A method is disclosed for generating light in one or more buried layers of a multilayer compound semiconductor material by contacting the material with a tansparent, electrically conducting fluid and passing current between the fluid and the semiconductor material. The measured characteristics of the light emitted from a first semiconductor material may be compared with those measured from a second semiconductor material of known properties, and the properties of the first semiconductor material calculated. Uniformity maps of the compound semiconductor material may be prepared using the patterns of various light emission characteristics measured across the surface of the material.
A method of growing a native oxide on a compound semiconductor material, comprising contacting the compound semiconductor material with an oxygen containing fluid, and pulsing a current between the compound semiconductor material the fluid, is presented. A "traveling oxide" can be produced when the oxygen containing fluid etches the native oxide. To obtain smooth oxides when the compound semiconductor material contains layers of different material, the oxide growth is monitored, and the pulse parameters changed in response to the monitoring of the oxide growth.
A semiconductor laser structure for use having a laser substructure so constructed and arranged to have an active region in close proximity to the top surface region and separated therefrom by a separation region, the separation region having a lower refractive index than the top surface region and the active region.
A multilayer compound semiconductor is contacted with an electrically conducting fluid, and a current is passed between the semiconductor and the fluid. The current passes is monitored, and the current is controlled in response to the monitoring.
A high speed photodetector, for use with semi-conductor lasers or the like, is configured to receive light signals upon a beveled detector facet, directing the incident light through a semiconductor window layer to the detector's junction region.
In a heterostructure diode injection laser, the active layer has a region of relatively lesser thickness in registration with a stripe geometry contact. Increased gain within the region of lesser thickness relative to adjacent regions of greater thickness tends to effectively confine lasing operation to the thinner or constricted region. The dimensions of the constricted active region may be readily selected to discriminate against multifilament lasing modes in order to produce a single spot laser beam over a wide range of injection levels.