A programmable logic device integrated circuit or other integrated circuit may have logic circuitry that produces data signals. The data signals may be routed to other logic circuits through interconnects. The interconnects may be programmable. A level recovery circuit may be used at the end of each interconnect line to strengthen the transmitted data signal. The level recovery circuit that is attached to a given interconnect line may produce true and complementary versions of the data signal that is on that interconnect line. Level shifting circuitry may be provided to boost the data signals on the interconnects. Each interconnect line may have a level shifter circuit that receives the true and complementary versions of a data signal and that produces corresponding boosted true and complementary versions of the data signal. The boosted signals may be provided to the control inputs of complementary-metal-oxide-semiconductor transistor pass gates in programmable look-up table circuitry.
Integrated circuits such as programmable logic device integrated circuits are provided that have configuration random-access memory elements. The configuration random-access memory elements are loaded with configuration data to customize programmable logic on the integrated circuits. Each memory element has a capacitor that stores data for that memory element. A pair of cross-coupled inverters are connected to the capacitor. The inverters ensure that the memory elements produce output control signals with voltages than range from one power supply rail to another. Each configuration random-access memory element may have a clear transistor. The capacitor may be formed in a dielectric layer that lies above the transistors of the inverters, the address transistor, and the clear transistor. The inverters may be powered with an elevated power supply voltage.
Integrated circuits such as programmable logic device integrated circuits are provided that have configuration random-access memory elements. The configuration random-access memory elements are loaded with configuration data to customize programmable logic on the integrated circuits. Each memory element has a capacitor that stores data for that memory element. A pair of cross-coupled inverters are connected to the capacitor. The inverters ensure that the memory elements produce output control signals with voltages than range from one power supply rail to another. Each configuration random-access memory element may have a clear transistor. The capacitor may be formed in a dielectric layer that lies above the transistors of the inverters, the address transistor, and the clear transistor. The inverters may be powered with an elevated power supply voltage.
Integrated circuits such as programmable logic device integrated circuits are provided that have configuration random-access memory elements. The configuration random-access memory elements are loaded with configuration data to customize programmable logic on the integrated circuits. Each memory element has a capacitor that stores data for that memory element. A pair of cross-coupled inverters are connected to the capacitor. The inverters ensure that the memory elements produce output control signals with voltages than range from one power supply rail to another. Each configuration random-access memory element may have a clear transistor. The capacitor may be formed in a dielectric layer that lies above the transistors of the inverters, the address transistor, and the clear transistor. The inverters may be powered with an elevated power supply voltage.
Power supply decoupling capacitors are provided for integrated circuits. The decoupling capacitors may be distributed in clusters amongst powered circuit components. Each cluster may contain a number of individual capacitor cells that are connected in parallel. Each capacitor cell may contain a capacitor and a resistor connected in series with the capacitor. The capacitors may be metal-insulator-metal (MIM) capacitors. The resistor in each cell may limit the current through an individual capacitor in the event of a short in the capacitor due to a dielectric defect.
Memory elements are provided that exhibit immunity to soft error upsets. The memory elements may have cross-coupled inverters. The inverters may be implemented using programmable Schmitt triggers. The memory elements may be locked and unlocked by providing appropriate power supply voltages to the Schmitt trigger. The memory elements may each have four inverter-like transistor pairs that form a bistable element, at least one address transistor, and at least one write enable transistor. The write enable transistor may bridge two of the four nodes. The memory elements may be locked and unlocked by turning the write enable transistor on and off. When a memory element is unlocked, the memory element is less resistant to changes in state, thereby facilitating write operations. When the memory element is locked, the memory element may exhibit enhanced immunity to soft error upsets.
Integrated circuits such as programmable logic device integrated circuits are provided that have configuration random-access memory elements. The configuration random-access memory elements are loaded with configuration data to customize programmable logic on the integrated circuits. Each memory element has a capacitor that stores data for that memory element. A pair of cross-coupled inverters are connected to the capacitor. The inverters ensure that the memory elements produce output control signals with voltages than range from one power supply rail to another. Each configuration random-access memory element may have a clear transistor. The capacitor may be formed in a dielectric layer that lies above the transistors of the inverters, the address transistor, and the clear transistor. The inverters may be powered with an elevated power supply voltage.
Power supply decoupling capacitors are provided for integrated circuits. The decoupling capacitors may be distributed in clusters amongst powered circuit components. Each cluster may contain a number of individual capacitor cells that are connected in parallel. Each capacitor cell may contain a capacitor and a resistor connected in series with the capacitor. The capacitors may be metal-insulator-metal (MIM) capacitors. The resistor in each cell may limit the current through an individual capacitor in the event of a short in the capacitor due to a dielectric defect.
Techniques and circuitry provide fast, accurate, proper, and reliable transfer of configuration data from an on-chip nonvolatile memory to the programmable logic core of a programmable logic integrated circuit. A first technique includes not allowing the programmable logic to be configured until the data held in the on-chip nonvolatile memory can be read correctly and reliably. A second technique includes verifying the configuration data is transferred from the nonvolatile memory to the programmable logic core correctly and without error during the transfer process. These two techniques may be combined or used individually during the configuration of an integrated circuit.
Techniques and circuitry provide fast, accurate, proper, and reliable transfer of configuration data from an on-chip nonvolatile memory to the programmable logic core of a programmable logic integrated circuit. A first technique includes not allowing the programmable logic to be configured until the data held in the on-chip nonvolatile memory can be read correctly and reliably. A second technique includes verifying the configuration data is transferred from the nonvolatile memory to the programmable logic core correctly and without error during the transfer process. These two techniques may be combined or used individually during the configuration of an integrated circuit.