Method for the crosslinking of cathodically depositable coating agents
    Method for the crosslinking of cathodically depositable coating agents 失效





    Abstract: Method for the crosslinking of cathodically depositable coating agents, optionally containing pigment, dyestuff, filler, solvent, varnish adjuvant or additional crosslinking components, based upon a water-soluble or -dispersible nitrogen based cationic resin, at least partially present as salt, in which a cationic resin of molecular weight greater than 1000, containing 2 to 20 equivalents of double bonds per 1000 g, is contacted with sulfur and/or one or more sulfur-containing vulcanization acceleration. The coating mixture is then electrophoretically deposited upon an object, and hardened at temperatures above C. The resin may contain tertiary atoms of carbon, and also one or more sulfur-free vulcanization accelerators may be used. The resin is a reaction product of at least (A) one epoxidized polydiene and/or (B) one bisglicydylether of a polyphenol and (C) one amide compound formed from one or more higher, essentially unsaturated fatty acids and a polyamine, and can contain a ketimino or hydroxyl group, and/or (D) one hydrazide compound, which contains tertiary amino groups, and if necessary (E) one organic secondary amine, and has been made with an acid under formation of cationic groups dispersible in water. The invention also encompasses hardened coatings obtained according to this method.

    Abstract translation: 基于至少部分以盐形式存在的水溶性或可分散的基于氮的阳离子树脂交联阴极可沉积的涂层剂,任选地含有颜料,染料,填料,溶剂,清漆助剂或其它交联组分的方法,其中 分子量大于1000的阳离子树脂,每1000克含有2至20当量的双键,与硫和/或一种或多种含硫硫化加速剂接触。 然后将涂料混合物电泳沉积在物体上,并在高于120℃的温度下硬化。树脂可以含有碳原子,也可以使用一种或多种无硫硫化促进剂。 树脂是至少(A)一种环氧化聚二烯和/或(B)一种多酚的双羟基乙醚和(C)一种由一种或多种更高,基本上不饱和的脂肪酸和多胺形成的酰胺化合物的反应产物,并且可以 含有酮亚胺基或羟基的化合物,和/或(D)含有叔氨基的一个酰肼化合物,如果需要(E)一种有机仲胺,并且在酸形成时可以分散在水中形成阳离子基团。 本发明还包括根据该方法获得的硬化涂层。

    Self curing cationic amide-group-containing aminourea resin, if
necessary with urethane groupings
    Self curing cationic amide-group-containing aminourea resin, if necessary with urethane groupings 失效





    CPC classification number: C09D5/4465 C08G18/0814 C08G18/603 C08G18/671

    Abstract: Self-curing cationic amide-group-containing aminourea resins are disclosed, if necessary with urethane groupings, which are the reaction product of at least(A) a polyaminoamide which has been produced from(1) one or more predominantly higher fatty acids and one or more alkylene or polyalkylene-polyamines and/or(2) dimer fatty acids, if necessary in mixture with predominantly higher, substantially unsaturated fatty acids, and one or more alkylene- or polyalkylene-polyamines, and additionally partially contains cyclic amidine-groupings produced under splitting off of water and, if necessary, amino-groups blocked by ketimine,(B) a diisocyanate and, if necessary, of(C)(1) a primary and/or secondary allyl- or methallylamine and/or(2) one or more saturated primary and/or secondary aliphatic, cycloaliphatic, heterocyclic or aromatic amines and/or(3) an allyl- or methallyl-alcohol and/or(4) one or more cyclic or polycyclic alcohols, which are olefinically unsaturated in their cyclic or polyclicic ring systems, and/or(5) a monoalcohol with a tert. N-atom and/or diol with, if necessary, a tertiary N-atom,and have been made dispersible in water with an acid under formation of cationic groups. Also disclosed is a method for the cationic deposition of such resins onto substrates.

    Abstract translation: 如果需要,自固化阳离子酰胺基氨基脲树脂如果需要,公开了氨基甲酸酯基团,其是至少(A)聚氨基酰胺的反应产物,其由(1)一种或多种主要高级脂肪酸和一种 或更多的亚烷基或聚亚烷基多胺和/或(2)二聚脂肪酸,如果需要,与主要更高的基本上不饱和的脂肪酸和一种或多种亚烷基 - 或聚亚烷基多胺的混合物,以及另外部分地含有产生的环状脒基 (B)二异氰酸酯,如有必要,(C)(1)伯和/或仲烯丙基 - 或甲基烯丙基胺和/或(2)的(C) 一种或多种饱和的伯和/或仲脂族,脂环族,杂环或芳族胺和/或(3)烯丙基或甲代烯丙醇和/或(4)一种或多种环状或多环醇,其在它们的 循环o r多环系统,和/或(5)一元醇与叔丁基。 如果需要,可以使用N-原子和/或二醇与叔N-原子,并且在阳离子基团形成之前已经被酸分散在水中。 还公开了将这种树脂阳离子沉积到基底上的方法。

