuit includes a plurality of selecting circuits for receiving the manifold trains of expanded pixel image signals generated by the phase expansion circuit. Each selecting circuit preferably selects one of these trains of expanded pixel image signals and generates a corresponding second train of expanded pixel image signals in parallel according to variable combinations specified by the control circuit. The sampling device receives these second trains of expanded pixel image signals, reconstructs and generates image signal for driving pixels. The control circuitry directs the phase expansion circuit to periodically change the pixel column ordering combinations used to generate the first set of expanded image signal trains. As the column ordering combinations vary, the preferred control circuitry may correspondingly instruct the rotation to reorder or decode the received image signal trains into an expanded signal train in a form suitable for sampling image reconstruction and display. Therefore, even if there are variations of characteristics of individual components such as transistors in the phase expansion circuit and such variation affects uniform brightness of each pixel, these differences in characteristics can be dissipated through periodic resequencing. Consequently, a uniform high-resolution image can be displayed and perceived in the display area.