It is sometimes desirable to protect a design used in a PLD from being copied. If the design is stored in a different device from the PLD and read into the PLD through a bitstream, the design may be encrypted as it is read into the PLD and decrypted within the PLD before being loaded into configuration memory cells for configuring the PLD. According to the invention, in such a device, a method is provided to prevent the design from being read back from the PLD in its decrypted state if it had been encrypted when loaded into the PLD.
It is sometimes desirable to protect a design used in a PLD from being copied. If the design is stored in a different device from the PLD and read into the PLD through a bitstream, an unencrypted bitstream could be observed and copied as it is being loaded. According to the invention, a bitstream for configuring a PLD with an encrypted design includes unencrypted words for controlling loading of the configuration bitstream and encrypted words that actually specify the design.
It is sometimes desirable to protect a design used in a PLD from being copied. According to the present invention, the design is encrypted, then loaded into a PLD, then decrypted, and then loaded into the configuration memory of the PLD. An attacker could relocate the design to a visible part of the PLD and learn the design. The present invention prevents design relocation by attaching address information to the encryption key or by encrypting an address where the design is to be loaded as well as encrypting the design itself. Thus, if an attacker tries to load the design into a different part of the PLD, the encrypted design will not decrypt properly.
To prevent copying of a design implemented in a programmable logic device (PLD), the PLD itself stores a decryption key or keys loaded by the designer, and includes a decryptor for decrypting an encrypted configuration bitstream as it is loaded into the PLD. The PLD also includes logic for reading header information that indicates whether the bitstream is encrypted, and can accept both encrypted and unencrypted bitstreams. The encryption keys may be stored in non-volatile memory or backed up with a battery so that they are retained when power is removed.
It is sometimes desirable to protect a design used in a PLD from being copied. If the design is stored in a different device from the PLD and read into the PLD through a bitstream, an unencrypted bitstream could be observed and copied as it is being loaded. According to the invention, a bitstream for configuring a PLD with an encrypted design includes unencrypted words for controlling loading of the configuration bitstream and encrypted words that actually specify the design.
It is sometimes desirable to encrypt a design for loading into a PLD so that an attacker may not learn and copy the design as it is being copied into the PLD. According to the invention, the encrypted design is decrypted by a key or keys within the PLD that are preserved when power is removed by either being stored in nonvolatile memory or by being backed up with a battery that switches into operation when the power is removed from the PLD.
It is sometimes desirable to encrypt a design for loading into a PLD so that an attacker may not learn and copy the design as it is being written into the PLD. It is desirable that decryption keys be stored within the PLD, and that they be loaded conveniently before a board including the PLD is sold. The invention allows the PLD to be placed into a printed circuit board and the board to be tested using a JTAG port of the PLD, and then allows the decryption keys to be loaded into a key memory using the JTAG port. Loading of the keys can be performed without also loading of a design into the PLD. Loading may be performed without the use of a device programmer.
It is sometimes desirable to encrypt a design for loading into a PLD so that an attacker may not learn and copy the design as it is being copied into the PLD. According to the invention, a method for generating a bitstream for storing an encrypted design begins by generating an unencrypted bitstream including bits representing the design and bits that control loading of the design. The bits representing the design are encrypted and are combined with the bits that control loading, which are not encrypted.
A digital clock manager having differential clock signal paths is provided. The differential clock signal paths are provided by replacing single-ended circuit elements of a conventional digital clock manager with symmetrical cascade voltage switch logic (CVSL) circuit elements, including CVSL delay buffers, CVSL multiplexers, CVSL AND gates, CVSL OR gates and CVSL set-reset latches. These symmetrical CVSL AND gates, CVSL OR gates and CVSL set-reset latches represent new circuit elements.
A PLD can be manufactured to include power supply lines from two sources so that a portion of the PLD can be backed up with a battery when power to the PLD is removed. A switch that supplies power to the backed up portion of the PLD receives power from both an external power supply and from the battery, and detects voltage level of the external power supply, switching to battery power when voltage from the external power supply is not sufficient.