Phase Change Magnetic Ink And Process For Preparing Same
    Phase Change Magnetic Ink And Process For Preparing Same 有权





    申请人: Xerox Corporation

    IPC分类号: C09D11/00

    摘要: An in situ process for preparing a phase change magnetic ink including heating a phase change ink composition to a first temperature sufficient to provide a melt composition; wherein the phase change ink composition comprises a carrier, an optional colorant, and an optional dispersant; placing the melt composition under inert atmosphere; heating the melt composition to a second temperature sufficient to effect decomposition of a metal carbonyl; adding the metal carbonyl to the melt composition under inert atmosphere at this second temperature to form metal nanoparticles thus forming in situ a phase change magnetic ink including the metal nanoparticles; optionally, filtering the phase change magnetic ink while in a liquid state; and cooling the phase change magnetic ink to a solid state.

    摘要翻译: 一种用于制备相变磁性油墨的原位方法,包括将相变油墨组合物加热至足以提供熔融组合物的第一温度; 其中所述相变油墨组合物包含载体,任选的着色剂和任选的分散剂; 将熔融组合物置于惰性气氛下; 将熔融组合物加热到足以使羰基金属分解的第二温度; 在惰性气氛下在该第二温度下将金属羰基加入到熔融组合物中以形成金属纳米颗粒,由此原位形成包含金属纳米颗粒的相变磁性油墨; 任选地,在液态下过滤相变磁性墨; 并将相变磁性墨水冷却至固态。