A complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) low-power, high speed logic circuit consisting of a cascaded chain of stages. The first stage is a pulsed domino logic circuit having one or more logic signal inputs for receiving data signals, and a timing input for receiving a clocking pulse that conditions the input pulse domino stage for evaluation during a brief window of time. The output of the pulsed domino circuit is connected to a chain of series-connected skewed static logic gates, each having the channel sizes of its pull-up and pull-down transistors ratioed to a produce, from gate-to-gate in the static logic chain, alternating fast high-to-low and low-to-high transitions for the information carrying leading edge of said input data signals. The use of a pulsed domino first stage driving a chain of skewed logic static gates reduces power consumption but retains the speed of conventional domino logic circuits.
A low power memory bit line precharge scheme. A memory bit line is coupled to a first read precharge device. A second write precharge device is also coupled to the memory bit line and is to be enabled only in response to a memory write operation. The first read and second write precharge devices are sized such that their combined drive strength is sufficient to precharge the first memory bit line during a precharge period following a write operation.
A circuit includes first and second pull-up transistors having first and second drains, respectively, each coupled to separate voltage clamps. The gates of each of the two pull-up transistors are coupled to a clock signal line. The circuit further includes a shared pull-down transistor, the gate of which is coupled to the clock signal line. The drain of the shared pull-down transistor is coupled to the first drain via at least one pull-down transistor in series with the shared pull-down transistor. The drain of the shared pull-down transistor is also coupled to the second drain via at least one pull-down transistor in series with the shared pull-down transistor. This circuit may be found useful in multiplexing applications.
A technique for reducing soft errors in a dynamic circuit. For one embodiment, a dynamic circuit includes a dynamic logic gate having an output node at which a logical output value of the logic gate is detected. A keeper circuit coupled to the output node is configured to harden the dynamic circuit by increasing the critical charge at the output node.
A technique for reducing soft errors in a dynamic circuit. For one embodiment, a dynamic circuit includes a dynamic logic gate having an output node at which a logical output value of the logic gate is detected. A keeper circuit coupled to the output node is configured to harden the dynamic circuit by increasing the critical charge at the output node.
A spatial multiplexing wireless transmission system is formed by a base station, and by a plurality of terminal stations that are provided with a plurality of antennas. The base station is provided with an information signal generating portion, a control signal generating portion, a transmission frame generating portion, a multiple beamforming portion, a transmission/reception switching portion, a reception signal processing portion, a propagation environment estimating portion, and an antenna information generating portion. At least one of the terminal stations is provided with a transmission/reception switching portion, a reception signal processing portion, a decoding portion, an antenna information extracting portion, an antenna information generating portion, an transmitting portion, a battery, a remaining battery detecting portion, a transmission request extracting portion, and a propagation environment estimating portion.
A spatial multiplexing wireless transmission system is formed by a base station, and by a plurality of terminal stations that are provided with a plurality of antennas. The base station is provided with an information signal generating portion, a control signal generating portion, a transmission frame generating portion, a multiple beamforming portion, a transmission/reception switching portion, a reception signal processing portion, a propagation environment estimating portion, and an antenna information generating portion. At least one of the terminal stations is provided with a transmission/reception switching portion, a reception signal processing portion, a decoding portion, an antenna information extracting portion, an antenna information generating portion, an transmitting portion, a battery, a remaining battery detecting portion, a transmission request extracting portion, and a propagation environment estimating portion.