A digital video, audio and data distribution system which enables a set-top terminal (STT) associated with a customer's television set or other information presentation device to request interactive digital video, audio and data services from a service provider (SP) through the use of control system messages transmitted via a hi-directional signalling path. The requested interactive service is transmitted from the service provider over a portion of the bandwidth of a broadband transmission network which is dedicated to interactive digital services. A Video Session Connection (VSC) is provided for setting up and maintaining interactive sessions between the set-top terminal and a video service provider during the time the interactive programming is provided to the customer. The set-top terminal and service provider establish the Video Session Connection via a two-way signalling path within the bandwidth of the transmission medium into the customer's home. Applications of the system of the invention include "movie on demand" services where the set-top terminal not only requests a movie to be transmitted from the service provider for immediate transmission, but also the bi-directional command channel permits the set-top terminal to control the video presentation by sending commands such as Play, Pause, Fast-Forward and the like to the Service Provider while the movie is being transmitted. Other applications of the invention include on-line data retrieval services, shop at home services and other services which require the use of an interactive connection.
The present invention is directed to a videophone system implemented over a cable television network. The instant invention provides a videophone comprising a camera for capturing images associated with a videophone signal, a videophone unit and a set top terminal or cable modem connecting the videophone to a cable television network. Videophone signals created at the call origination site are encoded and transported to a predetermined destination over an existing cable television network. The system uses IP addresses as phone number on the network. Additionally, transport of videophone signals between different cable systems is accomplished via a high-speed long distance data network, such as, for example, a satellite network, that provides communication between the headends of the different cable television systems. The set top terminal may be a conventional subscriber terminal, a cable modem or a subscriber terminal configured to operate as a cable modem. The set top terminal provides the interface between the videophone and the cable television system. More than one videophone may be connected to a single set top terminal. Display of videophone data may be achieved using any conventional display device, including a television set or a personal computer monitor. Accordingly, the videophone system described herein takes advantage of increased bandwidth and lower cost realized by using existing cable television infrastructure and technology.
An apparatus and method is described for transmitting, receiving and communicating program data signals which are combined with digital data signals. Preferably, the present invention compresses 30 digital audio signals, multiplexes them with title, track, artist, record label, year, etc., program information, and transmits the combined signals via satellite to a receiving station. The receiving station demultiplexes the signals and sends them via a cable distribution system to a subscriber's digital music tuner. This tuner further demultiplexes and decodes the signals so that the digital audio signals may be converted to analog and output for listening, while the corresponding data signals are communicated to the subscriber. In an alternative preferred embodiment, the program data signals are transmitted to a remote control receiver where they are displayed. The system described in the present invention may be used for transmitting video, software or games with program data to subscribers.
An apparatus and method is described for transmitting, receiving and communicating program data signals which are combined with digital data signals. Preferably, the present invention compresses 30 digital audio signals, multiplexes them with title, track, artist, record label, year, etc., program information, and transmits the combined signals via satellite to a receiving station. The receiving station demultiplexes the signals and sends them via a cable distribution system to a subscriber's digital music tuner. This tuner further demultiplexes and decodes the signals so that the digital audio signals may be converted to analog and output for listening, while the corresponding data signals are communicated to the subscriber. In an alternative preferred embodiment, the program data signals are transmitted to a remote control receiver where they are displayed. The system described in the present invention may be used for transmitting video, software or games with program data to subscribers.
A digital audio communication system includes a digital modulation and demodulation scheme which efficiently uses the bandwidth and channel spacing of a cable television system. A 30 channel digital bit stream is demultiplexed into six groups of five channels. Each group of channels thereafter modulates a carrier by a quadrature partial response (QPR) process. The QPR signal, an amplitude modulated, double sideband, carrier suppressed (AM DSBSC) signal, is then transmitted over the cable system to a multiplicity of subscribers, each of which has a QPR demodulator. The demodulators are of the decision feedback type having a modified Costas loop carrier recovery circuit. The grouping of an odd number (five) of digital audio channels per QPR modulator minimizes error propagation due to the correlative QPR demodulation process. The decision feedback decoding is implemented in simple current nodes where a bilevel output from the decoded data is subtracted from a tertiary level output of a mixer. The resulting bilevel current is converted to a voltage, filtered, and limited to produce a logic output level. The modified Costas loop provides an error voltage based upon the difference of the received data states versus the nominal data states and the quadrant the data occupies. The error voltage is generated by differencing the outputs of two analog switches which have as their inputs analog signals representative of the amplitude level of the data and its inverse of one phase. The sign of the data bit of the opposite phase is used to control the switch and thus select which signal is used.
A remote control system including a hand held remote control unit with an alphanumeric information display, for controlling and communicating with a first controlled device, such as a digital music tuner connected to a community antenna television (CATV) cable, and for controlling a selected one of a plurality of second controlled devices, such as CATV set-top units, VCRs, or television sets. A first, high speed, error free display information communications protocol is utilized for transmitting program content or other information from a device, such as the CATV-connected music tuner, to the remote control unit for display. A second or control communications protocol is utilized by the remote control unit for controlling the first controlled device and a selected one of the second controlled devices. The CATV cable-connected music tuner utilizes the 44.1 kHZ Compact Disk (CD) clock signal embedded in digital music signals provided via the cable to derive clocking signals for implementing the display information communications protocol, resulting in an efficient, low cost electronic design.