Carbon monoxide and molecular hydrogen are converted to an alcohol mixture, which is separated into a first, methanol-containing stream and a second, C 2+ alcohol-containing stream. The first stream's methanol is converted into a propylene-rich product, and the second stream's C 2+ alcohol is converted to ethylene and additional propylene.
A presente invenção trata de um método de preparo de catalisadores a base de sulfeto de molibdênio, tendo incorporado um promotor alcalino, catalisadores estes empregados na produção de álcoois, em especial o etanol, a partir de gás de síntese. O método envolve a reação de hexacarbonila de molibdênio (Mo(CO)6) com enxofre, de forma a gerar sulfeto de molibdênio, que posteriormente tem incorporado um promotor alcalino, de forma a se obter um catalisador sólido para aplicação em processos de produção de álcoois à partir de gás de síntese, seletivo a etanol.
This invention relates to a process for the preparation of surface-functionalised metal oxide, metal sulphide, metal selenide or metal telluride nanoparticles, a process for the preparation of a composite material comprising such nanoparticles, nanoparticles and a composite material produced thereby, the use of such nanoparticles in catalysis and a catalyst comprising such nanoparticles.
A method for the reduction of carbon dioxide and/or carbon dioxide derivatives to methanol comprises the step of hydrogenation carbon dioxide and/or carbon dioxide derivatives in the presence of a Ruthenium-phosphine complex.
The present invention relates to processes for making catalysts involving impregnation of a support with a solution comprising a metal oxalate and an acid, and a solution of precious metal oxalate. The catalysts are preferably used for converting acetic acid to ethanol. The catalyst comprises a precious metal and one or more active metals on a support, optionally a modified support.
La presente invención se refiere a un catalizador multimetálico azufrado, un procedimiento para la preparación de la mezcla metálica y su posterior sulfuración y su uso en un proceso de producción de alcoholes superiores (C 2+ ), principalmente etanol, por conversión catalítica de gas de síntesis.
Catalyst, for the synthesis of methanol and its derivatives, on an alumina support, whose structure contains titanium dioxide and ions of sodium and/or aluminium, characterized in that its active sites form a structure having overall surface area in the range of 62 to 73 m2/g in the form of TiO2 clusters at an amount from 4,3 to 5,5% by weight per total catalyst mass, said TiO2 clusters enriched with aluminium III ions and/or sodium I ions at Al +3 -to-TiO2 weight ratio like that of Na+ to TiO2, about 2:1 each, and are deposited onto a previously oxidized aluminium surface being the support, preferably onto the internal aluminium surface of a tube reactor or onto alumina supports prepared during the process.
A method for hydrogenating carbon dioxide to produce methanol. A band-like copper substrate is transported by a group of rotation drive rollers to precipitate porous metal zinc on the copper substrate. Hydrogen is generated by the porous metal zinc as a result of an electrochemical reaction in an enclosed space defined by the roller group simultaneously to produce zinc oxide and copper oxide catalyst. Carbon dioxide is introduced into an enclosed space of high temperature and high pressure to produce methanol by hydrogenation.
An aliovalent metal cation stabilized metal oxide catalyst capable of catalyzing a carbon dioxide to methanol reaction. The catalyst includes aliovalent cations incorporated into the lattice framework of the metal oxide.
The present invention relates to a method of reducing, cleaving and/or coupling at least one C=O, C-O, C=C or C=N bond of a compound, using a reagent comprising a stannyl cation.