    Waterdispersible cationic resins for electrodeposition
    Waterdispersible cationic resins for electrodeposition 失效





    Abstract: Waterdispersible cationic resins are formed by reacting the components comprising at least(A) an epoxidized polydiene,(B) a bisglycidylether of a polyphenol,(C) an amide compound, which is formed by one or more higher, substantially multiply unsaturated fatty acids and a polyamine and which may comprise a ketimine group or a hydroxy group, and possibly(D) an organic secondary amine and/or(E) a partially and/or fully masked polyisocyanate, which product comprises excess epoxide groups and carbon-carbon double bonds and which resins can be made waterdispersible with an acid under formation of cationic groups. A composite is provided comprising the cationic resin superposed on a conducting substrate and a method is described for forming the composite.

    Abstract translation: 水分散性阳离子树脂通过使包含至少(A)环氧化聚二烯,(B)多酚的双缩水甘油醚,(C)酰胺化合物的组分(其由一种或多种较高的基本上不饱和的不饱和脂肪酸形成)和 多胺,其可以包含酮亚胺基或羟基,以及可能(D)有机仲胺和/或(E)部分和/或完全掩蔽的多异氰酸酯,该产物包含过量的环氧基和碳 - 碳双键 并且哪些树脂可以在形成阳离子基团的情况下与酸水分散。 提供了包含重叠在导电基材上的阳离子树脂的复合材料,描述了形成复合材料的方法。

    Production of vicinal alkylene glycols
    Production of vicinal alkylene glycols 失效





    CPC classification number: C07C29/106

    Abstract: A process is provided for production of vicinal alkylene glycols by hydrolysis of an epoxyalkane having from 6 to 24 carbon atoms in the presence of water and a basic catalyst and under carbon dioxide pressures of from 100 to 300 bars and temperatures of from about C. to C. Also disclosed are homogeneous mixtures of epoxyalkanes and/or vicinal alkylene glycols having from 6 to 24 carbon atoms, water, a basic catalyst and carbon dioxide in an amount corresponding to a carbon dioxide partial pressure of from about 100 to 300 bars, provided at temperatures from about C. to C. The process provides high yields, selectivities and reaction velocities and the resulting products are of high purity.

    Abstract translation: 提供了一种通过在水和碱性催化剂存在下水解具有6至24个碳原子的环氧烷烃并且在100至300巴的二氧化碳压力和约200℃的温度下水解制备连环烷撑二醇的方法 还公开了具有6至24个碳原子的环氧烷烃和/或连环亚烷基二醇的均匀混合物,水,碱性催化剂和二氧化碳,其量对应于二氧化碳分压为约100至 300巴,温度为约200℃至350℃。该方法提供高产率,选择性和反应速度,所得产物具有高纯度。

    Cataphoretically depositable aqueous coating composition, a method for
the preparation thereof and a method of depositing the composition
    Cataphoretically depositable aqueous coating composition, a method for the preparation thereof and a method of depositing the composition 失效





    Abstract: A catephoretically depositable aqueous coating composition is disclosed which is based on(A) 100 parts by weight of an at least partially neutralized reaction product of an epoxy groups-containing compound and an amine and(B) 5-50 parts by weight of an at least partially blocked polyisocyanate,in which composition the constituents A and B may be chemically combined, wherein the aminated epoxy compound is the reaction product of(1) 40-90 parts by weight of an epoxidized (co)polymer, i.e. a homopolymer or copolymer, having an epoxy number of 50-400 of a (cyclo)alkadiene, i.e. alkadiene or cycloalkadiene, containing 4-12 carbon atoms, which (co)polymer has an average molecular weight of 400-12,000, and(2) 60-10 parts by weight of a compound having 1-30 carbon atoms and having at least one primary or secondary amino group.The invention also relates to a method for the preparation of said aqueous coating composition and to method of depositing same.

    Abstract translation: 公开了一种可照相沉积的水性涂料组合物,其基于(A)100重量份的含环氧基的化合物和胺的至少部分中和的反应产物和(B)5-50重量份的在 最少部分封闭的多异氰酸酯,其中组分A和B可以化学组合,其中胺化环氧化合物是(1)40-90重量份的环氧化(共)聚合物的反应产物,即均聚物或共聚物 环氧数为50-400的(环)链二烯,即含有4-12个碳原子的链二烯或环二烯,该(共)聚合物的平均分子量为400-12,000,和(2)60-10 重量份具有1-30个碳原子并且具有至少一个伯或仲氨基的化合物。 本发明还涉及一种制备所述水性涂料组合物的方法及其沉积方法。

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