A means for obtaining high mass transfer efficiencies in surfactant laden wastewater treatment or process systems is disclosed. The present system employs ultrafine bubbles delivered into a high shear region such as in the draft tube or other containment volume of a mechanically agitated contacting system within which an impeller is placed, or in the venturi or divergent-convergent of a pumped loop within which gas-liquid contacting is carried out.
An activated sludge wastewater treatment method is provided. The disclosed method includes: receiving a stream of wastewater into a mixed liquor in an uncovered activated sludge basin; introducing high purity oxygen to the mixed liquor in the activated sludge basin to produce euoxic conditions (i.e. a dissolved oxygen level in the range of between about 5 mg to 15 mg) in the activated sludge basin; passing a portion of the mixed liquor in the activated sludge basin through a clarifier to separate activated sludge and produce an effluent stream and an activated sludge stream; and recycling a portion of the activated sludge stream to the activated sludge basin to produce a mixed liquor having a solids loading of between about 3000 mg and about 10000 mg of suspended solids per liter of mixed liquor and a solids retention time of between about 7 days and 40 days.
A method and nitrification system for nitrifying a centrate stream produced from dewatering sludge within a wastewater treatment facility in which the centrate stream into a nitrification reactor containing accumulated centrate with a bacterial population of AOB and NOB nitrifying bacteria to the ammonia content within the centrate stream into nitrates and an oxygen containing gas is introduced into the accumulated centrate to support bacterial activity of the AOB and NOB nitrifying bacteria. Additionally, a conditioning method is obtained in which the bacterial population is grown within the nitrification reactor in conditioning stages that involve the introduction of incoming centrate into the reactor with a successively decreasing degree of dilution.
An activated sludge wastewater treatment system is provided. The disclosed system includes: an uncovered activated sludge basin; a high purity oxygen aeration system; a secondary clarifier; a return activated sludge line and a waste activated sludge line; wherein the system operates at a solids loading of between about 3000 mg and about 10000 mg of suspended solids per liter of mixed liquor; a dissolved oxygen level in the aeration basin in the range of between about 5 mg to 15 mg; and a solids retention time of between about 7 days and 40 days.
An activated sludge wastewater treatment method is provided. The disclosed method includes: receiving a stream of wastewater into a mixed liquor in an uncovered activated sludge basin; introducing high purity oxygen to the mixed liquor in the activated sludge basin to produce euoxic conditions (i.e. a dissolved oxygen level in the range of between about 5 mg to 15 mg) in the activated sludge basin; passing a portion of the mixed liquor in the activated sludge basin through a clarifier to separate activated sludge and produce an effluent stream and an activated sludge stream; and recycling a portion of the activated sludge stream to the activated sludge basin to produce a mixed liquor having a solids loading of between about 3000 mg and about 10000 mg of suspended solids per liter of mixed liquor and a solids retention time of between about 7 days and 40 days.
An activated sludge wastewater treatment system is provided. The disclosed system includes: an uncovered activated sludge basin; a high purity oxygen aeration system; a secondary clarifier; a return activated sludge line and a waste activated sludge line; wherein the system operates at a solids loading of between about 3000 mg and about 10000 mg of suspended solids per liter of mixed liquor; a dissolved oxygen level in the aeration basin in the range of between about 5 mg to 15 mg; and a solids retention time of between about 7 days and 40 days.