La présente invention se rapporte à une nouvelle préparation aromatisante alimentaire à râper ayant là composition suivante : - 5 à 35% en poids d'une matière première laitière ou fromagère maigre ou partiellement allégée; - 10 à 50% en poids d'une base grasse d'origine animale ou végétale comprenant une ou plusieurs substances aromatiques concentrées ajoutées; - jusqu'à 40% en poids d'une matière grasse non aromatisée d'origine animale ou végétale; - 0,5 à 3% en poids d'au moins un sel de fonte; - un correcteur d'acidité en quantité nécessaire pour nécessaire pour ajuster le pH du produit fini à une valeur comprise entre 5,1 et 6,5; caractérisée en ce que la teneur en substance aromatique concentrée ajoutée est comprise entre 25 et 50% en poids du poids total de ladite préparation aromatisante alimentaire a râper, à son procédé de préparation et à son utilisation dans une préparation alimentaire à cuire, optionnellement en mélange avec un fromage.
Aliment laitier d'imitation, affiné ou non affiné comportant au moins une matière grasse non animale, et au moins une protéine Les aliments pouvant être affinés dans au moins une partie de la masse et/ou étant affinés en surface. Procédé de fabrication de ces aliments, en particulier de produits laitiers d'imitation tels des fromages d'imitation, affinés en surface et/ou dans la masse, à partir d'un fromage d'imitation contenant une caséinate et/ou une caséine et par des procédés d'affinage traditionnellement utilisés pour l'affinage des fromages et/ou par de nouveaux procédés d'affinage. Aliment d'imitation affiné ou non affiné obtenu par mise en œuvre d'un des procédés de l'invention. Utilisation d'un aliment d'imitation affiné ou d'un aliment d'imitation non affiné pour la consommation directe, dans des préparations alimentaires, comme ingrédients ou comme ingrédient de base susceptible d'être soumis à un affinage supplémentaire.
The invention relates to a process for the manufacture of a milk based fat mixture, where said process comprises the steps where in the first step milk base selected from mixtures of non-acidified milk base and acidified milk base is mixed with 15-85 wt% of edible plant oil and optionally acidifier, followed by mixing to obtain the fat mixture. The invention also relates to a milk based fat mixture obtainable by said process and to uses of said milk based fat mixture in food products.
Described are cheese compositions and methods of making cheese compositions, including methods of formulating cheese compositions, wherein the cheese compositions may include combinations of casein protein, fiber, non-casein protein, non-pregelatinized, modified starch, and a fat component. In a preferred embodiment, the cheese composition comprises from 20 to 30 weight percent fat, casein protein, in an amount of not greater than 20 weight percent, from 1 to 5 weight percent fiber, emulsifying salt, and from 25 to 50 weight percent water.
Disclosed is a fat or oil useful for cooking applications which includes from 10 to 90 % DAG, and comprises at least 15% solids at room temperature; in particular embodiments, the fat or oil is derived from palm oil, palm kernel oil, coconut oil, sunflower oil, soybean oil, corn oil, rapeseed oil, grape seed oil, rice bran oil, sesame oil, and peanut oil, or any combination thereof, and exhibits health benefits including lowered serum LDL, raised serum HDL, lowered total serum cholesterol, reduced risk of metabolic syndrome, reduced risk of diabetes mellitus, enhanced fetal health, enhanced insulin sensitivity, reduced risk of hypertension, and enhanced resistance to obesity per unit of consumption. Food compositions and methods of health enhancement utilising the fats and oils of the invention are also disclosed.
Techniques for making a yogurt-cheese-oil product, comprising steps of: providing a milkfat- oil fluid comprising butterfat and an oil; pasteurizing the milkfat-oil fluid to produce a cheese-oil precursor; combining yogurt with the cheese-oil precursor to produce a combined yogurt-cheese-oil precursor; and homogenizing and acidifying the combined yogurt-cheese- oil precursor; producing a yogurt-cheese-oil product. Yogurt-cheese-oil products: comprising between about 10% by weight and about 80% by weight of total butterfat; comprising between about 2% by weight and about 52.5% by weight of an oil; comprising between about 10% by weight and about 50% by weight of yogurt; and yielding less than about 1% syneresis by weight after 15 hours at about 74°F to about 75°F.
An anhydrous cheese-based product is provided which may be made into a cheese-based dry flake for incorporation into baked goods anf flour confections, or which may be used in the preparation of snack items. The cheese-based product comprises from substantially 0 to 2 % by weight of moisture, from about 20 % to about 50 % by weight of cheese solids, with the balance being cheese-compatible oils. The cheese solids are naturally occuring cheese solids that are derived from cheeses from which substantially all water has been removed, and thereby comprise the butterfat, protein, and lactose constituents of cheese. The cheese-comptatible and bakery-compatible oils must be selected from the group consisting of suitable vegetable oils, butter oils, or other dairy fats, and mixtures thereof, which exhibit generally similar solid fat index and melting point characteristics as those of butterfat; and they must be miscible with the butterfat constituent of cheese solids, in any proportion, at temperatures of about 35 DEG C to about 40 DEG C, so that to make a substantially homogenous mixture therewith, and in which the protein and lactose constituents are held in suspension. In manufacture, the ingredients are mixed so that the solids are suspended in the oils, and oil crystallisation is initiated in a tempering unit. Then, the tempered product is passed through a cooling tunnel to cool and crystallize the fats.
Methods as can be used in the preparation of one or more dairy, dairy analog and cheese products from a range of proteinacous starting materials, such methods comprising protein modification and protein restoration or protein restructure.