Switching between communication ports of a notebook is typically accomplished using an off-chip local area network (LAN) switch or an off-chip high speed analog multiplexer. This off-chip component is disadvantageous for several reasons, including: added cost of an additional component; increased overall power consumption because transmit amplitude loss; and reduced cable reach and link performance due to hybrid mismatch and signal distortions. To reduce cost and preserve electrical and networking performance, an integrated switch is provided to multiplex signals of a networking communication chip to multiple network paths.
Switching between communication ports of a notebook is typically accomplished using an off-chip local area network (LAN) switch or an off-chip high speed analog multiplexer. This off-chip component is disadvantageous for several reasons, including: added cost of an additional component; increased overall power consumption because transmit amplitude loss; and reduced cable reach and link performance due to hybrid mismatch and signal distortions. To reduce cost and preserve electrical and networking performance, an integrated switch is provided to multiplex signals of a networking communication chip to multiple network paths.
The present invention is directed to methods and systems for scaling receive protocol processing by allowing the network load from a network adapter to be balanced across multiple CPUs based on RSS and/or QoS traffic classification techniques.
The present invention is directed to methods and systems for scaling receive protocol processing by allowing the network load from a network adapter to be balanced across multiple CPUs based on RSS and/or QoS traffic classification techniques.
In Gigabit Ethernet Systems, the Trusted Platform Module (TPM) is designed to provide trust and security to a platform through integrity measurement, protected storage, and other cryptographic functions. The present invention relates to a TPM-LAN chip with separate TPM and LAN power management. The TPM-LAN chip is designed such a way that power is reduced significantly in different power management modes compared to the legacy devices. This is accomplished by turning off certain clocks during certain operating modes.
In Gigibit Ethernet Systems, the Trusted Platform Module (TPM) is designed to provide trust and security to a platform through integrity measurement, protected storage, and other cryptographic functions. The present invention relates to a TPM-LAN chip with separate TPM and LAN power management. The TPM-LAN chip is designed such a way that power is reduced significantly in different power management modes compared to the legacy devices. This is accomplished by turning off certain clocks during certain operating modes.
Parylene-coated, ultra ruggedized ball grid array electronic components include a substrate with electronic components attached to one surface, and solder balls attached to a second substrate surface through openings formed in the parylene coating.
A communication network and an associated network manager server according to the invention includes one or more instances of a first object type and one or more instances of a second object type. The first object type is associated with a first product of the communication network such as a PBX and the second object type is associated with a second product of the network such as a phone mail product. The network includes a first local module for configuring each instance of the first object type and a second local module for configuring each instance of the second object type. A network management server of the network includes a product specific coordinator. The product specific coordinator includes means for coordinating configuration activities among each instance of the first object type via the first local module and means for coordinating configuration activities among each instance of the second object type via the second local module. The network further includes a network coordinator adapted for configuring each instance of a network object, such as a person object that includes a PBX component and a phone mail component. The network object includes a first component associated with the first object type and a second component associated with the second object type. The communication network further includes a network management client that includes a graphical user interface adapted for enabling a user to invoke the network management server.
A user of a two-axis input device has the capability to automatically construct a vertical or horizontal line. The input device has a mechanical means that the user can implement to inhibit inputs submitted from either the X-axis or the Y-axis to the computer. As a result, the computer only receives inputs from the axis in the direction for which the user desires to draw the straight line.
A pin heat sink has a plurality of pins arranged on a base plate. The plurality of pins includes a first plurality of pins arranged to create one or more funnels of air flow directed to one or more hot spots created by electronic or other heat generating devices located beneath the base plate. A set of pins is located above each hot spot. In addition, a plurality of guard pins is located to the exterior of the remainder of the pins and is spaced at closer intervals than the remainder of the pins to limit leakage of air flow outside of the heat sink.